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Welcome to Schlarb, Ohio... a small county seat overrun by misfits, freaks and weirdos! Dickie is a lonely dumpster-driver who finds companionship in his latest dumpster discovery, a young woman's corpse! Pricey is a mute retarded girl with a lookalike baby-doll. When she loses her doll after an unsavory encounter with a mean cracker, she replaces it with the next best thing, her neighbor's young son! Meanwhile, the enigmatic Caduceus sets out to cleanse a nasty high school girl of her wicked ways! You'll also meet The Clapper, William, The Licker, Crazy Connie and other wild and wacky Townies in this Magnum Opus of CineTrash from cult filmmaker Wayne Alan Harold.

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Release : 1999
Rating : 4.5
Studio :
Crew : Cinematography,  Director, 
Cast : Toby Radloff
Genre : Horror

Cast List



Am i the only one who thinks........Average?


It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.


Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.

Ariella Broughton

It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.


The strange people living in a town go about their lives. There's the licker a guy who licks everything, a dumpster diver that finds a body which he takes home to live with him, a crazy girl with a doll dressed like her, a guy who wants to cleanse girls of their wicked ways...offbeat in the extreme, this shot in black and white movie is better with out the color. The monochrome takes the edge off the two steps up from home movie feel. Like a Troma movie, this movie is fun in fits and starts but mostly its weird for weirds sake and soon becomes a crashing bore since one you see the set ups you can kind of guess where its going a lot of the time-not always- but enough for it not to be fun.(Though I didn't see the cleansing coming). Worth a shot if you've nothing else to watch and you're waiting for the next set of Golden Girls to come from Netflix.


Townies is not a movie that is easily fitted into any particular genre. It's not a comedy. It's not a drama. It's not a horror film. Yet there are elements in it that are comedic, dramatic, and horrifying. And I for one like a movie that does that. As my idol Lloyd Kaufman often says: "Why are we so limited in the emotions we can arouse with movies? We can make you laugh, or we can make you cry. Why can't we make you cringe, or groan with displeasure?" While not an exact quote, it does summarize perfectly what I feel about Townies. Townies will make you laugh. Townies will make you cry. But Townies will also make you cringe and groan with displeasure. But if you're up for the adventure, it is well worth it. If you come in expecting ONLY to laugh or ONLY to cry, and to NOT cringe or groan with displeasure, don't waste your time. I for one am going to go watch it again. And you're welcome to join me.


Townies is the laziest movie I have ever seen, and I saw the Blair Witch movies (parts one and two). It seems confused in what it wants to be. It's not funny enough for comedy, it's not tragic enough for drama, it's not bloody enough for horror, and it's not good enough for watching. It has scenes of a man doing "slapstick/bloody" karate so I think, oh this movie will be in the vein of Toxic Avenger and Street Trash. Then it leaps without warning into a drama about a missing girl, a retarded (mentally handicap) woman and a trusting mother. Then it slaps itself into the ONLY good part in the movie which seems to be set up like a sitcom without the laugh tracks. The part I'm speaking of is a lonely TOWNIE who is so lonely he finds comfort in a rotting corpse. That was the ONLY part of the movie that gave me ANY feeling. The rest was a waist of my life. Then, just to show how CRUEL Wayne is there is a kind of DOCUMENTARY at the end of the film of Wayne (the Director) making fun of Toby (the star) in public. It made me sick. Even though Killer Nerd and Bride of Killer Nerd (two other movies by Wayne) aren't the best, they at least are thought out enough were you can stay entertained until the ending credits. I even like Killer Nerd a bit, it had some great lines I still use to this day.If you like underground films, if you like overground films, and if you like to watch your feet, just resting were they are, you will not like TOWNIES!*1/2 (out of ****)


Stark, low-budget sideshow of freaks set in the fictional town of Schlarb, Ohio. Right from the opening shot we are introduced to Dickie, Pricey, Crazy Connie, William, The Clapper, The Licker, and Caduceus: seven outlandish and very unique individuals whose misadventures immediately become the premise of the film. I found this gritty production to be oddly funny, extraordinarily absorbing, and curiously heartwarming. Harold's non-judgmental depictions of the characters, both the good and bad ones, were one of the many enjoyable aspects. This is from the same man who brought us the "Killer Nerd" movies, which were good but not as complex as this.

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