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The Demons of Ludlow

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The Demons of Ludlow

A murderous demon lurks inside an antique piano in a picturesque coastal town.

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Release : 1983
Rating : 3.7
Studio :
Crew : Production Design,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Debra Dulman William Dexter
Genre : Horror

Cast List



Very best movie i ever watch


Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.


This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.


There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.

Rainey Dawn

The film is not a bad ghost/haunting story - the Ludlow demon is more like a really mean ghost but I'll call him a demon - lol. The film did hold my interest to a degree, it's not great but I did find it watchable.The haunted piano (harpsichord really) houses the Ludlow demon - a man that used to play it all the time but had his hands cut off and vowed revenge on the descendants of those that did this to him. Each person he's killed over the years has become his ghostly helpers in his evil diabolical revenge plan! Muahaha!! Fun movie. Somewhat entertaining and watchable. I would have rated this film slightly higher but I don't understand why the ghost demon Ludlow didn't get back his hands at a much earlier time period - why did he wait 200 years to do it? He could have done it well before 1983. Oh well, still kind of a fun film to watch.4/10


The town of Ludlow marks its bicentennial with a barn dance, the highlight of which is the unveiling of an antique piano, a gift bequeathed by Ephram Ludlow, the town's founding father. Unfortunately for the townsfolk (all 47 of them), the instrument turns out to be a modern day Trojan horse, for when the keys are played, Ephram's spirit is unleashed from within, free to wreak revenge on the descendants of those who persecuted him centuries before.Slow moving, badly acted, with dingy cinematography and an unappealing lead actor, there's very little to get excited about with this uninspired supernatural shocker from director Bill Rebane. A few unintentional laughs can be had at the expense of the poorly handled ghost/demon scenes, there's one pair of bare breasts (albeit on a supposed minor), and a couple of moments of unconvincing gore (including a crap but fun decapitation), but for the most part this is a real test of endurance, one that I had to view over the course of several evenings because I kept falling asleep.


The town of Ludlow which has managed to make it to its bicentennial though its barely scraping by with 34 actual residents gets a mysterious old white piano as a gift from the descendant of the guy it was named after. But another ancestor on that family tree was killed many years ago for being a warlock. And you thought things like that had died out in New England centuries before.Anyway the warlock's spirit lives in the piano and the guy who donated it is playing one horrific cosmic joke on the town. The old warlock is out for revenge and any time somebody plays an obbligato on the piano something evil happens, a gruesome kind of death. Not like Ludlow can afford to lose too many more people.The Demons Of Ludlow started as a good idea, but went bad with telling with a poor script and acting that's not terribly convincing. I'd pass this one by folks.


Talk about having your priorities out of order! Chris the town preacher who sports a man perm is married to Sybil, a drunk hottie who appears on screen either in sexy lingerie, drinking, or both. How many more signs does a cat need that this lady needs some serious husband on wife attention? Does she have to signal him in with airstrip landing lights for crying out loud? Instead Chris becomes infatuated with a piano. Yes a freaking piano. Anyway, this piano that sounds like an organ is returned to the village of Ludlow by the descendants of Efrem Ludlow one of the town's original founders. Turns out Efrem really angered everyone by constantly playing the thing so they did what any respectable music hating citizen would do. They cut off his hands. Fast forward two hundred years and the spirit of Efrem emerges from the piano/harpsichord/organ/kazoo and takes revenge on the town descendants who did this to him. Pretty steep a curse for a pair of hands if you ask me. Soon the townies are being dispatched by demon hands or invisible spirits or ghosts that resemble late eighteenth century citizens that are either cannibals or pack some serious heat. Yeah this movie is all over the place. Chris is aided by Debra a former resident who is a reporter though in what capacity I have no idea. They discover that this curse never ends and that a list is composed of the families that were complicit in Efrem's banishment. Sure enough Chris and Debra both have family ties to the cursed townspeople which makes them targeted to be killed. This could be stopped immediately by simply moving out of town. Perhaps Westchester that everyone keeps crowing about.A return to form for Bill Rebane after I was pleasantly surprised by The Alpha Incident. A cursed piano? Sorry, not frightening. Who exactly cursed the town? If it was Efrem then why did various ghosts appear to help him? How come some are capable of ripping apart flesh like when Emily was "strangled" and yet others use firearms to kill? What was the purpose of the mutant arm? Who is responsible for the worst funeral spread ever at about the forty-second minute mark? Biscuits with ham slices? No open bar? Come on! Lastly and most confusing of all, why didn't Chris get some of that drunk tail Sybil was tossing his way? Was he gay? A eunuch? A ghost? At least he gets what he deserves by having HIS hands cut off. HA! Serves you right holy man.

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