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The Psychotronic Man

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The Psychotronic Man

A man discovers that he has psychotronic powers--the ability to will people to die. He begins exercising that power.

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Release : 1980
Rating : 3
Studio : International Harmony,  Spelson Productions, 
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast :
Genre : Horror Science Fiction

Cast List



Some things I liked some I did not.


Best movie of this year hands down!


Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.

Myron Clemons

A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.


How bizarre… It's anyone's guess what's truly going on here. Especially after watching the intro where the opening credits go on for a while. And I mean awhile. It was the title that caught my eye "Revenge of the Psychotronic Man". It screams "Hey, look at me"! Anyhow what I got myself into was something bug-eyed. Think of "The Incredible Melting Man", which was made a couple years earlier and the tone is similar, but without the graphic context. Still it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be, but you can see why it's virtually unknown. While being a penniless production, its clunky, dry and tawdry nature remains for most part rather entertaining. Why is it entertaining… because of just how unusual and surprisingly twisted it plays out? Even when it seems to concentrate on uneventful filler, there's something unnervingly atmospheric and random that makes it hypnotic. Even when some scenarios are risible (like the first death with the constant slow-motion) and long-winded (there's a lot of driving going on). Something which would hit you straight away would be the creepy score that overpowers many sequences and that of some oddball sound-effects like the ominous bell chimes that comes and goes. You get more of a rush from the music than the visual action. The direction is virtually non-existent, but the gritty location work of Chicago and the shadowy imagery gives it a bit of a moody edge. While the performances are on the stilted side, but durable enough and dialogues remain lacklustre. Bemusing low-grade horror Sci-fi.


I saw this movie in the early 80s on-board a Navy ship--we had little choice in our movie selections. I currently watch between 10-20 movies a week. To this day I haven't seen anything, even the legendary films of Ed Wood, that is as bad as this film. In one scene near the end of the film, there were close-ups of National Guard troops preparing their weapons. These were WW II era bolt action rifles. At a close up of one of the troops pulling back on the bolt to load the rifle you do not see anything going into the breach. And those eyes of the title character. I think the makeup was purchased from the nearest dollar store. This film is only recommended for those individuals who enjoy watching the worst films ever made.


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I could tear this piece of crap apart, frame by frame. But it's not worth the effort to do so. MST3K hasn't touched this, only because there's not much to work with. It has no entertainment value, at all. I pity the people who made this movie, because it has got to reflect some part of their bland, disconnected, below-average life experiences. Apparently a man named Peter Spelson is mostly responsible for this crap.No joy, no suspense, no horror, no pathos, no character development, no direction. Plenty of mustaches though. This thing is like a 70s porno without the sex.

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