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Feeding the Masses

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Feeding the Masses

A darkly satiric horror film that takes an acid look at the current state of the news media while a mysterious plague is bringing the dead back to life. A small group of news reporters and their military escort set out to tell the truth about what's happening in the world, despite the government's efforts to take control of the media.

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Release : 2004
Rating : 4.1
Studio :
Crew : Director, 
Cast : Billy Garberina Patrick Cohen
Genre : Horror

Cast List



Dreadfully Boring


In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

Joanna Mccarty

Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

Sameer Callahan

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.


"Feeding the Masses" is an alright if too opinionated zombie effort.**SPOILERS**During a worldwide viral infection, Torch, (Billy Garberina) Shelly, (Rachael Morris) and James, (Michael Propster) are charged to continue their regular news assignments despite the growing risk in safety. Ordered to go out with solider Roger, (Patrick Cohen) as their escort, they realize that the viral infection has turned those who into contact with it into ravenous, flesh-eating zombies, and are supposed to play along with the orders from Government Agent Barnes, (William DeCoff) who has taken over the TV station. Fed up with the government's out-right lying to the public and desperate to take the matter over on their own, they try to get out into the field and produce a report on their own telling the public of the true dangers of the zombie threat facing those still untouched by the infection.The Good News: When this one has some good points, there's some rather fun things to go around. The fact that the story here is rather strong and creative, and is a really strong plus here. The story about the zombie virus from the point-of-view of the news crew reporting on the massacre is really nice, and it makes the film feel different and unique, which is always a plus. This one here does have the really great first half about it where it focuses on that aspect and manages to make it feel really great because there is so many different areas that are fun due to this angle. When it becomes a fully fledged zombie film and decides to make some really good entertainment. There's also the last half of the film which has some of the best scenes in the film. There's a full-on zombie attack in the streets, where they're mowed down in huge numbers before taking over the defense forces, the plot comes full circle to reveal a great twist and then the finale, with the live broadcast during the mass breakout is incredible, as the zombies are seen in the background during the reporting, and once they take over the traveling bus, it becomes even greater and much more fun. It's rather nice and allows the film to end on a high note. There's some great looking zombies in here as well, which have a distorted, more damaged look than normal, but the bleeding wounds and dead hue are good enough. The last good one is the usual zombie violence and gore, which is perfectly acceptable. There's limbs ripped off or bitten into, plenty of bite wounds, gunshots blowing heads open, being swarmed and pulled open and much more in here, which is good enough to count, and these make the film good.The Bad News: This one here didn't really have much wrong, and what's wrong with it is merely a matter of taste anyway. The main problem here is that it's way too heavy on the political subplots. The entire middle section of this is purely political nonsense, with the government feeding false information and their inability to do anything about it that is actually harmful to the citizens. It's not all that much fun to have to keep watching that, and it really seems forced down the viewers' throat, which makes it even worse. The message is there, we don't need fifty different examples of it before something happens, and that's where the problem with that comes in. Having an agenda in these kinds of films is not a idea, but to beat it over the head by doing the large amount of examples that it has. It pretty much undermines just about all the good stuff and isn't that great to feature. The other flaw in here is the low-budget on display. The special effects here look very cheap, as the blood is entirely the wrong, never acts like real blood or is so blatantly obvious CGI that detracts from the scene itself, ruining most of the impact it could've had. Even some of the action, including the first attack on the city hall, is ruined by the completely unconvincing CGI explosions and gunfire that are featured in the scene. These areas are the only flaws with the film, and are perfectly for some, making them not really flaws in the truest sense.The Final Verdict: If only this one would've dropped the aggravating politically-charged stuff while keeping the other stuff, this would've been a lot better. This is still a nicely enjoyable zombie effort that is worth a lot for fans of the genre, while those who don't care for the political stuff would be well-advised to seek caution.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Nudity

D. Ryan Mowry (SB-Films)

I don't see how all of these people think that this is the worst movie ever, or worst zombie movie ever. I just don't get it. The acting was not bad, especially for a very low-budget film. The effects were OK, again low budget. Where this film shines is the writing, the satire.It's f*cking good writing. Intelligent, funny, and poking at the viewer and all of America... I think all these people who hated it just weren't smart enough to get it. If you're an intelligent zombie movie fan, go check out Feeding the Masses - available for rent at Hollywood Video. If you're NOT intelligent, if you're not interested in more than just "what's on the surface," go see DEAD LIFE or some other piece of zombie crap.


