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Soft for Digging

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Soft for Digging

A man wanders into the woods in search of his cat and witnesses a murder

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Release : 2001
Rating : 5.6
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast :
Genre : Drama Horror Thriller

Cast List



Sadly Over-hyped


In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.

Lidia Draper

Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.


This movie was extremely boring. It should least not more than 15 minutes. The images of child and animal being killed were little bit disturbing.Usually I don't write comments but this one was so bad having so many good and excellent comments. I think in this case we are one step closer to honest assessment of this title.What more can I say? I fall asleep during this movie 3 times. It was about 4 hours after I had woken up from 8 hours long sleeping period. I think it is the point itself.There is no dialog between characters except maybe 2 sentences at the very end.When you fall asleep once watching it do not try to rewind and catch up because you will fall asleep again.


what is that??!! no offense but that's not even a horror, that's a result of a very sick mind.... i ve seen the blair witch project and the ring but not even one of these movies reminds me of this movie...well maybe just the woods, cause its similarto blair wood. i would say this movie is more socially disturbed drama with a little suspense and mystery, than a regular horror movie. .................................................................. .................................................................. ................................................................... .................................................................


This film, that received an incognito release back in 2001, isn't actually as good as it's minor cult following would suggest. That's not to say that it isn't good, however; it's refreshing to see something a little different and although the film is flawed, it does succeed for that reason. The story follows a reclusive man that lives in the woods and witnesses a murder while searching for his cat. The film doesn't have any dialogue, and is told in chapters. This makes the film different from the outset as it leaves the audience with only their own thoughts as to what's going and nothing is ever really explained. Other films, such as the worst film ever made; The Blair Witch Project, have tried similar ways of developing a plot and most have failed. This one doesn't really succeed, but it's probably the best example I've seen yet.The film is almost completely set in the woods, and there aren't many people other than our central character shown on screen. This gives the film an intense feeling of loneliness and isolation, which is always unsettling. The film also seems to have taken some influence from true cult classic 'The Evil Dead' in the way it is shot. The way that the camera moves through the woods is reminiscent of the 'Raimi-cam' that was introduced in said movie. In spite of having no dialogue, and moving relatively slowly; Soft for Digging never becomes boring and the scenes where we are allowed to brood with the main character are kept alive by what the audience thinks as we see him trying to continue with his life. The film features some very unnerving nightmare sequences, which are the movie's best moments and also come as something as a surprise in a movie of this nature. Nothing, however, can prepare you for the ending, which is as ambiguous as it is disgraceful and I almost guarantee that it will shock, repulse and surprise you.There's not really enough of this film, and what there is isn't really good enough to call it 'good' without lying. However, this is an impressive first feature from director J.T. Petty and I look forward to seeing better things from him in the future.


In these days of inane films for the masses, it's refreshing to see a tale told such as 'Soft for Digging'. Take what might come out of Hollywood, but cut the unnecessary dialog, cut the shallow score, rely on some good honest camera work and acting, and get the audience to sit back and enjoy the tale.Not to spoil this; but the story opens with a recluse, an old man, who while searching for his cat witnesses something that haunts him thereafter. The story is simple but is told well and is totally convincing.You may love it, you may hate it, but I challenge anyone to watch this for the first time and to know what might come next. Despite being a fan of horror movies for over 20 years, there are at least two places in this film that blindsided me completely and had me all but jumping out of my chair. Wonderful.Refreshing in its simplicity, though not a classic, but does what it set out to do exceptionally well.

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