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Return in Red

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Return in Red

Certain electromagnetic frequencies can cause mental disruption in human beings... and now someone has decided to put that to the test on the people of a small town. Used as guinea pigs, the citizens find their lives turned upside down in a terrifying nightmare that will haunt your mind long after the chilling climax.

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Release : 2007
Rating : 3.4
Studio :
Crew : Key Grip,  Special Effects Makeup Artist, 
Cast :
Genre : Horror

Cast List



To me, this movie is perfection.


Redundant and unnecessary.


The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.


This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama


A creepy van hangs around an isolated community pointing a radar dish out at them to send them mad. I liked the premise but for the first 60 minutes nothing more exciting happens than an elderly gentleman having his television aerial adjusted. In the meantime people trudge back and forth from a factory lit like something from a Dickens novel.I was disappointed because at first this movie looks like it's going to be pretty good but you're waiting and waiting for something to happen but it doesn't until the last ten minutes. The end does however feature a hilariously bad effect involving a forklift and what looks like a blow-up doll that may raise a chuckle. I was also amused by the newspaper headline which read "some people found dead in local factory". That's another scoop for the daily unspecific.This could have been a great movie but the preoccupation with dimly lit factories, bankrupt coffee shops and shift patterns didn't do it for me.


I honestly can't think of anything more boring than this movie. Literally. Nothing comes to mind. I can't stress this enough.It's supposed to be a horror movie. But nothing happens. There's an ominous van that goes around with a radar dish poking out of it, shooting rays at people. One woman gets blasted with them, and proceeds to... sleep in all day. Then, once fifty five minutes of the movie have passed and nothing aside from the boring, boring life of a small town was shown, the woman beings to bang her head against the wall. Color me terrified.Choice bits of dialogue:"Did you take half of my super sandwich?" "What sandwich?""So you're saying a strange humming knocked out your TV? What did it sound like?" "Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!"


While the general theme of secret experiments conducted on the public may seem appealing to some viewers, "Return in Red" hardly seems to do the idea any credit.I am not going to argue that the acting or cinematography was sub-par; you don't really need name actors or a million dollar budget do create a great film. However, one thing is essential is a plot that is logical, reasonable and understandable.There were a few good aspects of the film. The dreariness of the film's visual style blended nicely with the constant sound of the wind in exterior scenes; together, they nicely enhance the feeling of isolation leading to helplessness. However, a film must be about more than setting.Good films have dialogue; even the old silent films still had character interactions and a plot that you could follow. Sadly, this film often neglected both. Too many scenes had little more than people quietly walking around. There is little about the relationships between people that seem hard pressed to display anything more than wooden sullenness.Even the supposed theme of government experiments is highly questionable. You never see anything of the experimenters except for a van, some piece of electrical hardware, and a black-clothed gloved arm that grabs people. You never see or hear anything about motivation, except for someone calling-in to a radio talk show at the film's end with a claim about government experiments. While it might be what happened, there is nothing here that justifies that.There are too many unexplained events as well. One character has a dream that foreshadows events, but is never explained. Is she supposed to be psychic or was it some amazing coincidence? The two people at the end supposed to be immune to the experiment's effects? Nothing is explained.Given the lack of information, the lack of character dialogue, and the lack of reasonable explanations of motives, I'd have to say that this film generally also lacks any value.

Zor Prime

...Whichever you believe it is, the light radiating from my TV while watching this movie was extremely SSSSLLLLLLOOOOOOOOW moving! ...Or maybe it was just the movie itself... Though it was not a terrible movie.I had time to go and browse Websites to review what I remember about the electromagnetic spectrum trying to guess which wavelengths were being used in this story. And while I did that and checked e-mail, I didn't feel that I had missed anything at all in the film. There were probably about 14 minutes of critical scenes and the rest is pretty much build-up, so feel free to catch up on bills or do your taxes throughout this one.For some reason, I enjoyed the acting of some of the characters. The two younger male leads seemed to be very genuine, and I don't think the factory foreman even knew he was in a movie and may have been operating a real machine shop the whole time. In fact, there was a very real feeling to the representation of an entire small community revolving around the work life at a single large industrial/factory work type employer. Maybe this is why whoever perpetrated this experiment chose this town--other than whatever the factory produced, no one in America would miss anyone or anything in this town if it disappeared one day.Many parts of this film reminded me of the almost farcical, terrible attempt at bat zombie-ism "The Roost". In fact, they could have been filmed on the same location. Though in contrast to the truly terrible "The Roost", this film had a lot better cinematic, and pseudo-scientific value. Probably the scariest element of the film overall was the relationship between the young child (who even though the weather was cold, did not seem to go to school) and his single mother *shudder*.Overall, I think they could have ramped up the zombie-factor of the film. Though there isn't really any analog to traditional zombie genre concepts, this movie could have gone that way. I mean, everybody loves a good zombie film, right? I don't think I'd want to ever watch it again, but some of the actors (or maybe it was just the characters) were nice enough that it wouldn't be terrible (or unbelievable) meeting them in Rural Indiana. If anything, this film might urge you to evaluate your life, and the value and meaning of life itself--because it's obviously NOT meant for us to work 1st, 2nd, and 3rd shifts day in and day out with NO hope of a better waking life.

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