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Rise of the Scarecrows

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Rise of the Scarecrows

Officer Brown, a big city cop comes to Adams, Massachusetts to get away from all the crime, but stumbles across a deadly secret. Adams is the sort of town that you can visit but never leave. Officer Brown soon discovers the horrible truth that is THE RISE OF THE SCARECROWS.

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Release : 2009
Rating : 1.7
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Horror

Cast List



I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

Tayyab Torres

Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.


This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows


The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.


RISE OF THE SCARECROWS is an indescribably bad slice of rural horror, shot on video without wit, merit, or style. The story is about unseen killer scarecrows that go around and murder random strangers in the woods. The whole running time follows uninteresting and unimportant characters and a big and needless cast who add nothing to anything but are cheap to film and merely take up screen time. Add in an exploitative shower scene and you have the sum total of this film's ingredients.

Paulie Celt

I watch quite a few low budget horror films, I kind of know what to expect. The acting is never great; the special effects are never great; the writing often has a few little holes. They usually have character and merit. But this film, from start to end, is just a new low for any type of film.The acting is the worst I've ever seen. The script is awful. The story is so weak and forced, that the writer had to keep characters saying certain things over and over again, or have them speak things out loud, while alone, just to make sure the viewer gets it. When, in fact, it's so dumb and simple, that everyone will have known before it was even spoke.Do not watch this movie. Ever.


For any young directors who may be shy of making a video (or anyone on YouTube for that matter) this film will cure your apathy. Trust me.Here, let me sum the whole thing up: Some guy got a new video camera and decided to make an amateur movie. THAT'S IT! There is nothing else to this film. The dialog is funny at certain points. There is no sound stage. No make-up or wardrobe. There is a constant humming in the background. All the characters are laughable this so-called film was able to get distributed on DVD is beyond me. Yet, I give it a 5 out of 10 for their boldness. Oh... and displaying the power of Windows Movie Maker.

Jay T

Wow would be the first word to come to mind after watching this disaster of a movie. I have seen so many b grade films over the years and have really enjoyed them. I'm a huge supporter to the b genre and love to see young directors trying to make it in the film industry, but this one's just too much. There is not one thing positive to say about Rise of the Scarecrows no matter how hard you rack your brain. Prior to this I considered Full Moon to put out the worst movies ever but have been proved very wrong. At least Full Moon films have some entertaining qualities which could earn a few stars. This one deserves nothing above a zero.The story follows a few of the world's worst actors as they try to uncover the mystery behind a small towns zombie scarecrows. Somehow these scarecrows arise to take the lives of the remaining townspeople, but you'd never know it because they show nothing. The best you'll get is a view from the scarecrows eyes as he hunts someone down while they let out an amazingly fake scream. It's just awful. All you get is a group of terrible actors, a script that must have been written by a chimp, and home video camera quality. At all costs please avoid this film unless you are looking to waste time and money.

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