Just to-day my wife and I watched three modern zombie movies in one day. I am about to discuss one of them now.FEEDING THE MASSES has "amatuer" written all over it but that is not synonymous with "bad"; don't forget THE DEAD NEXT DOOR turned out to be a decent film which surprised a lot of people. I thought I had seen the last of the "The Government can't be trusted" subgenre when the 70's ended but I guess questioning authority will always be with us.The plot? Oh yes, the plot! Something called "The Lazarus Virus" has gotten out of hand (yes, again!) and the recent dead are returning to life as . . . let's all say it together . . . flesh eating zombies! This time though the Government is trying to put a positive spin on the whole thing by taking over the news media and telling people everything is going to be "just fine" when actually things are going to Heck in a handbasket more each day. A TV station is forced to run such obvious bullbleep as a "public service" message telling you that if zombies attack just fall to the ground and play dead! Shady corporations are still out to make a quick buck by offering to track down, re-kill and respectfully re-bury walking dead loved ones. Self empowered militias of shotgun toting rednecks are cruising the streets blasting down zombies left and right and yet another group extols people to come out and join its "End of the World" party!Into the midst of all this stands a young reporter who fancies herself the next Diane Sawyer and sees the zombie attacks as her ticket to the Big Time, provided the world does not self destruct first. With her photographer (Billy Gaberina) close by she is determined to expose the official lies and alert people to the danger they are truly in. um . . . not that it isn't bloody obvious to begin with!Zombie makeups are, well, fair. Gore effects, while plentiful, are standard. The budget was so low they could not even afford blank cartridges for the guns. Actors just shake the guns like they are spewing bullets rapid fire while gunshot sounds are dubbed in.Then again, what FEEDING THE MASSES lacks in budget it makes up for in sincerity. The filmmakers have managed to put a new spin on an old subject. We kinda like this movie. Of course we also liked Umberto Lanzi's NIGHTMARE CITY and Vincent Dawn's HELL OF THE LIVING DEAD too.


Indies, or independent filmaking, is an acquired taste. Lacking big budgets, big names, it is definitely a labor of love for the filmmakers, rather than profit-driven. As such, they are outside the mainstream society, if you will. It is precisely mainstream society in general, the news media more specifically, that is skewered. Using a zombie epidemic as a backdrop (caused by the aptly named 'Lazarus virus'), this film has a not-so-subtle take on the government and the media's responsibilities to it's citizenry. It has some genuinely funny bits, mostly tongue-in-cheek, such as how to deal with zombie attacks and more than one entrepreneur grasping the opportunity to make lemonade out of lemons. One brief scene even details the bland apathy and ignorance of today's youth. As with many indies, it's usually the acting that suffers. The exceptions are the main character, "Torch" and the newscaster. While not being magnificent, they are definitely passable. You can see that these actors are more accomplished, but are just not quite "there" yet. The story is good, and while not relying on the zombies, have a fair amount of gore. The camera work is good as well. The cinematography is better than most, not relying on a single theme, but incorporating some nice color palettes--actually reminded me a little of Argento's "Suspiria" at times. The "breather scene" was different. Normally where a long, slow sex scene is usually placed, the writer had a different take (for those in the know, the lava lamp should be your first clue).The extras on the DVD definitely gives the viewer a feel for what goes into an indie film. You can see the fun, spontaneity and resourcefulness of the players (think fire engine).All-in-all, a fun little indie film to "chomp" on.

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