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A man who is immortal can bring his wife back from the dead temporarily by killing young women. But his latest would-be victim may be a problem.

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Release : 1992
Rating : 3.6
Studio : A-Pix Entertainment, 
Crew : Production Design,  Costume Design, 
Cast : Tristan Rogers Arabella Holzbog Tyrone Power Jr. Sonia Curtis Griffin O'Neal
Genre : Horror

Cast List



Highly Overrated But Still Good


I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.


This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.

Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.


"Evil Lives aka "Soulmates" is weird to say the's a Gothic horror/comedy/romance. the movie is very humorous at times,and many people might think it is unintentional.however,i believe it actually intends to be humorous and doesn't take itself seriously at borrows from many other movies,so it's not original by any means.there are lapses in logic and what seems like bad acting.but like i said,it's all done tongue in cheek.if you listen carefully to the dialogue,you will notice this.i did not see anything resembling horror in it,but there is some suspense.there is a romance of sorts,but it's very also moves quite slowly and is boring at times.basically it's about a serial killer of sorts,but no ordinary serial killer.there is an added element which makes the movie a bit more interesting than it would otherwise be,and it's amusing at times.the acting is deliberately over the top.this is no masterpiece,but it's not awful either.i give it 5/10


Now, I've seen a lot of films, but this just blew me away. With how bad it was, of course. My dad picked it up at a value bin because on the back, it said "If you enjoyed The Sixth Sense, House on Haunted Hill, and a Stir of Echoes, you'll love Evil Lives". Now, I look back at that an really do laugh. The film contains no suspenseful or scary moments. The acting is awful, and the plot is ridiculous. The spirit of a loved one coming into recently dead bodies to make love, then die again? Even that concept isn't taken too far because most of the film strays away from what it is supposed to be doing: entertaining. The special effects are also pretty bad. The makeup is horrid. It'd be a black comedy (and a poor one at that) if the film was taken lightheartedly. But that's not the case; these people actually TRIED. The fact that this film was made seriously is rather pathetic. Did I mention the music was ripped straight from the circus? This is one of the worst films you'll ever see, so don't't even give it a chance.

Zantara Xenophobe

This review has very minor SPOILERS, so do not read it if you don't want minor details given away.I rented `Evil Lives' recently because it looked like a neat little horror movie. Heck, it even featured Paul Bartel and Dawn Wells. It couldn't be that bad. But then the first person in the movie was Julie Strain, and I knew I had made a big mistake. My thoughts were confirmed fairly quickly. You see, this movie was made in 1992 under the name of `Soulmates.' Thanks to the recent horror movie craze, it was retitled and released as `Evil Lives' in 2000. The movie box tries to compare it to three great movies---`Stir of Echoes,' `The Sixth Sense,' and `The House on Haunted Hill'---three movies that bear zero resemblance to this. The plot is foolish. A man and a woman centuries ago had a strange curse placed on them. The curse is never fully explained, but basically the man murders women so that the spirit of his dead wife can inhibit them for a few hours before the body decomposes and dies completely. After centuries of this, the man currently has the identity of a writer. He lures women into his clutches, kills them, and his wife takes charge for a short while. The writer's next pick is a college girl played by Arabella Holzbog, who you may or may not remember from `Stone Cold.' He botches the murder, and spends the rest of the movie stalking her, killing other people you don't care much about.What is so bad about this is not the acting, but the script. It handles the curse in such stupid ways that you want to scream. Many times, it violates its own rules, especially in the hackneyed end. Holzbog is okay as the star, but those around her simply don't stand out. Except for Wells and Bartel, who only show up in amusing and all-too-short cameos. The director, who does poorly throughout what with sloppy production values and few special effects, made a real mistake in taking these two performances for granted. What he has left is a bad movie that nobody is going to see, no matter how many false comparisons are on the movie box. Zantara's score: 2 out of 10.


Now I am all for cheese and in fact I rented this film full well knowing that I was not going to be seeing anything of high art. However there is a dramatic difference between a film that is so awful it is good and a film that is just plain awful. If perhaps the film itself had not taken itself seriously it may have worked better as black comedy. Instead the events on screen seem to be done with no humor while the music (some of which sounding carnival in nature) is anything but serious. So if they were indeed attempting humor they did manage it but not in the way they may have been intending.Acting wise the film is a wash as well but for nudity buffs this is one of the first films in a while not to shy away that aspect of the genre.So if you have a hankering for self abuse you may in the end enjoy it enough for a few minor kicks.

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