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Set in the belly of Los Angeles' criminal underworld, Arc is the story of Paris Pritchert, a former police officer turned drug dealer and addict, who embarks on a quest to find a missing child in the hope of redeeming his eroding character. The only catch is, like all addicts, Paris' confidence completely relies on the drugs in his system and -- in this case -- his firm belief that he can succeed in his mission if he can just stay high 24/7 and alive long enough to see it through. To aid in the endeavor, Paris enlists the help of Maya Gibbs, an African American prostitute versed not only in the language of the street, but also in the words of Maya Angelou and Nadine Gordimer. And together, the path of this dysfunctional duo crosses with those of the child's parents, a doctor with a penchant for soliciting "Street Boys", a self-ascribed King Of Porn, a drug supplier with a gift for making impeccable hors d'oeuvres, and a hardened cop with more scams than the most adept street hustler.

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Release : 2006
Rating : 5.8
Studio :
Crew : Director, 
Cast : Peter Facinelli Ann Cusack Jonah Blechman Ken Howard Billy Lush
Genre : Drama Thriller Mystery

Cast List



Crappy film


The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.


it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.

Bumpy Chip

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.


Ex-cop, now drug dealer and addict tries to redeem himself by finding a missing kid with the aid of a hooker. Low budget film that strives to be more than a run of the mill story of a man reaching for redemption. Shot in a variety of different color schemes and styles the film makes the effort to be more than it well worn plot would lead you to believe it is. Peter Facinelli in the lead is merely adequate in a role that requires him to be stoned much of the time. I don't think the film really succeeds in what its trying to do, but I will give the filmmakers points for at last trying to spice things up. I think that one of the problems with the film is that its way too long at around two hours since its slender clichéd thread of a plot doesn't really have the strength to support the tale. I can't recommend it unless you're someone like me who is tired of seeing these ultra-low budget direct to video films that all look and sound the same.


I had the privilege of viewing ARC, and the first thing that came to mind was that the trailer did not do this movie justice. When I originally saw the small clip, I knew it looked like a gripping film that I wanted to see. However, I was only a few minutes in to the feature when I suddenly realized that I was in for a real treat! Written and directed by the ingenious Robert Ethan Gunnerson, ARC takes place in the town of Los Angeles, and focuses in on it's more sordid side as a former police officer turned drug addict searches for a missing boy in hopes to redeem his character before his 30th birthday. Using a variety of color schemes throughout the film, Robert not only lures you in visually, but he uses the effects to add a depth to the film that I don't think could have been achieved otherwise.Now while the cinematography is what originally lured me in to the film, it was the character driven story lines and superb acting that kept me on the edge of my seat. I found it rather interesting that more than once, I felt like I was invading these character's lives. A sort of, fly on the wall, if you will. Robert Ethan Gunnerson did an amazing job of bringing his characters to life, and I look forward to his future projects. He definitely has a bright future ahead of him in the entertainment industry.Taking the starring role, Peter Facinelli (The Big Kahuna, Scorpion King, Fastlane) delivered a first rate performance the former police officer turned drug addict, Paris Pritchert. Called upon more than once to deliver a raw and emotion filled performance, Facinelli not only embraced his role with a passion, but executed it with flawless precision. It was truly one of his most memorable roles to date, and I think that only further opened my eyes to the still untapped talent he possess. He is truly a master of his craft.To all of those who have had the privilege of seeing the film, consider your self blessed. For those who have not yet had the pleasure, I can only hope that Robert will release this film to DVD or make it available for download on iTunes because in my opinion, it truly is a MUST SEE work of art.


A friend of mine recommended Rob Gunnerson's ARC to me a while ago. He had seen it at a festival and was raving about what a powerful piece of film-making it is. I recently had the pleasure of catching it at the Hollywood Film Festival and my expectations were surpassed by leaps and bounds.ARC is packaged deceptively. It's opening is stylish, hip, disaffected and edgy. It's a world of drug dealers, smut hustlers and hookers, beautifully expressed in black and white with bursts of isolated color. What's brilliant about this film, however, is that about a third of the way through, it rips the unwritten contract between filmmaker and audience in half. The film abruptly shifts from edgy and disaffected to vulnerable and human.It's in this jarring break that I truly connected with Gunnerson's main characters: a drug dealer and a prostitute. Regardless of what they do for a living or what they've made of their lives, what's at their core is made so identifiable by the filmmakers that it was impossible not to see myself in their shoes. Which is scary as hell considering the world they're in. Once he's cast his spell and has your gut, Gunnerson, takes characters and audience deep into one of the darker worlds I've seen on screen in quite some time. I could hear the audience around me squirm as the film edged towards a climax that is at once cruel, touching, and very, very powerful.My hat's off to the entire cast (Peter Facinelli must be seen to be believed) for giving this indie film performances that can only be described as art.The director and D.P.'s collaboration should also be celebrated. The film and its look feels so tailor-made for it's DV format that frankly, it doesn't feel like DV… it just feels distinctly THIS FILM. Clearly talented, Gunnerson has achieved the alchemy all directors strive for, which is creating, out of nothing, a powerful, unique and emotional experience that stays with you. I hope he makes more soon.

Adam Bolt

I caught 'Arc' at the Indie Gathering Film Festival, and was very impressed. I must say, I'm not at all a fan of hip drug movies, but the depth of the story and superb acting won me over quickly. This film had an emotional truth to it that makes movies like 'Spun' pale in comparison. It is a gripping tale of redemption, without heavy-handed morality.Artistically, it is beautiful. The daytime world is black-and-white with selective spots of color, but the film, in a strange and disturbing way, comes to full color and life at night... much like the world of these shady characters.'Arc' is the ideal of what true independent film should be. Artistic, powerful, and solid, even with limited resources. I'm sure we will be hearing more about it.

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