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Silent Bloodnight

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Silent Bloodnight

Two teenagers raped a mentally retarded girl, and in turn were killed by her vengeful family. A young TV reporter Sabrina Meyers is a witness of this crime....

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Release : 2006
Rating : 2.8
Studio : Brain Damage Films, 
Crew : Special Effects,  Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Horror

Cast List



I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

Tyreece Hulme

One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.


Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.


Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.

Neil Welch

I have a feeling that this film was made with some European Union dosh. There is something about the EU on the end credits, but I wasn't concentrating too carefully at that point.But this film is worth catching if only for the truly bizarre experience of a group of native-German speakers declaiming the entire film in heavily-accented English which appears to have been learnt phonetically, so devoid is the delivery of any connection with the meaning of what's being said.One star because that's the lowest allowed, plus another for sheer unintentional hilarity, and a third for boobage.


I caught the end of this on the Horror Zone, and it has to go down as one of the worst partial films I've ever seen.Just because Arnold is Governor doesn't give the Austrians to produce garbage like this. As crimes go, it might lag behind genocide and keeping your daughter in a dungeon for years as you ritually abuse her, but it doesn't lag far.The script is rubbish. The actors can't speak English. The plot is nonsense. It looks like it was filmed by a horse, and edited with a potato masher. You might laugh for a minute or two, but even a cocktail of powerful psychoactive drugs wouldn't allow you to make it to the end. Which is the worst part of the movie.This movie made me want to kill myself. But not until I had killed the two inbred degenerates who thought it would be a good idea to subject the world to such complete and utter drivel.

Matt Wyatt

This Film is absolute rubbish! Worthless acting, worthless script, worthless (zero) plot, worthless direction, worthless lighting.Utter garbage. I'm a big, big fan of horror but this takes the pi**.I can now see why nobody has commented on this before. Thought I should add a warning as it has just started showing on Zone Horror in the UK and people may be fooled into watching it! How it has good an average 3.1 is beyond me!I never watched it all the way to end so unless an ending occurred to rival that of the first Saw Movie then this gets a zero from me (I only wish we could vote zero on here!).Matt (

Paul Andrews

Silent Bloodnight is set in Austria & starts late one night as local TV reporter Sabrina Meyers (Vanessa Vee) is having sex with her boyfriend Matt, a terrified girl named Nina bangs on the window seeking help but due to the level of the radio Sabrina & Matt seem not to hear her & she runs off. Then about five minutes later Sabrina ask's Matt if he heard the girl at their car window (!) to which he says she is imagining things. The next morning & Sabrina is determined to prove what happened the night before & she suspects that the girl has been murdered. However not everyone feels the same way & try to dissuade her from spreading such unsubstantiated rumours. As various dead bodies start to turn up Sabrina's claims of a murderer on the loose suddenly seem rather mare plausible...This Autrian production was written, produced & directed by Stefan Peczelt & Elmar Weihsmann & has the distinction of being the only Autrian made horror film I have seen, to be brutally honest if you want to know why more horror films aren't made in Austria then Silent Bloodnight will answer most of your questions. The script is horrible, the basic story is predictable & your basic teen slasher film. The narrative is awful, the first fifteen minutes are a mess & I find the way Sabrina suddenly ask's Matt about 'the scared girl at their window' five minutes after she left bizarre! Then there's the discrepancies, the place where this is set is called a town, a village & a city at various points during the film while the name of it changes at random to between Forester, Foresterville & Dry Creek! Now while I cannot describe Silent Bloodnight as a good film in any way shape or form I did find is somewhat entertaining at times for all the wrong reasons. I must admit I did like the main character Sabrina, again though not for the right reasons. I mean not because her character is well written or directed or acted but just the opposite in that the character is poorly written with horrible lines of English dialogue written by someone whose first language definitely isn't English, none direction which leaves the poor actress Vanessa Vee literally looking around & feeling very self conscious & the fact she is obviously Austrian, has a very thick accent, English obviously isn't her first language which means she says some truly unbelievable lines of broken badly written & delivered English which is often unintentionally hilarious. In fact that's where most of the entertainment value in Silent Bloodnight comes from, the script & story is deadly serious but the broken horrible English, the thick Austrian accents & some bizarre direction make it a car crash of a film, you know you shouldn't look but in a ghoulish way you can't help it.I just can't understand the decision to make Silent Bloodnight in English by a cast & crew who obviously weren't comfortable with the language, it really does lead to some bizarre & hilarious dialogue that has to be heard to be believed. The film looks really cheap as well, during the night scenes there are occasions when you literally can't see a thing, hell I would hate to have to watch this on a fuzzy low resolution VHS! During an early scene when Nina runs down a path at night the light source which was probably a lamp actually follows her illuminating the immediate area & it just looks odd. Also during many scenes you can hear lots of unwanted ambient noise like the camera mans footsteps, things banging against the side of the camera &/or microphone & other various noises & sounds. Then there's the killer, he is revealed within the first five minutes so there's no mystery. I'm not happy about his choice of weaponry either, I mean there are slasher film killers who use weapons like chainsaws, meat cleavers, axes, knives & machetes but here in Silent Bloodnight the killer uses a garden spade! Wow, very threatening I must say & in one scene he uses a jar of wasps to sting someone to death! There's one or two decent gore scenes including a few decapitations to save money, I mean the makers can just dress the headless body prop in different clothes to denote different victims. This is an incredible film, it's just a disaster but it's a fun entertaining disaster that I thought ended up being quite charming in a daft sort of way.With a supposed budget of about 350,000 Euros this is pretty amateurishly made with low production values, according to the end credits this was shot in Austria during July 2005. The acting is mostly poor but I liked Vanessa Vee as Sabrina who always seems to present the news in a bikini! In fact the wardrobe budget for her character was probably pretty small since she hardly wears any. I also thought she was really cute looking, a real hottie & I loved the scene when she saw a van she recognised & ran back to her little hatchback car where I was expecting her to speed off in pursuit of it but in fact she slowly reverses & slowly pulls away like a little girl!Silent Bloodnight is a really bizarre oddball film the likes of which I don't think I've seen before. I loved Sabrina/Vanessa Vee, she was so cute, was given lots of broken English dialogue & yet she couldn't even speak English properly & is rather likable but I suspect that wouldn't be enough for most viewers. I'll give the story, the production values & the film a lowly one star & I'll give the odd decent gore scene & the delightful Sabrina/Vanessa Vee an extra three to take my rating to a somewhat generous four stars out of ten. Definitely an acquired taste.

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