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The Letters of Death

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The Letters of Death

When old friends from school start dying one by one, Sayree and Nataya begin to search for the secret of the letter that each of their friends received before death. Soon the two believe they are the next targets.

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Release : 2006
Rating : 5.6
Studio : A.G. Entertainment,  The Shock 13, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Director of Photography, 
Cast :
Genre : Horror

Cast List



Slow pace in the most part of the movie.

Ariella Broughton

It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.


Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.

Haven Kaycee

It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film

Symeon Chiam

Twenty-nine people shared a common thing in this horror trail – they were all classmates to an isolated student – Chotitham (nicked as Wan) in which his name was never known to all except the main actor, but he's forgotten anyways. He should have wished he knew if he were to understand the significance of it linking to the puzzle.In the earlier introduction of this movie, the viewers are introduced to the main actor – Sayree who befriends Wan when they were classmates in their old primary school. He teams up with Nataya, in this mind-boggling yet puzzling movie. Drawn back to time, each of the actors remaining memories entail us to a fragmented story on how Wan was introduced to the class as a new student. He was round, disheveled, messy, geeky-like with a thick specs and no one really liked him initially, especially he being a smart and hardworking student and shaming the rest of his classmates, and furthermore bearing more weight on them as the teacher soon came to like Wan more. Each of his classmates were unperturbed about his presence and shared in the act of making his life miserable through the teasing initially, followed by bullying and later on, even attempting to take his life. In the genesis of it all, Sayree was the only student in the class who helped Wan in all his hardships, taking most of his time off by befriending him and showing him that someone really cared by helping him to get up whenever he was ganged up and beaten. In the following events before Wan disappeared from his classmates lives for good, he was tripped off the stairs while being chased by a few of his classmates. Having suffered severe injuries to his face and legs, he was never seen again from then on and the perpetrator of the cause was not revealed until towards the very end of the movie, though each and everyone one of them played a small role in that indescribable act.More than a decade later, in each of the scenario, the same classmates each received a mysterious letter with an incomplete hangman cartoon followed by a puzzle that they have to fill it up and upon completion (in which no one was even successful), was required to send the letter to another 29 random individuals, in which death will escape the successful person in decoding the puzzle. Death would then be passed on to the new receivers of the letter. It never ends! Failing which and the receiver of the letter will find death creeping in his door amidst seeing Wan's spirit before he draws his last breath. Its ugly! But then again, one would wish that their death would be so seemingly mind-letting. Yeap, it's after all a chain-letter movie, not the one we would have believed that it would actually turn out being more than just a fantasy to get people off by sending and spamming over the internet. This movie takes it to a new level.Having already recorded a strikingly 21 mysterious death at the juncture of the start of the film which occurred from time to time; most of which were jumping off buildings, hanging themselves off the ceiling, getting pierced, stabbed, or work accidents and car accidents; the remaining few were drawn into conclusions about the letter that they each received over time. Their suspicions grew as much as their anger and patience. Further research into the sudden appearance of the letters revealed that the deaths would occur from the order of the name-list in their yearbook. The amount of the drawings such as how we would play hangman over the guessing of the words, would appear by itself. Hence, of course, each of the victim would be given a certain amount of time to undone the terrifying puzzle before death finds them. But the question remains, how many more will suffer such perilous and mystical death as a sacrificial source and fuel to buy time for Sayree and Nataya to figure out the major fuss about the puzzle AND once they've sorted the puzzle out, would they then send these letters out to many more innocent souls?Fascinating continuance of the story-line with proper flashbacks at proper timing to reveal the bits and pieces of the missing puzzles. Each of the viewers will get proper cues towards the plot of the story. Amazing amplification of the scary parts, not only by the typical sound and visual effects, nor the commonly routine things we do without contemplation, but it's just more than that. The film did not fail to show how messed up Wan was after his meager life was spent in spits and more inferiority complexes. How his life was changed for the worst and how avengeful he gets from the intrusive thoughts that he puts the blame on all of his classmates. Wanting them to die in the most sadistic manner, he puts all of his anguish, sufferings and evil desires into the letter before hanging himself. It would have assumed that his spirit dwells within the little note. Be careful while you watch, lest it catches you off-guard at the least expected time, won't wanna jump off your seats now would you? That would be embarrassing! I know I did.


i entered this movie not expecting anything unusual, and that really what it was. not to mistake the word unusual with boring..the movie was highly entertaining.. story of the movie is a mix of final destination,the ring,shutter... mix these 3 movies and you get about 99% of the movie..but still it gets its own plot and death scenes,where the story itself does not become the most important.. camera work is super and highly professional, i liked it a lot, combined with the sound effects it creates a correct atmosphere that really fits the movie.. there are some very nice ideas/work on the death scenes in this movie,original, shocking and gory the main disadvantage is the main actor who plays sayree!! if the director had choose any other actor that would give this movie a higher rate,senseless acting,no expression and dull performing, thanks god that was the main actor only, the movie involves about 10 other players in which they played their rules very nice..a good movie to attend, not to compared with shutter,but still a good movie experience.

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