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Local teenagers are holding a Halloween party at a supposedly "haunted" old mill, but find out that one of the partygoers who is dressed as an alien is actually a real alien.

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Release : 1978
Rating : 3.3
Studio : Peter Semelka Productions,  American Family Productions, 
Crew : Set Decoration,  Grip, 
Cast :
Genre : Horror Science Fiction

Cast List



Did you people see the same film I saw?


It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.


The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.


It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional


While "Old Man Dobbs" concocts some awful mixed drink ("smooth!") some red-eyed alien briefly appears outside, and then an alien spacecraft flies overhead and causes his drink to bubble away to nothing. "Consarned aeroplanes!" Those Dobbses, always encountering UFOs. Why, I could tell you a thing or two about J.R. "Bob" Dobbs...But anyway, twenty years later, "Old Man Cranston," a well-dressed Santa Claus-looking fellow with a yellow British Rolls Royce lets teenager Carl have the key to his old haunted mill. Carl and his friends will use it for a Halloween "Spook Alley." Meanwhile, a rival group wants to win the Spook Alley contest, so they decide to scare Carl and his friends out of using the mill, since everyone finds it scary in and of itself.Unfortunately, there's an alien called a Varrow living there who would like to kill off every human on Earth one at a time. It can disguise itself as human beings.As SCTV's Count Floyd would say, "Ooh, scary, kids!" This is a pretty lame movie (albeit with a neat location), and another user comment indicating it had to do with a radio contest at least makes a little sense of it all. I wonder what sort of distribution it got prior to making it to video. I saw this on videotape as The Varrow Mission, in an old clamshell case box. No photos on the box at all, usually a good indicator of bad quality (see's "How to Find a Bad Movie" - this one might rate 16 points). The box made this sound more of a horror/sci-fi movie than whatever this is.


A classic if you have absolutely NOTHING better to do.This includes watching paint dry and grass grow. Having said that I have s soft spot for this. I saw it when I was 7 or 8 in a theater for a birthday party. One of the cast members was even sitting in front of us. The old mill in the movie is used at Halloween as a spook alley so I have been through it once. This is the worst movie I have seen and probably ever will but a few years ago I got thinking about it and manages to get myself a copy of it so I am the proud owner of the worst movie ever made. If you can find it watch it once. Then any movie you see after that won't be too bad.


You have no idea how much work went into this thing to make it as good as you saw. Or should I say not as bad as it could have been. The producer even had a scene written specially for his little darlings to star in. The pumpkin carving scene. The producer did everything as cheaply as possible. That included not paying for anything he could get for free. The make up was done by a teenage cast member, me. The sets were also done by the cast. My mother supplied all of the costumes but the rubber monster suit. But you finally figure out what's wrong with this show when you understand that it was cast for free, as a radio station contest. All the kids in the show but me won a contest to "star in a movie." I was acting a commercial when the camera man told me to show up to "be in his movie." World's worst movie, darn right. But it WAS made by teenagers.


What a waste of time! The acting was so bad, I thought that I was watching my old high school's bad attempts at serious drama. The story seemed to take itself WAAAY too seriously. It had no humor, bad makeup and I thought I was watching a forest because of all the wooden objects that were trying to act! Avoid this if you can (and many of you will!)!

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