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The Jackhammer Massacre

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The Jackhammer Massacre

Jack Magnus is a successful businessman who periodically does drugs with his best friend Mike. When Mike takes some bad stuff, Jack panics and leaves him to die. His guilt eventually causes him to become a full fledged, utterly pathetic junkie. After being force fed a particularly nasty brew by a vindictive supplier, Jack seems to only grow stronger, surviving the ordeal and living on to become a crazed jackhammer killer. He's now utterly paranoid, believing that everybody is out to get him, with his paranoia manifested in visions of his dead friend.

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Release : 2004
Rating : 3.3
Studio :
Crew : Director of Photography,  Special Effects Coordinator, 
Cast : Aaron Gaffey Rachel Rotten Kris Black
Genre : Horror Comedy

Cast List



What makes it different from others?


Very well executed


Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction

Teddie Blake

The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.


Walking, with my friends, through our local video rental store, we happened upon the 2-for-1 special rack. Most of these movies were old releases of good movies, but than there were some we had never heard of. Looking through the alphabetical arrangement of the movies we happened upon the J section. We had been here before, joking about all these cheesy movies, but one movie we had always mentioned was Jackhammer Massacre.We'd always joke this was the perfect movie. First of all it had jackhammers. What is more manly than a pneumatic jackhammer? Just imagining the scenes that were capable with a jack hammer. And the word after Jackhammer...? Massacre. Do I even need to explain? OK I will. This implies many people will die. Together with jackhammer means that many people will die involving a jackhammer. Can it be this simple? The answer is, abso-freaking-lutley! The grisly death scenes combined with the super special FX make for a morbid gore fest. If that doesn't make you want to rent or buy now, let me mention it has a wonderful plot. I don't want to spoil this movie so i'll give a simple explanation.Our main character, aptly named, Jack, has fallen into the world of drugs. The movie starts out with Jack, a successful man with an expensive car. His problem, drugs. Jack can't get enough. His addiction turns him in to a mindless drug fiend, hanging with lower tier of the social pyramid. Eventually he loses his job, his car is repossessed, and now he lives with his social deviants in a cheap, run-down apartment in a bad neighborhood. When his friend dies he must leave the apartment. The scenes where he is homeless are very moving. We see how he tries to live, and feed his addiction. Eventually he finds a job as a warehouse security guard. His boss lets him live there, in a little sideroom. Jack tries to quench his thirst for his addiction, but being a security guard doesn't allow enough drugs for his appetite. Unbeknowst to him, a local dealer is hiding drugs in the warehouse. When Jack comes upon the drugs he has a feast. I'll stop here because the ensuing massacre with everyone who comes into the warehouse is too good to be spoiled.In conclusion this movie shows the life of squalor addicts live with. I felt compassion, fear, and pity for Jack. This movie is not about some cheesy death scenes. It is about a man's fall from grace. A man with nowhere to go, a man who succumbs to his abuse, and becomes mentally unstable. This movie will change the light at which you look at life.Rent this movie!


From a horror stand-point...this movie was terrible. As a message on saying NO to Drugs, this movie hits the nail on the head. I remember being moved after watching Leonardo DiCaprio in "Basketball Diaries" and I can honestly say this movie did the same. It proves that nobody is out-of-reach from drugs. It started with a young man who had a very good job, was respected by his peers, nice car, lots of money and the drugs took everything away from him until the final outcome. I'm being honest saying the producers should remove all the garbage scenes involving the jack hammer, re-arrange a few things, cut some, add some and this would be an ideal movie to show in schools to teach kids drugs can totally destroy your life. I'm going to ignore some of the ridiculous garbage in this movie and from an anti-drug point of view...I'll give the movie a strong 7 !


I hope the actors in this film kept their day jobs before going into acting because they put forth the worst effort I've ever seen. The screenplay made little to no sense from the beginning to the very end. The dialogue was confusing in that most of the time what one person was saying had nothing to do with what another was saying.The director should be shot. You can blame the actors for sucking, but you can also blame the director for not doing anything about it. You can also blame the producers for not realizing that toilet paper is worth more than that script.The story begins with two strong men looking through a warehouse for Jack, who owes them money. The warehouse is filled with empty boxes and plastic wrap. The guys find Jack asleep. They hit him a few times, then inject what one can only guess is speed into his neck in an attempt to kill him. The movie would've been a lot better had he died and the ending credits rolled. Instead, he awoke, picked up a jackhammer and drilled the first's face in. In the process, accidentally showing that at least one person involved on this film knows what he's doing. And that's the props guy. The blood and gore, although unrealistically excessive and unnecessary, looks realistic. Now, don't get me wrong – the death scenes are unimaginable, and the amount of blood was impossibly copious from certain wounds. And the lack of bones raised a question mark.The death scenes are indeed questionable, and tend to be laughable. There's one where Jack takes the jackhammer to a guy's shoulder, and that kills him. How? We'll never know.After the first scene, we go back in time to sort of show how Jack got to that point. Jack's friend overdoses, and Jack flees. Then Jack loses his job and becomes a junkie, and he can't pay for his fixes. That's it. Then it goes to the first scene, and we watch that again. Then we watch Jack kill more people. The best part of the movie is the ending credits.Just so you know, almost every character takes off his or her shirt at least once in the film. Don't get too excited: there are only three girls, and one of them stays clothed, but the female nudity is within the first twenty minutes, so there's time to watch it and shut it off, which is probably your best bet if you're looking for a nipple shot.Watch for parts that don't make sense if you do in fact take the lesser chosen path, and watch the film. Notice that in a series of death scenes in the same room all take place in a curiously clean space, even though someone died brutally in the same spot not five minutes before.The ending was far from surprising, and the only part not expected was that it does not in fact end. It's around ninety minutes, but it feels like a lifetime. The ending leaves hints of a sequel, and that's the scariest part of the movie – realizing that the idiots who made this just might make another and another and turn it into a franchise.Final grade – 0.5/10


This movie was awful. But..amazing, at the same time.Okay, what the hell was that thing on his arm? It looked like a scrotum to me. And he had to like drain it and feed it? Was that why he was crazy? Or what? So confused.And his jackhammer's extension cord went on FOREVER FOREVER and FOREVER! Hell, he even chased a girl up onto the roof with it! How does that work? Oh my...he freakin' sodomized a lesbian with his jackhammer! Now, if that doesn't defy everything,I don't know what else does.Oh well.I am in love with some of things in this film though. Like in the beginning when he kills his first victim, and his face gets smashed in with the jackhammer...oh my.This movie just made me laugh hysterically.

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