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The Mutations

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The Mutations

A mad scientist (Donald Pleasence) crosses plants with people, and the results wind up in a sideshow.

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Release : 1974
Rating : 5.3
Studio : Cyclone,  Getty Pictures Corp., 
Crew : Art Direction,  Assistant Art Director, 
Cast : Donald Pleasence Tom Baker Brad Harris Julie Ege Michael Dunn
Genre : Horror Science Fiction

Cast List

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Redundant and unnecessary.


It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.

Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.


Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.


"The Mutations" is a middling, mostly forgettable horror movie from the mid 70's. Set in trendy London, it tells the tale of a carnival freak show who run a sideline in kidnapping innocent victims to be the subject of evil experiments! That's all the plot there is, really, and the film doesn't really do a lot with it. It just goes through the motions of showing the freak show, showing some victims get nabbed, and then showing the expected climax. The film has several very silly elements to it. All the kidnapped youngsters are from the same college, and in fact they are all from a single group of four friends! The experiments themselves are very vaguely explained, but they lead to very dramatic mutated monsters.As a London resident I also found a lot to enjoy in the Battersea Park (the location of the carnival in the movie) really such a dangerous foggy wilderness as it is depicted here? (Maybe it was in the 1970's...). And the exterior location for the students college is actually The Royal Albert Hall! They should be so lucky! Some good points are: Donald Pleasance does his usual good job as a softly spoken but deadly scientist. And Tom Baker does a great job, unrecognisable in ugly face make-up as the scientist's deformed assistant. And the monsterized victims look quite fun, and there's one grisly scene in which a walking plant-thing drains the life out of someone. Although check out a big goof here, where a really big gap between the monster's head and chest suit shows off the actors pink neck in between - which spoils an otherwise effective moment! There are also a few scenes that showcase some real-life "freaks" used in the film, which can't help but seem exploitative. They do get a chance to act, though, in the additional sub-plot in which the freaks rebel against the one among them who is "the real monster" - there are heavy echoes of Todd Browning's famous "Freaks" here.To sum up, it's not really very memorable. The whole story is rushed through at great speed, there's no depth to any of the characters (no time!), and everything seems pretty small scale. The scientist's lab is also filmed at Oakley Court, which stood in for a spooky mansion in dozens of British horror movies filmed around this time, such as The Rocky Horror Picture Show, And Now The Screaming Starts, Girly, and loads more, so personally, I have seen this place on celluloid far too often!


OK i seen the mutations when i was younger at a movie theater in;Paterson new jersey and to this day i cant remember the co-feature. but it scared the hell out of me.its a basic mad scientist story,with a brilliant but unbalanced Dr played by the late great;Donald Pleasence who went on to play Dr loomis in the Halloween movie series(1978 to 1989)creating mutations from plants.i know very all takes place in england,much to the distaste of fellow scientist from America played by Brad Harris.he gets his subjects from a deformed man played by;Tom Baker(who played Dr who in the 70's)this guy is so gruesome he would give Frankensteins monster the willies.anyway lynch(tom baker)is co-owner of a traveling carnival.the main owner is a kindly dwarf played by Micheal Dunn,who does'nt approve of the Dr's intentions.and like the earlier movie;freaks this movie features real human oddities. the one that gave me nightmares was a guy called pop eye,i don't need to say what he does.also starring in this movie is Julie Ege and Jill Haworth.the mutations has been released to video under the title;the freak-maker.its not as good as Tod brownings freaks,but it is very unsettling.i re watched this recently and found it very entertaining but it no longer gives me nightmares.all i can say is its still a very good film,with a great cast.and Donald Pleasence played the best mad doctors.I'm giving mutations(aka;freak-maker)8 out of 10.


I, along with maybe 20 million other male baby boomers, first fell in love with British actress Jill Haworth after her film debut in "Exodus" in 1960, and one of her too-rare screen appearances in 1973's "The Freakmaker" was reason enough for me to rent this film out. And while her role in this picture is disappointingly small, the film does have much else to offer. To begin with, it tells the unusual story of Dr. Nolter, a professor at an English university whose hobby is trying to cross plants with humans and, through genetic manipulation, create a new hybrid race. His human guinea pigs are conveniently provided by the Elephant Man-like proprietor of a local freak show, and Nolter's many failures are just as conveniently dumped in that circus. The film features much talent both behind and in front of the camera. Legendary cinematographer Jack Cardiff directs the picture competently (if undistinctively), and an outre, discordant jazz soundtrack has been provided by one Basil Kirchin. In a very interesting cast, Donald Pleasence underplays the part of the mad doctor; future "Dr. Who" star Tom Baker is unrecognizable behind his Elephant Man makeup; little person Michael Dunn offers up the film's best performance; and Norwegian sexbomb Julie Ege emotes most awfully (but honestly, who cares?!?!). Not to mention yummy Jill Haworth, in her small role. The film makes at least half a dozen references to the 1932 movie "Freaks," and fans of that Tod Browning classic should enjoy the real latter-day freak show that is on display here. Despite the plot holes and cheesy plant monster FX, the picture is undeniably fun, although certainly nothing great. Fortunately, this fine-looking DVD from Subversive Cinema, loaded with extras, shows it off very nicely. "Plant" yourself down and watch!

Theo Robertson

Original is not a word to describe THE MUTATIONS . To sum up its plot it`s a hybrid between a mad scientist film and FREAKS. Unoriginality is not enough to condemn it of course , but what makes THE MUTATIONS a truly terrible film is the fact that it`s so sickening.When Tod Browning made FREAKS in the 1930s disabilty and deformatity were I imagine treated differently in those days. Not so in the 1970s when the concept of a traveling " freakshow " wouldn`t have drawn an audience. Indeed it`s highly unlikely any council would have allowed it to take place on the grounds of taste due to a public outcry. There`s no way I`d pay to go and see that and I feel disgusted I watched a film where people with real deformaties are used in the name of entertainment. Perhaps the saddest one was " The skeleton woman " who looked like she`d just been rescued from a Nazi death camp.*****SPOILERS ( though how can I spoil your " enjoyment " of this filth is beyond me ) ***** I`ve outlined a good enough reason not to watch it , but may I also point out that this film is also extremely sloppy and underdeveloped in terms of script and production too. For example the hero gets turned into a man eating plant and for no reason consumes a drunken passerby. I say for no reason because he can still control his human emotions which he demonstrated in the previous scene by talking to his girlfriend and demonstrates it again at the end by attacking the villain in his lab. And this action scene seems to have been directed, edited and had make- up artists by people who were too untalented to have worked on the worst school play production . Still it could have been worse , if the rest of the film is anything to go by the production crew might have dug up a decomposed corpse and used that for the villain`s death scene. And get ready for a final shock plot twist at the end though how can anyone be shocked by the final scene when we`ve already seen exploitation of the worst sort leaves me pondering.You`re probably asking yourself why I decided to watch THE MUTATIONS all the way through instead of switching it off in disgust ? Make no mistake this film did disgust and disturb me. Well it did star a pre-fame Tom Baker as Donald Pleasence`s henchman . I can watch anything with Baker in it and to see him play a nasty piece of work does have a certain novelty value Check out VAULT OF TERROR ) , but even that didn`t stop wanting to swith off the TV frequently. And for my sins I had to get into a warm soapy bath afterwards and scrub myself clean , That`s how much THE MUTATIONS disgusted me

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