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Prometheus Trap

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Prometheus Trap

In the future, mankind's quest for answers will take them to the edge of the universe... but the knowledge they seek should never be known. In deep space, the military cruiser Venom is diverted from its mission to investigate a derelict freighter ship, the Prometheus. On board, all of the crew are dead - victims of sabotage - and its only cargo is a weapon that will change the course of time and their destiny.

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Release : 2012
Rating : 2.9
Studio : Pandora Machine, 
Crew : Costume Design,  Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Science Fiction

Cast List



Simply A Masterpiece


This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.


It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.

Nayan Gough

A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.


I keep asking myself this, and I think the answer is in how I came about to finally watch it --When I first ran across this movie on one of the numerous lists I peruse to discover unknown gems, I clicked into the movie and immediately saw a naked woman looking at me --I decided I was not in the mood for smut and clicked out of it. Later having forgotten about it i ended up looking at the nude woman again, and left again.Eventually I found myself in the mood for some sic fi goochy and decided to look up the nudey woman movie. 20 minutes in I realized there was not going to be any goochy and once again left off.Eventually I decided to watch the dam thing and was stunned to find it one of the most intellectual sci fi movies I have ever watched, and I watch a lot of them, old and modern.In summary i think people who are searching for an excellently scripted sci fi flick immediately turn away from this movie with its pointless intro, and give it a poor rating. Those caught up with the intro begin to watch it, get frustrated at the plot development, wondering when the porn will kick in, give up and give it a poor rating.I got my wife to watch it and she found movie very engrossing. I got a movie buddy of mine who is a modern traditional eye candy special effects person to watch it. I had to fight him over the stupid iPod that he brings out when he believes a movie to be boring, and at the end of the movie (minus the i pod), he thanked me and said it was one of the most intelligent sci fi's he had watched in years.This movie is for mature audiences who place script and plot development and acting above eye candy and opening sex/violence in the first five minutes, anyone not fitting this category will not finish the movie and if they do they will not enjoy it. I suspect some of the people writing the reviews have not actually watched the whole movie


Given its cost to make it, I wouldn't dead pan this one. Given what was produced, I think it's worth a look. I only came across this one as I saw it in the $5 range clearance pile at a Sam's and never recalled ever seeing this one touted in the theaters.Being caught in a time paradox loop always has it set of consequences. I found no problem with the acting - hey, they are folks trying to get a start and make a living, BTW. Sets were what they were for the budget but then think about it... in the future, salvage ships, and freighters won't be state of the art space ships. They will be what we have now for freight, dump trucks, and pickups - things held together sometimes with bubble gum and bailing wire. Yes, I'll agree with previous comments that the ending lacked. I wouldn't have written it that way. Also, no explanation as to how the "time gun" came into being and why it was being transported (unless to prevent the mentioned war on Earth). By the fourth iteration, I would have liked to see the androids being in charge to keep the humans from self destructing with a better ending. For true Sci-Fi fans who don't want the horror aspect (Don't get me started on Event Horizon where so much acting potential was wasted.) I feel Prometheus Trap is worth a once over. Again, not top rate, but not desperation time either.


I watched this movie with a friend and I think we both felt this movie was one of the top ten worst scifi movies of all time and I am devoted fan of the genre.The sets were worse than those I saw back in the 50's down to lockers from high school with names on them written on masking tape. The main console looked like a Motorola mobile police unit and the bridge was awful with no detail at all.Suffice it to say the acting was juvenile and totally unconvincing. The two spaceships were lit up like Christmas trees and covered with lights that were blurry - even though with no atmosphere they would not be flickering.The whole movie probably cost around $25.00 to produce. Avoid at all costs. A total waste of time.

Ralph Stueben

Of course, if you expect to see the remake of Alien, if you expect fancy design and computer animation, if you wanted to see the other Prometheus film, you will be disappointed. BUT: This film is great. It is far away from main stream. It deals with the characteristics of "time" very well. It shows how the characters try to escape the logical constrains the time implies on them. This is extremely well done. The setting fits well to a low budget film. Still, it is thrilling to see. The only down side I saw was the movement of the star ships. These were kind of badly animated, inadequately moving in space. If this was not the case, this film can be positioned on the same level as 2001 - Odyssee is space.

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