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200 American

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200 American

Conrad is a gay man living in NYC. He's also CEO of an ad agency and by nature a control freak. Although Conrad is still in love with Martin (his ex), he hires a young Aussie hustler named Tyler, first for a night and then to work for his company. Things get increasingly complicated as Conrad tries to rekindle things with Martin. Meanwhile Tyler (who's daytime name is Ian) falls for Michael his new supervisor

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Release : 2003
Rating : 5.2
Studio :
Crew : Assistant Camera,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Matt Walton Anthony Ames David W. Ross
Genre : Drama Romance

Cast List

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Kattiera Nana

I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.


This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.

Arianna Moses

Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.

Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


Director Richard LeMay admits on his DVD commentary that he changed his mind halfway through writing 200 American about what story he wanted to tell. But it doesn't take LeMay's commentary for us to realize that this film's major problem is lack of focus. The title alone should indicate that the central figure must be Ian, the Aussie rent boy searching for a way to stay in America without a legit green card. But LeMay instead opens his film from the POV of Conrad, an ad exec on the rebound from his ex, looking to get off with a renter instead of risking the emotional perils of dating. Never mind the fact that Conrad is a hunk that anyone would gladly bed gratis. Doesn't anonymous sex (for free) also imply 'no strings'? One would think so. The ad game must be going pretty well for Conrad, because he eagerly shells out a thousand clams for his hourly Boy from Oz to stay the night. But mid-vid LeMay ditches the inigmatic saga of Conrad and Ian for a more conventional romantic soap opera between Ian and Conrad's white bread co-worker Michael. To compensate, LeMay quickly resurrects Conrad's ex and proceeds with one of the most predictable pairings in queer cinema: Ian and Michael. Add to this lack of dramatic structure the fact that there's something a little lethargic about the whole affair and you've got a ho-hum gay indie.The dialogue tends toward the trite and the editing and cinematography are very hit and miss. The script's single funniest moment (although it tries for many more) involves confusion between the Dalai Lama and Lorenzo Lamas. A fed-up fashion model also provides a much-needed cathartic blast. Oddly, there's an unfortunate subplot about white slavery that should have hit the cutting room floor.LeMay's greatest asset is his cast, all of whom reportedly worked for free. They manage to make even the most illogical of plot points bearable. If it weren't for the quality of the performances, 200 American might well be totally unwatchable. If LeMay had spent some of his 200 on a script doctor, this film might have been something worth owning. As it is, it's just a 'renter'.


Many of these negative reviews gripe about the poor production quality and the poor editing....well, try having NO budget (i.e., no money allocated, no funding) for a movie and see how high the production quality can get! I thought this film was an admirable piece of work. If one listens to the director's comments, many of the actors had to help carry the equipment around the set too! Basically, you have to compare this to a college level , purely voluntary, no budget film. In which case, this film comes out tops. One reviewer was comparing the movie to "Hitch"...umm, that movie had WILL SMITH in it, of course there was for more cash for the cinematography and music selection...millions more dollars i might add.The actors did a great job and were all very hot. Definitely something worth checking out. Good story too, which was not cliché or overly angsty.


Like one of the other people who wrote a comment, I agree that this was a good movie, especially by gay standards. If someone is looking for a campy movie about tired drag queens and old clichés then this is definitely not the movie for them. I liked the over all good feeling that the movie ended with. Some of the editing was choppy, but what does one expect from a no budget movie. It was nice and very refreshing to only have one "queen" in the whole plot. Even nicer is that we only see him about three times and for a very short time each. "Real Men" playing gay men was a nice switch also. Too bad we can't find more average and butch men to be in gay themed and oriented movies. The femme fatales movie types are so very over rated. I would like to see more from this director. If you like upbeat movies and are tired of drama queens and drag queens this is the gay movie for you.


What do viewers of Gay cinema want? After reading the other reviews AFTER I watched this film I was stunned at the many negative reactions.Some reviewers saw the beauty and craftsmanship. Other obviously expected and saw something else and that is a shame. It had no drug addicts laying in alleys or violence, gay bashing, murders, religious zealots, or any number of the sick and twisted character seen in many Gay projects. It was urbane, bright, and ultimately uplifting. Not that there is not room for those films with dark plots. It just was nice to see "nice" and "real" in a Gay project. This is one of the very BEST of all the low/no budget Gay Indies I have seen since the rise of the"New Gay Cinema" that started in the 1980's and now sees numerous new films premiering yearly.So the plot is not very original. This was a ROMANTIC comedy folks... It has a happy ending. It wasn't written and produced to make a great philosophical statement. It is about the most common and beautiful emotions of humanity. I speak, of course, of the mysterious lure of love. Love lost, love discovered anew, Love lost again only to become love rediscovered. LOVE.The story is is an old one. OK, it is a cliché. but one that will always be popular regardless of gender. Boy (Conrad) loses boyfriend, He wants to get off, He's horny and lonely but does not want to date because he is still in love with with his partner of three years who he has now broken up with. So he calls up a hustler (Ian), who also has lost a boyfriend. He is from Australia. After coming to the States with his male lover he is dumped. He has no way to make a living as an alien. He can't go to school, or really follow any dream of his own. He has no one and nowhere to turn. He meets a pleasant women (Sara) who will gladly marry him for 10,000 dollars. So he becomes a professional hustler in order to make the bread to get his US citizenship. Hence the title, "200 American". That's Ian's (the Australian) hustler's base price for a couple of hours of no strings sex. Oh, but the complications arise. Misunderstandings, secrets not told and conflicts bewitch the very attractive and sexy male leads. Actually calling them boys is a misnomer. All of these guys are men and they are believable in their role as star crossed gay men.The various other subplots just add to the attraction of this VERY nicely acted film The male leads (mostly straight guys) are all excellent actors. A lot of criticism has been thrown at the creators of Gay Cinema condemning this issue. I have friends that say "why can't they find Gay men to play these roles"? As Richard LeMay the creator of "200 American" states in his commentary, "I wanted strong realistic acting" what that the best actors that auditioned were straight men. That is why they are called ACTORS! Yes, I would like to see more "real" Gay actors in many of these films. Where are they? Are they afraid to come out? How silly. These "straight" guys act in roles as "Gay" men and they do it very well. What's to complain about that? There is much better acting here than in MANY other recent gay films. The smaller parts are handled by another group of really good actors (male and female), and they were able to come up with great on location filming in many nice locations in and around New York City. The editing and photography are so GOOD for a no budget film. In fact, if the writer and producer had not explained that it was really a NO budget film I would never have known.Finally, the music written for this film is lovely. To me it fit the theme of the film perfectly. I applaud the writer, producer and director Richard LeMay. He not only made a beautiful, well made and acted little film, he trashed his sad ending he had originally written and has the 4 male leads get who they wanted. Truly a happy "GAY" film. I highly recommend this light hearted, but NOT slapstick, funny flick about what we all WANT and NEED. You know, someone to love and be loved by. What's wrong with that? Sometimes I think a lot of folks don't appreciate the basics in cinema. They never get stale. especially in a well written, produced, directed, edited and photographed story of the power and beauty of love.This film hits just the right spot to make you feel good and say AWWWWW.... As I said, What's wrong with that? 9 out of 10 stars Read some of my other reviews on Gay cinema. Some people would call me a romantic but, I repeat, what's wrong with that? Clive-13

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