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Dark Walker

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Dark Walker

Darkwalker centers around a haunted house amusement park near Fresno, Californa called Hobb's Grove (yes, it's a real place), where a group of teenagers get Halloween jobs working there. What they don't know is the land the attraction was built on has a bloody history. They soon realize they are in for more than just a Halloween job, when one by one they start dying off. soon they find a monsterous creature called, DARK WALKER, has risen to take vengence on the trespassing patrons.

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Release : 2003
Rating : 3.2
Studio : Shadow Entertainment, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Brenda Matthews Brad Potts
Genre : Horror Science Fiction

Cast List



Must See Movie...


Best movie ever!


It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.

Ava-Grace Willis

Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.


I thought for the money invested it was a great little film. The plot was clever, without being overdone, and the cinematography was really good considering the budget. The effects were well done also, without looking too cheap (remember - "B" movie). If you want a fun movie for a dark night with a loved one this will do the job. No ... it's not an Oscar contender, but it is far better than most of the big budget horror garbage H-Wood throws our way currently. I love good horror movies and this title delivers - silly, fun, dark and entertaining. I thought the acting was also better than that in several of the most recent H-Wood releases, and a big BOO' shout out to Chuckie Williams - one of the nicest guys in the industry, and not a bad actor as the Dark Walker monster himself. A job well done.


First of all I would like to praise the production value of the film. Sure it was shot on video, but it looked far superior to a lot of SOV movies I have seen in the past. The creature looked good, and most of the killings(although they were off screen, or used a blood spray)looked good. I think the characters were a little too cliché, but hey this is not Schindler's List, this is a b-movie. I'm not sure what the budget of this film was, but I'm sure it was like twenty bucks, I think they did a pretty damn good job with it. The soundtrack was good, as well as the sound effects. The DVD was not overloaded, but I liked the behind the scenes reel, and the out takes. This is for sure worth a rent.


Think the title is "Darkwalker" (one word), and was "Hobbs Grove: the Movie." It's not worth seeing under any title. Non-acting actors (but the male romantic lead and the woman who plays one of the owners aren't bad); silly demon suit (you can see the head of the guy inside through his mask); boring, nitwit script (including a training speech for the employees at the park); no sense to it anywhere (why is the demon killing people, and why only people who work at the park?); funny commentary by the producer and the director, as if they had made "The Godfather" ("we were so lucky to get this cast"; "this is a beautiful-looking film").Only reason for this review is to plug Hobbs Grove, the setting of the movie, which has the best haunted house (and the best haunted wood) I've ever been to, and I've been to a few. It looks tacky in the film, as those things always do, but seen in person it's scary and imaginative and atmospheric. Skip "HG: the Movie," but if you're in California around Halloween, check out "HG: the Cool Spook House."


DARKWALKER is an average Teen Slasher film. Unfortunately being "average" as it relates to direct-to-video Teen Slashers does not make it "average" in quality. The film is somewhat entertaining in a dull, mindless, repetitive way. Even for someone like myself, who indulges in these type of movies, and gives every break imaginable, there's not enough meat (much less sense) here to justify 90 minutes of running time.As a mindless type of film, I suppose it's good enough. It's certainly nothing extraordinary (meaning the two perfect "10" grade for this film is not to be believed), but it is not entirely bad.Fun at places, but ultimately too generic, even for a genre of films built on a foundation of being generic.4 out of 10(go to for a more detailed review of the film)

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