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All's quiet in the small Vermont town of Hazelville as Memorial Day approaches until a string of mysterious deaths begin plaguing forest ranger Mark Cody. As hikers and campers turn up dead, Cody struggles to figure out what's behind the murders while the Mayor looks to keep the deaths hush-hush, afraid it will affect tourism on the town's biggest money-making day of the year. Botanist Max Cooper arrives and determines them to have been victims of the dreaded "Great White Pine." After the Mayor refuses to close the woods and tragedy ensues on Memorial Day, Cody hires grizzled lumberjack Squint to hunt down and kill the voracious tree leading to Cody, Cooper, and Squint venturing out into the woods in Squint's old beat-up pick-up truck for a final showdown with the monster tree.

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Release : 2000
Rating : 4.8
Studio : Brain Damage Films, 
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast :
Genre : Horror Comedy

Cast List



I'll tell you why so serious


From my favorite movies..

Bea Swanson

This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.

Ava-Grace Willis

Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.


The town of Hazelville is besieged by a great white pine in this spoof on Jaws.From the outset this film lays down it roots (sorry) with a title card stating that in 1975 Jaws broke all box office records and this film is a 25th anniversary homage to that film. A lot of the scenes from Jaws are replicated with substituting the shark with a tree. A dumb idea that kinda works and your enjoyment factor for this film will depend on your knowledge of Jaws, as you will have a greater understanding of what the filmmakers were trying to achieve. Yes it's low budget, but the film is quite well made and there is a great deal to see and it appears the budget was used well. The film appears to be shot on woodland locations, with a lot of actors and props to add to the look of the film. For example in one scene there is a number of real fire engines attending a incident. Most low budget films could not stretch to such extravagance. My fairly low rating for this film is due to not having a great knowledge of Jaws, so some of the "homages" may have been lost on me and I did find my mind wandering from time to time. However I can appreciate that this is a film that tries it's best and has good intentions. This film "branched" out (Sorry again) and spawned a sequel Trees 2, The root of all evil


A send-up of Jaws that firmly sticks to the original but substituting a shark with trees. It's funnier than that sounds thanks to some good jokes, quotable lines & pretty good performances. I healthy knowledge of Jaws makes the film much funnier, but its not a prerequisite. I found that the film dragged a bit towards the end but not enough to ruin the movie on the whole. Don't expect anything but a bit of goofy fun and you won't find yourself disappointed. Followed by a sequel that deviates from the source material that it parodies a tad more than this one does. Even though its not quite as good as this one was. This was definitely one of the highlights of the Catacomb of Creepshows box-set.


The charm of this little number is in the bad acting, the low budget and the obvious love for 'Jaws' that the film makers have. This is a film for people who know the movie 'Jaws' well enough to appreciate the gags as a lot of the jokes are clever nods towards the classic shark thriller, such as Squint's speech in the town meeting demanding a seemingly unreasonable $1,000 to catch the tree; "For that, you'll get the branches, the roots, the whole damn thing." 'Trees' is in no way a classic, it is just a clever little pastiche that maybe worth an hour and a half of your time.Just once tho.


You can't get a better tribute to jaws, this movie had me laughing so hard. First lets look at the characters. From Jaws to Trees, Brodie became Cody (they actually look a bit a like), Quint became squint and hopper became cooper. Then you take the shark and make it a tree, Genius. OK, so next we swap the sea for a camp site and you've got one hell of a tribute. The script is full of cheese and the acting is awful, but there's something oddly entertaining here. When you get great lines like "where gonna need a bigger axe" and "get out of the woods" you know your onto a winner. The story follows jaws almost identically, with the obvious differences. If you want a great b-movie thats gonna crack you up then watch this, i have to find the sequel, i'm sure that too is gonna be awesome. But don't take my word on it, find it, watch it, enjoy it. Trees is one of the most entertaining movies i've ever seen. AWESOME

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