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The Brainsucker

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The Brainsucker

A psycho killer uses a corkscrew to stick into the brains of his victims.

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Release : 1988
Rating : 4
Studio :
Crew : Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Horror

Cast List



Fresh and Exciting


I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.


A story that's too fascinating to pass by...


After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.

D. Ceased

It feels hard to review this movie because I can't honestly tell you what it's about. It's not really a story, much more random scenes loosely involving a "brainsucker" who drills people's brains out with a big, cartoonish drill thing.People just do random things in this movie, characters aren't really introduced nor developed. They just do random things, and mention this "bloodsucker", who is hardly shown in the movie. The sheriff, I think, makes the townsfolks deputies and they run wild. There's cuts to some radio talk show host who can't seem to stop breathing into the mic. There's some attempts at humor, but they're painfully unfunny. Some women says it's her son, but she dies off pretty quickly and pretty randomly. We get these terrible police, one with an absolutely terrible accent, chasing after a dance instructor and her boyfriend, when they reach an airport. One police officer finds out the brainsucker is his son, but this isn't really a twist and I don't really give a ####. They take off in a plane, and the brainsucker uses the drill to remove some white goop out of his head and releases it out of the plane.As I said, it's hard to review this because it's not a coherent movie in any sense. There's a lot that's in it for no real reason and the story doesn't make sense anyways. The characters aren't fleshed out or given any life, and there's little connection between them and what's happening. The effects are crude and barely amateur-level. The brains look like strips of bacon or pork cutlets. I can't recommend this to anyone, not even lovers of bad movies. Abysmal.


A drunk judge sentences a repeat criminal offender to the care of a behavioral scientist.As the result of the mad doctor's treatment he becomes a love-doctor of sorts who sucks people's brains out with the aid of a corkscrew penis pump."The Brainsucker" is extremely bad and amateurish horror movie with several odd characters.The humor is goofy and slapstick and the characters are exaggerated and annoying.I can't believe that adults are responsible for this piece of fecal matter.Is it even possible to find worse actors or write more immature script?"The Brainsucker" will suck your brain out and kill you with the stupidity.This film is truly one of its kind.2 out of 10.


I bought this movie at a garage sale when I was like 15. I hated it then, and watching it again, just for the hell of it, it's even worse now. You can hear the director and cameraman in the background yelling commands like "Zoom, zoom, zoom!!!". The are no special effects, just a raw piece of meat that is supposed to be a brain. This is utter crap, and i originally thought it was a one of a kind home movie or something that I bought. But this was distributed elsewhere and it's just really weird to know that other people have seen it. Whoops I need 10 lines....well....this can be an interesting thing to watch to see how no-budget movies were made before the invention of digital cameras. This sucks. Actually, yeah do watch this just to see if you can sit through the worst. If you can make it through this you can make it through anything.


I remembered this awful movie I bought at Camelot music store in the summer of 1989 when I was visiting my Grandparents. It was a time when I had just discovered movies like Re-Animator, From Beyond, The Return of the Living Dead, and Dawn of the Dead. I was ready for all the horror/gore genre had to offer.... or so I thought! I was only about 12 years old at the time so I really don't remember it all that well. I remember a psycho running around with a corkscrew killing people, and a couple of cops (I think) who were riding in a car that wasn't actually moving, but being rocked side to side to look like it was... true cinemagic. I also remember it being the worst film I had ever seen up to that point and I promptly threw it in the garbage.Something tonight made me think of that movie (I can't believe I actually remembered the name), so I jumped on imdb to see if it was listed. To my surprise... IT WAS! And a full other 5 people have seen it.... Amazing. Even though I remember hating the film at the time I sort of wish I had kept it hidden away somewhere because I'd love to check it out again for a laugh (it would probably make a good drinking game movie). Anyway, I'm glad I'm part of the elite few that's seen this little "treasure". I would love to pick it up somewhere for a couple of bucks.... but beware, this is not a recommendation... it is awful... it's just for nostalgia.

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