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The Witch's Sabbath

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The Witch's Sabbath

A murderous coven of witches open a sexy strip club to lure in unsuspecting sacrifice victims in this erotic tale of terror from genre specialist Jeff Leroy. As Halloween draws near, a coven of witches must claim the heads of 666 victims in order to usher in the arrival of the Dark Lord and maintain their evil power. With only days to go before their deadline arrives, the satanic sirens open the "Sin and Skin" gentlemen's club in hopes of reaching their goal and achieving ultimate power. As the clueless victims are lured to the witches' lavish mansion and offered one final meal, their dark goal comes ever closer to being fully realized. On this night, though, the evil coven has underestimated the determination of their dinner guest to see another sunrise, and before the night is over these witches are in for one hell of a deadly surprise

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Release : 2005
Rating : 3.1
Studio : Brain Damage Films, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Key Grip, 
Cast : Christine Cowden Gregor Collins Randal Malone Jed Rowen Lisa Sparxxx
Genre : Horror

Cast List



Don't listen to the negative reviews


Best movie of this year hands down!


Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

Bumpy Chip

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.


Witch's Sabbath is about a Witch's Coven which needs to sacrifice 666 people for their souls by beheading them, while their hearts are still beating, before the arrival of their Dark Lord. The witch's double as strippers and run a strip club where they hand pick their victims and invite them back to their home for dinner parties. This Horror film has obviously been made on a low budget and this is reflected in some of the cheaper looking effects. However, there are some great severed head scenes and Syn Devil's facial deterioration towards the end of the film is impressive. The cast try very hard to inject fear and reality into their performances but therefore become much more entertaining than I'm sure they ever thought they could be. The mandatory exposing of breasts becomes OTT as there is no sex of any description at any point in the film although there is lots - and lots - of Pole dancing to compensate. I enjoyed this film as I found lots of moments within it (which I'm certain are not meant to be)absolutely hilarious, such as the physical appearance of the long awaited Dark Lord. This gave the film another dimension and actually made it more watchable!! Syn Devil's incredibly bad boob job (which is visible throughout the film)and the witch who never speaks but is always rubbing her breasts make for some very entertaining scenes. If you want to watch a horror movie which has lots of gore, naked breasts and is inadvertently very, very funny then this is for you.

Paul Andrews

The Witches' Sabbath (not The Witch's Sabbath as the IMDb would have you believe) is set in Los Angeles just before Halloween, a group of four evil witches lead by Auriana (Syn DeVil) need to sacrifice lots of human souls for reasons never really explained that well. They run a strip club called Skin 'N' Sin where they pick up various victims who are easily enticed by a bit of naked flesh, four friends Eliza (Christine Cowden), Seth (Eli James), Damian (Eric Coffin) & Amber (Rikki Dale) are lured back to the witches lair to become the final victims they need to complete the offerings...Directed by Jeff Leroy one has to say that The Witches' Sabbath is crap on just about every front. The script by Jeremiah Campbell is an absolute mess, has terrible narrative, awful character, a basic plot which isn't even explained properly & plenty of plot holes. For instance what sort of connection did Eliza have with that witch? What was the pointless flashback with the baby all about? Hell, who's baby was it in the first place? Why did the witches need to sacrifice people? What was that monster thing at the end? Why did it kill all the witches? Nothing makes any sense, the story is awful & it's a total mess from start to finish. The Witches' Sabbath is one of those films which while watching it you simply can't believe what your seeing, it's awful in just about every respect & even as a basic story about witches it's a mess.Director Leroy films this on what looks like a camcorder & it has a horrible video look about it. The climax is shot & edited so badly that character's just randomly disappear without us ever knowing what happened to them & then there's this forcefield thing which is so badly conceived & shot that it's hard to understand what's going on. The CGI computer effects are poor with some terrible lightening effects although one has to say the special make-up effects are actually reasonable with several decent looking severed heads. The gore isn't great, there are some decapitated heads, an arm is ripped off & someone has their eyes poked out. There's a lame S & M theme running through The Witches' Sabbath, the witches are all good looking young girls who work out of a dungeon in their basement while Auriana dresses in leather outfits complete with thigh high boots & is referred to mistress although that's where it ends as there isn't actually any S & M in it. There's a fair amount of nudity as well but no sex & it takes more than a few bare breasts to make a good film.Technically the film is a mess apart from one or two good decapitated heads, it looks like it was filmed on a camcorder, the editing is awful & it's a chore to sit through. The acting is poor although the girls are pretty good looking which helps.The Witches' Sabbath is terrible & as a film you can actually sit down & enjoy it's a none starter. There's some blood, some babes & some breasts but to be honest & you can call me picky if you want but I'm looking for more than that.


For anyone wondering about this film, I've decided to make a checklist, so here goes:Do you like cheap looking B movie sets? (in a fun, cheesy way of course).Do you like 'Black Magic' symbolism?Do you like rock music?Do you like gushing blood? (in a movie, obviously!)Do you like severed heads/limbs? (see above!)Do you like big breasted (mostly tattooed) strippers/pole dancers? (but obviously don't care about their acting ability, or to be more accurate, distinct lack of it)Do you think Ron Jeremy acting as a religious bible salesman is a funny idea?If you answered 'yes' to all of the above questions, then welcome to your new favourite movie! If you answered 'no' to them all then you'd best pass on this one. Anything in between, give it a go; it's good, harmless fun!


This has got to be the worst movie ever produced, bar none. The film's colors are garish as a cheap beach-party 1960s 3-D cartoon and the filmwork appears to be that of a 13-year-old filming his older brother's best buds. The script itself could have been written by someone even younger, with lots of artificial profanity (wish this forum would allow me to script a line of it just to show how fake and cheesy the neopornographic dialogue is) and talk about girls who are 'hot'. About 65 percent of this film is devoted to artificial teats and pornography. Blood flows like cherry cool-aid throughout, and the excessive gore/blood is not terribly done, but no better than a C- or D+. Satan does make a cameo appearance late in the film and he looks like the cool-aid monster puppet re-done for a funhouse/spookhouse.The only thing that can be said about a plot is, a coven of four witches must have a quota of 666 souls (decapitation murders) by Halloween (though all the action appears to be early summer) night in order to exist in the world one more year. So, to complete their task, they invite four high school/college students (who hang out at the witches' stripper club) to their halloween party in order to drug and murder them. The Witches' house. which is supposed to be a hundred-year-old mannor, is really just a well-decorated modern suburban condo with lots of angel statues and semi-elegant chandeliers. (One poster in this forum described a scene where one of the characters drove a car over a cliff, and another character crapped in his pants at the opera. These scenes are not in the movie or referred to. The plot's only what I described above, and all the action takes place in the afore-mentioned witches condo, the strip-club, or the bedroom of one of the main characters, filmed with a cheap camera)This film could have been made by a thirteen year old with a home movie camera and a big budget for cherry cool-aid and cherry syrup (for blood) and porno-star clothing. The only good things I can say about it is, most of the actors/actresses were reasonably attractive and I wondered why such normal- to above-average looking young adults would stoop to such a sucky movie (getting to keep the artificial teats, porno clothes and plastic halloween weaponry may have been part of the deal). The sound track was fairly decent to very good if you like, say, Black Sabbath and AC/DC. But these do not justify the awfulness and lack of talent you'll expose yourself to if you watch this. The best thing about this movie was there was a character named "Craven Moorehead" which was sorta a chuckle, but now that I told you, there's nothing else of value worth knowing.Go rent Scooby Doo meets Bambi, Goldilocks vs. Broom Hilda,, or a cheesy porn flick instead.

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