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Escape from Hell

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Escape from Hell

Do you believe in life after death? Dr. Eric Robinson wants to believe and experience that infinite love and warmth that near death testimonies claim is on the other side of life. His colleague, Dr. Marissa Holloway, is on a crusade to alleviate the fear of death and suffering by proving to the world that heaven awaits everyone. In a moment of desperation, Dr. Robinson faces death and discovers the reality of hell – a place the Bible portrays – a hell from which we must all escape.

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Release : 2000
Rating : 4.4
Studio :
Crew : Director of Photography,  Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Drama Horror

Cast List



Truly Dreadful Film


Sorry, this movie sucks


As Good As It Gets


Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.


Let me declare myself: I am a Bible-believing Christian who has studied and written more about this subject than most other people. Escape from hell is not a new movie, it's a poor remake of Flatliners with an emphasis on what many are discovering is a thoroughly discredited doctrine. The mainstream Christian world-view is that all unbelievers go to a place of fire and torture at the end of their lives. This is based on cherry-picking scriptures to support a pre-formed mindset, rather than a whole Bible revelation. This movie does nothing to remedy this 1500 year old error. Global grace books and documentaries have soundly rebutted this error in teaching, yet this movie and others like it persist in promoting an outmoded fallacy that seeks to terrify people back into church. It's a discredited fairytale from the middle ages with a 21st century makeover, yet, like the doctrine it's supposed to represent, Escape from Hell fails the credibility test on every level.


This Christian movie does an excellent job of using out of body experience as a tool to communicate the Gospel message. I am surprised by good acting, storyline, and camera work on this low budget production. It is not a cinema movie, but captivating and it does what it was made to do. Make people think about life after death.Some reviewers bash the movie for lack of theological integrity, but I disagree. No movie can perfectly portray heaven or hell. Books, painting, or movies can only give a glimpse of what heaven or hell might be. The movie shows hell does exist and only faith in Christ can save you, while stressing the fact that your good morality cannot save you.I have to say, the movie's biggest theological weakness is the 70's and 80's presentation of the Gospel. There is a heavy emphasis on faith in Christ. There is a lack of communicating that living a godly life must also be integrated to your faith. James clearly says faith without works is dead.


Well acted with some great special effects but it's too bad scriptural integrity was the first casualty. There were so many blatant errors for the sake of making a "more scary movie" that we could not recommend nor show this to our church. Satan was painted as the monarch of Hell when scripture teaches that Hell is a place of torment created for the Devil and his angels. The list goes on as Hell is portrayed as a physical house of horrors and all but denies the spiritual essence that those souls in Hell will live in the anguish of being forever isolated from God's love and provision. Menacing demons search the earth seeking to drag living souls to the abyss? My Bible teaches that men choose Hell by denying salvation. You can't blame the Devil for man's choice of eternal separation from God.When we seek to add error to increase the scare effect, we deny the power of God's Spirit to work through truth. I wish there were an accurate portrayal of Hell to offer to our church, I think it would be helpful. Movies that stretch the truth to this level only hurt evangelism through those that will laugh themselves right out of our churches and ignore the truth of genuine warning.

Adam Graham

This has to be one of the best films ever made on the subject of Hell. A skeptical doctor is shaken by the death of his estranged father and a fellow doctor enthralls him with tales of people going to Heaven. He believes Hell is a cruel myth and sets out on a radical course of action. He plans to kill himself in the boiler room of the hospital while providing his best friend, the tools to bring him back to life before it's too late.The drama and tension of the film begins from the opening credits and doesn't stop until it's over. The plot is clever and the acting believable. A must-see movie for Christian and unbeliever alike. I haven't seen any other films from DRC productions, but this one will be a tough act to follow.

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