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Watch Marronnier For Free


Marino is your average young Japanese lady. She likes hanging out with her friends, brushing her teeth and doting over her Marronnier doll. The doll, however, has been created by an evil genius that kidnaps women, uses a machine to turn them into wax and sculpts the wax into dolls in the deceased's likeness. But it doesn't end there. The mad doll-maker's assistant, Numai, is even freakier. He stalks Marino, kidnaps her (and her friends), fails to seduce her, gets rebuffed, laughs like a maniac and tries to melt them into wax! But that's before his other doll 'creations' come to life and attack him…

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Release : 2004
Rating : 3.7
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Novel, 
Cast :
Genre : Horror Thriller

Cast List



Don't Believe the Hype


A Major Disappointment


When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.


This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama

Michael Ledo

The film takes 35 minutes to introduce the characters and get to the meat of the film. Special pond water turns human skin to wax turning them into manikins or puppets. Marino has an interest in dolls and becomes caught up in world of killing, blood, body parts, dolls, and a wedding dress. The film was more of a confused mash than horror.Guide: No sex or swearing. Realistic doll nudity. Attempted rape.


WOW......... i can honestly say this is one of THE worst movies I've ever seen. the acting is pretty poor, the music is awful(I'm talking 80's B movie bad),and the what exactly is going on here???? the concept looks good on paper... guy kills girls, turns girls into dolls, dolls come to life. so what went wrong??? its like the writer just put down the ideas as they came to mind and didn't actually bother to arrange them into anything linear and understandable. it starts with one storyline and then BAM! you're looking at new characters and a new storyline. just as you start to think you know whats going on BAM! new storyline.... add in a few bizarre flashbacks and you are seriously starting to wonder if you haven't fallen asleep watching a few times (i actually did... took 3 tries to get through it) next throw in some bizarre puppet show scenes, some naked doll bondage and some insect eating scenes and this film is like a really bad drug trip.SPOILER ALERTIF you manage to make it to the end, you will find yourself in a world of pain. The 2 main characters duke it out with the bad guy in one of THE worst scenes yet. a woods chase leads to the main character somehow getting hit by the bad guys Axe which seems to take an eternity to actually swing, and despite losing her arm, she manages to hit him in the eye with a pick Axe she pulls from....where???? it must be a ninja Axe that stayed invisible the whole scene and then is miraculously hanging UPSIDE DOWN somewhere in her dress.... flash to some creepy doll scenes and the fight is somehow taken to a room full of wedding dresses and flashing forward to a really stupid ending.


Shot on a poor-looking video, the editing, scripting and plotting of this movie are staggeringly bad. The use of music is also atrocious, music library stuff plugged in randomly and starting and ending without any logic. There's some sped-up footage of teeth-brushing, and a conversation is also fast-forwarded through.In the opening, a woman leaves a successful date to be hit on by a stranger, then abducted by men in a van who dismember her with piano wire. A doll later on is supposedly a likeness of her, but isn't by a longshot. One of the dolls is named Marionnier (I thought this might be a person who manipulates a marionette, but no). One of the abusive guys gets strung up by rope after he attacks a woman, and attacked with huge shears and a sledgehammer. A woman turns into wax in a lake and is then sculpted into a doll.All of this may sound very good, but it is so incompetently executed, you're better off spending your time elsewhere. Go revisit Child's Play or Dolls.


OK i've seen worse, by school kids =D this is utter sh*t. one point for the sounds that somebody normalized, and used OK mics. otherwise this film is done on dvcam, with lots of hand-held shots that look like my mother was on her holiday doing a little tourist points the music sounds like shopping TV stuff... it's that bad really, and it's not even funny.i didn't watch the whole film for apparent reasons... and did a lot of fast forwarding. ha ha... i've done quite a bit of filming, and i can tell you that me, and my beer buddies could do the same easily. when that is true then the movie can't be great =D=D=D (not to dis myself, but to be honest) stay away from this crap.

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