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Southern Gothic

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Southern Gothic

Hazel Fortune works in a strip club in the small Southern town of Redemption. Haunted by the death of his only daughter, Fortune has become a self-destructive, suicidal alcoholic, until he meets Starla Motes. Hazel's downward spiral is interrupted when is befriended by Starlas daughter, Hope. But when Hope is kidnapped by Enoch Pitt, a ruthless, psychotic preacher on a bloody crusade, Hazel must make the decision to rejoin the living and risk life and limb to save her from a terrible end.

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Release : 2007
Rating : 4.2
Studio :
Crew : Stunt Coordinator,  Director, 
Cast : William Forsythe Dani Englander Brett Gentile
Genre : Fantasy Horror Mystery

Cast List



Just perfect...


If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.

Arianna Moses

Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.


One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.


A disgraced nightclub bouncer faces off against a psychotic zealot vampire preacher. Quite a crazed concept ripe for hyperactive exploitation thrills, and yet Southern Gothic plays it pretty low key and laconic, for the most part anyway. Moody where other films would have been brash, it's a nice atmosphere piece with gore galore and a gonzo central performance from William Forsythe as Enoch Pitt, a man of the lord who has strayed from the path. Bitten by a vampire, the already sleazy Pitt turns into a full on monster, tearing up the small Deep South town of Redemption and building an army of the undead. Hazel Fortune (Yul Vasquez) is traumatized and broken by the death of his young daughter, until he meets young Hope (Emily Catherine Young), who crosses Pitt's vision and finds herself in mortal danger. This puts the two men on a vengeful collision course of blood, retribution and carnage. Ok, so I've made it sound a little more epic than it actually is, but that's more or less how it goes down. Energetic it ain't, more of a slow burn than anything else. Firmly rooted in B-movie territory in terms of both budget and script, but entertaining and distinctly flavoured nonetheless. Vasquez is moody and four, but dangerous when he needs to be. Forsythe, as usual, is the acting equivalent to a junkyard bulldog let off the chain, chewing scenery faster than he can munch carotid arteries, and loving every campy, frightening minute of it. Not the cream of the horror crop per sé, but reasonable enough Saturday night horror background noise fodder.


Little, small-budgeted vampire tale has William Forsythe as a preacher hunting vampires who, once bitten by a bloodsucker in the act of killing her, becomes even more ferocious and blood thirsty than those he was hunting. Yul Vazquez is Hazel Fortune, an eventual adversary of Forsythe who has been building a flock that could be dangerous if he isn't stopped. Nicole DuPort and her daughter become girls Vazquez will need to protect as Forsythe's flock becomes a major threat in the city they live.Although listed as "Southern Gothic", this carries more of an urban flavor. Forsythe is a worthy candidate for a vampire leader as he has the nasty streak in him to pull it off. The film spends a lot of time with him biting the hell out of people. One member of flock, a human member, just approaches him to converse and is bitten just for the hell of it, it seems. A nasty shotgun blast to the head ends the film rather anti-climatically. It has fangs, but the story is toothless. Very morose in mood and the tone is always a somber drag. Not particularly exciting; nothing about this makes it distinguishable in the vampire subgenre of horror.


DVR'd this one on a whim and was pleasantly surprised that it was intelligent, competent and watchable. But ultimately, this raised my expectations to a point where I was somewhat disappointed.The performances here are strong, if a bit dour. William Forsythe always throws himself into characters and does so here. I thought the character could have been given more to do, but Forsythe provides a compelling performance. Yul Vazquez was also solid in the lead role; I would have liked to have seen these characters written with a bit more fun and humor - a joke here or there - but it's better than the "twilight" and similar dreck coming out. I thought the direction was competent, other than the inability to find a richer, more charismatic tone. The story works on the surface, but the plot meanders and we really don't get very far practically speaking. For example, an interesting vampire character is introduced, disappears, then reappears at the end, to no point.Good cable flick to watch, particularly for folks who are not "purests".


Trying to get his life back in order, a suicidal bouncer tries to protect the stripper at his club that has become the target of a religious zealot who has become a vampire threatening to unleash Armageddon on mankind through his newfound condition.This could've been a potentially enjoyable and rousing vampire effort is instead a classic wasted opportunity. The main thing on display here is the fact that the religious zealot of a main character is one of the weakest main villains here who is thoroughly unconvincing in the role. Among the bigger issues with that is how he seems intent to mope about the shadows and yammer on in a series of clichéd Biblical quotations and verses concerning the downfall of man or being with his congregation than actually doing anything, and overall there's little here beyond being a vampire to really get anything out of him as a villain. Likewise, his status as a back-woods preacher that barely holds fifty- people in his congregation makes his posturing and world-domination plans way too comical, aided in no small part by his ineffectual human help and lack of vampiric back-up. That also brings up another big issue here in the disjointed plot which is rather chaotic throughout here with the real lack of vampiric activities overall, since there's very few scenes of confrontations between the hunter and his query as the film substitutes this lack of hunting them down for endless scenes of him trying to cope with his life or integrating himself into their family, which are nicely handled for once but lack any action. These scenes hold off the vampire activity so much that there's only a few fleeting moments of action in the whole second half which really slows it down considerably after the great opening right before the finale. These are compounded by the film's good points which signal this could've been something enjoyable, as there's an endless series of great action scenes from the rather intriguing plot that sets itself up quite nicely with the hotel ambush and his initial transformation sequence, the action in the bar and bringing along the quick attacks on the patrons which are rather enjoyable. The finale as well comes off even better with the abduction, a series of fine brawls and the shootouts along the big church confrontation all coming along with having enough vampire violence and great gore to go along with those potentially enjoyable elements. There's enough to see where this could've been great, but instead is a giant wasted opportunity.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity and children-in- jeopardy.

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