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Blood Money

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Blood Money

Zheng Zhou is the most feared warrior from the Shaolin Dynasty in China. His fighting and weapons skills are legendary. But when his parents are killed and sister kidnapped, he turns to a life of drugs and crime that will almost kill him. With the help of Hong Kong's notorious Dragon Triad syndicate, Colombia's biggest drugs cartel hatches an elaborate plan to traffic two tonnes of crack cocaine through the Port of Miami in America and ultimately into Australia and China. But when the partnership turns sour after the Cartel holds a Triad family member hostage, the Triads recruit Zhou to rescue the girl and kill the Colombians. What ensues is a bloodied street war across three countries. Zhou turns international Hitman with an arsenal of hi-tech surveillance devices, explosives, high powered weaponry and an array of fighting skills dating back fifteen hundred years. But just as Zhou rescues the hostage and takes control of the entire drugs shipment...

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Release : 2012
Rating : 3.2
Studio : Ambrosia Pictures, 
Crew : Camera Operator,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Alex Castro Pauline Egan Brad McMurray Liu Zheng Gordon Liu Chia-hui
Genre : Action Thriller

Cast List



Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.


In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.


Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.


what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.


When you see a tag-line like the star is the next Bruce Lee that does make you want to watch Blood Money. Now I know that tag-lines can be wildly exaggerated. Zheng Liu really does have very impressive martial arts skills, but I couldn't properly enjoy them with such lifeless choreography and choppy editing. And really Blood Money is really a disaster that has only Liu's martial arts skills as its saving grace. Visually, it was very confused and tried to do way too much. With the different colour schemes, the constant rapidly-shifting location changes, choppy editing and fast camera work, it never came together and it had a very dizzying effect when watching. The soundtrack is monotonous and forgettable and the dialogue, further disadvantaged by some very stilted line delivery, is just dreadful with clumsy attempts to be cool and iconic. With the story, even with the IMDb summary(interestingly written by the director), I still don't have a bloody clue what was going on in the movie, it was not just formulaic and dull but had a stopping-and-restarting effect and had the feel of the beginning of the movie actually being the middle. The characters are undeveloped and just as incoherent, these characters just come and go with no explanation and when you sometimes don't entirely know who the heroes and villains are you know there's something wrong. In regard to the acting, Liu's martial arts skill are fine but his lead performance on the acting front is a total blank. Pitbull is out of place, Gordon Liu brings some dignity but his character seemed to come out suddenly from another movie so it jarred and in general there was a lot of painful overacting going on. Overall, a disaster. And the comparison to Bruce Lee is exaggerated and most likely a marketing ploy(apologies for the possible cynicism to whoever reads this), Liu is good and promising in his strengths but nowhere near as charismatic, and in regard to Lee's movies while they were somewhat silly at least I could tell what was happening and who was who, an effect I didn't get at all with Blood Money. 2/10 Bethany Cox

The Catch22

I just went through the hassle of registering after many years of stopping by just to warn you. This movie is by far the worst movie I've ever seen. The plot, the acting, the dialogue is horrendous. The fighting in it is amazingly dull and boring as well. I read somewhere that this guys is the next Bruce Lee? bhuahahahahaha is all I got to say to that.If you desire to waste your hard earned cash and waste your precious time? then be my guest, but I personally rather watch paint dry or lick windows than waste my time on this....i should have know when i read about him being the next Bruce lee lolGod save yourselves lol

Jonathon Natsis

Advertised as 'the next Bruce Lee', Zheng Liu makes his acting debut in Blood Money as Zhou, an unnamed hit-man for hire that changes his morals to suit whoever is offering the biggest cheque. But when his family is murdered by a ruthless drug lord, his job becomes somewhat more personal as he sides with the Asian Triads and goes looking for sweet revenge.That's about as explanatory as anybody could be in attempting to synopsise this utterly plot less endeavour. Each formulaic scene plays out in the same fashion: rival drug gangs sit down for a meeting, tempers flare, shots are fired and any number of expendable baddies are removed from play, only to have an almost identical character take their place within mere minutes. Deaths, or at least death threats, are omnipresent, with the barrel of a gun often enjoying more screen time than the man holding it.Those who disapprove of rapper Pitbull's glorified, self-indulgent music are not likely to enjoy his glorified, self-indulgent performance, but not all the blame rests with the hip-hop megastar. The 'so-bad-it's-good' overacting and sketchy line delivery becomes very tired very quickly to the point that even the respected Gordon Liu, best known by Western audiences as Pai Mei from Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill saga, can't salvage an out-of-place role as Zhou's Shaolin monk mentor.Often, the lone saving grace of films like this one is the action, but not so here. Being a martial artist first and an actor second, Liu's physical skill is apparent, but his fight sequences are shot and choreographed so poorly that they make Sonny's infamous miss on Carlo Rizzi look like a send-off offence.In case the point hasn't been made clearly enough already, there are no redeemable qualities to draw from Blood Money, which is at best an embarrassing excuse for an action thriller and at worst an unmitigated disaster of a film.*There's nothing I love more than a bit of feedback, good or bad. So drop me a line on [email protected] and let me know what you thought of my review. If you're looking for a writer for your movie website or other publication, I'd also love to hear from you.*


I read a lot of the past reviews and yes there are areas in this movie that are at times confusing and yes we can not clearly understand every word our hero is saying and heck yes some of the special effects are very badly done. The plot was not exactly clear either. However that all being said, I must say that when I sat down to watch this I wasn't expecting an academy award winning, Oscar taking movie, no I was simply expecting the old style martial arts movies from the old days,and yes, even a Bruce Lee style movie, and for me that is exactly what I got. I have yet to sit down to a martial arts movie and expect an Oscar, no I expect great fight scenes and this movie has that for sure. We don't get a choppy fight scene where the screen cuts from one angle to another after every punch to hide the fact that the stunt person is actually doing it, no this movie lets you see a continuous flow of action during the fights and not close up on the face or arm or leg but on the whole body in motion. The main actor here might not have been a Bruce Lee cause there will never be another Bruce but as far as his fighting style on screen he would make Bruce proud. Visual physical poetry in motion. It's true I give this movie a 5 which is good, and thats just because of the great fight scenes.

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