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King of the Camp

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King of the Camp

In order to win the heart of counselor Cindy Keyes, kitchen boy Will Cross comes to realize that becoming King of the Camp takes much more than beating tough guy Chase Gunn in a wake boarding competition.

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Release : 2008
Rating : 3
Studio :
Crew : Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Drama Music Family

Cast List



You won't be disappointed!


A Disappointing Continuation


If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.

Jonah Abbott

There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.

Kari Duhaney

This movie is not very good. The acting is below average with nobody you've ever heard of starring in the movie. The script is also below average and you can pretty much tell exactly how the entire story is going to unfold from the first moment the movie starts right up to the end.The worst part of all though is the music. It is as if they just threw pocket change and some candy at a grade four music class and asked them to come up with some songs to put in a movie and they wrote and recorded everything in about ten minutes.The dancing and choreography are also below average.Skip this movie, you've been warned.


Just a warning May contain spoilers depending on you view of things. You have been warned.With that said, there really isn't any twist in this movie, which for once I can say THANK GOD! I mean with every movie coming out now trying to have a "sixth sense" type twist is utterly ridiculous. Just write the story and if the twist comes, then go with it, but don't force it like so many movies out there.Anyway onto King of the Camp. Like I said in the summary bar: Don't expect a big HSM type film, because first you must realize this a low budget film. HSM was filmed with Disney extravaganza and marketing. People forget that HSM 1 was actually a made-for-TV movie...IMAGINE if that went to theaters and the second one? Yikes, the last thing I need to see is Zac Efron Disney-fied even more. King of the Camp while low budget pulls off some great photography of the scenery and the surroundings.The script or should I say story "Kitchen staff is not on the same level as the counselors" seems just bit far fetched, but this is not the show "Bug Juice". THis camp is full of rich snobby teen counselors and wacky kids. Plus, the age its geared toward, really its just filler for the singing and dancing.The Dancing is not perfect and the singing is dependent on the actor/talent sining. I though the leads did fine, in singing and dancing, but the film itself didn't seem to know where it was going in any aspect. A few funny moments but none of the "teens" even looked like teens other than the kids. I mean really at least try. I get it - they use to "18 to look younger" for time, but the only guy that actually might pass for that would be Jason Stadnyk, who played Will Cross. He did have one funny line near the end of the film.One bright spot was the girl that played Sarah. The song "My Heart is Calling Home" was pretty darn good. Plus she can act, the scene with Will near the end of the movie was one of her best, and its shame she doesn't talk much in the film, but look out for her. If your wondering her name is Sydney Trotter. Don't be surprised if you Ms. Trotter in bigger films in near future.So the movie is what it is. A singing and dancing smorgasbord with acting throwing in for filler. Recommended for kids 12 and under. I don't recall any language issues in this so no worries for parents.


King of the Camp was a fun, little flick. As someone who spent each and every summer at camp in northern Ontario, it was easy to relate to this story. In the film, Will is Romeo to Cindy's Juliet - they are two characters from different sides of the tracks, who come together, despite their backgrounds. And if you've been to camp before, you know there is a barrier between counsellors and staff.The scenes in the dining hall were impressive - not sure if the producers hired all those extras or if they were kids staying at the camp - but there were tons of them in the background, which was nice to see.Summer camp, first and foremost, is all about having fun - and King of the Camp's songs and music do the right job! Recommended if you like this sort of movie.

Elizabeth Provencal

If you're looking for a movie that will make you want to literally throw your T.V out the window, then this is the movie for you! This movie was utterly terrible. The acting made me feel like I was watching a terrible high school play and the way the camera moved was like a home video. I didn't really understand it though! I mean, what type of camp was this? Why were there only 'popular' people as councilors? Why do they look down to the kitchen staff? It just made no sense. And the dancing was awful! NO ONE was in sync and it was just choppy. And most importantly, all the actors singing voices, just didn't cut it for this movie. They all sounded inexperienced. I mean, I can sing, and I've never had a singing lesson in my life. It just seems that every musical that is being made now, is trying to be exactly like High School Musical or Camp Rock. Just face it Future Directors and Producers of low budget Musicals, you will not be able to top High School Musical or Camp Rock's success.I definitely do not recommend this movie to anyone.

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