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Idaho Transfer

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Idaho Transfer

During a time of waning global resources, a crew of young researchers travel into the future to escape an apocalypse before the shutdown of their time transfer project. They find that some type of disaster has de-populated the Idaho region and, by implication, the nation or perhaps the world.

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Release : 1973
Rating : 5.1
Studio : Pando Company Inc., 
Crew : Art Direction,  Property Master, 
Cast : Kevin Hearst Keith Carradine Ted D'Arms
Genre : Science Fiction

Cast List



Touches You


Just perfect...


I'll tell you why so serious


Better Late Then Never


With recent global warming causing unpredictable weather patterns worldwide, and documentary films such as 'Chasing Ice' and 'An Inconvenient Truth' bringing more awareness to environmental issues, it reminds me of the plethora of sci-fi and dystopian movies that bombarded theatre screens as I was growing up in Canada in the 70's. Most of the ilk, perhaps to necessitate dramatic strength for the film's structure, maybe due to civil unrest from political turmoil worldwide in the late 60's, presented a future extremely difficult to endure and preciously doubtful to either survive or maintain. 'Idaho Transfer' was no exception.Director Fonda was obviously very talented, and the cinematography is beautiful for such a low-budget piece. The time-travel ideas were uniquely conceived, and though the soundtrack was dated, it worked for me. Fonda realized that like the landscape and the solitary experience the teenagers were facing, one needs to let the ideas have a chance to breathe and reveal their multifaceted meanings. Though the actors weren't professional, the casting works because of the naturalistic, almost documentarian approach Fonda utilized. The pessimism of 'Idaho Transfer' and its bleak outlook--that even though science may be able to, in theory, save humanity, human nature may not be able to handle the idea of a 'utopia' so easily--shows us, two generations later, how interconnected art and politics are, and how important it is NOW to take a stand and support what is truly necessary for mankind, while there is still a chance for us to do so, and a world worthy of saving.I fervently wish that Fonda had directed more films! =)


This is the kind of film I usually like and I went into it with reasonably high expectations. Boy, was I disappointed. I've read many of the other reviews posted here before I wrote this. The spare or minimalist quality that others mentioned is true, and I didn't mind it. But there's got to be some kind of narrative thread or tension to go with it. I didn't find one here. In fact, the running time (just under 90 mins) could easily have been 30 mins or 300 mins; it wouldn't have mattered. There was no plot, per se, and that's what's wrong with this film. It does have a vaguely hypnotic quality which is why a 5 hr running time wouldn't have changed my reaction much.One reviewer called it a cross between a brilliant masterpiece and an idiotic mess. The first is certainly far from true. I'd change the latter to "self-indulgent" or maybe "stoned" mess.I'd love to get on board with this one, folks, but I simply can't. The three stars I awarded it are for the skin. I'm serious about this. This IS a time travel movie. It will take YOU back to the '70s and I found it delightful to see those gorgeous young women parading around, almost constantly, in the panties. Gratuitous, yes, but no complaints here.


I ran across this version, titled 'Idaho Transfer', in a pack of films titled 'Nightmare Worlds', (mentioned by another commenter), expecting something useful to put me to sleep at night. The movie is indeed spare, low budget and not the best acted I've ever seen, but it is haunting, perhaps because of the many unanswered questions the plot raises and never answers (not necessarily a bad thing), or maybe because of the shocking ending.The female lead is attractive, and it's not a hardship to watch her 'time travel' scenes, but her acting is pretty amateurish, though not out of line with other 70s grade B movie actresses, and perhaps explainable by the considerable shocks she experiences throughout the film, including her sister's death, and a revelation of a physical effect the time travel has had on all the travelers.The concept of a team of naive young researchers trying to save what they can of mankind, and coming to a bad end, kind of makes this movie a 70s cinematic version of the medieval 'Children's Crusades', which had equally poor results for the participants.There DOES seem to be confusion here as to what role, exactly, the female protagonist 'Karen' is to play at the end, though - fossil fuel, or dinner?


Alright my fellow lovers of obscure movies, get your head round this: The world is DOOMED. DOOMED I tells yer. But fortunately a group of young under-20's have invented a time machine which allows them to go forward into the future to the aftermath of the apocalypse to repopulate the species. Why they don't just go back to try and prevent the crisis is beyond me, but anyway.. the rules are quite simple. All you have to remove your shoes, socks and trousers, and sit on an exercise machine while convulsing. No, really. Apart from getting a few nice pantie shots, it's hard to imagine why the makers would come up with such a bizarre method of transportation. Wait, I think I've just figured it out.So yeah.. the head honcho of this project is none other than B-movie legend Keith Carradine, and the director is a chap you might have heard of with a rather famous family, called Peter Fonda. Alas, the presence of these big guns fails to show much evidence of quality on screen, with a minuscule budget being apparent from the start resulting in some truly laughable not-so-special effects. Carradine's role is nothing more than an extended bit cameo anyway, with most of the focus on his blonde daughter played by the pretty but utterly vapid Kelly Bohanan. Her travels round the desolate future world with her equally tedious entourage of young men and women are noteworthy only for the production designer's lack of imagination. We get a few burnt out cars, a snake and some rocks. Lots and lots of rocks.Fonda likes his long shots, as he trains the camera in scene after scene as far away as possible as if to show us the hopelessness of this barren wilderness. This sounds great on paper, but in the actual movie the trick is repeated too often and takes us right out of the film. Not that you'll be missing much.. the dialogue consists mainly of boring conversations between boring people who, 40 years from now, could make a fantastic living in the House Of Lords with all their pathetic navel gazing Finally, I defy anyone to make any sense of the labyrinthine plot, which takes place in real time and flashbacks with so much flipping between the two you'll end up nauseous. Either that, or they bring at least one main character back from the dead without any explanation. Don't even think about it. You could develop a brain hemorrhage.Incidentally, my copy cut off 3/4 of the way through. Not the fault of my VHS and the tape inside wasn't chewed up, so it must the cassette itself. This leads me to believe it was probably part of a faulty batch here in the UK. Is anyone else man enough to confess to owning this piece of pish that has the same problem? Do get in touch.. perhaps we can harass Jane Fonda into giving us a refund. She must have made a fortune from all of those Keep Fit videos. Or something.Lastly, I'll close with a quote from what is always a good source of comedy: The back of the video box. "This movie directed by Peter Fonda is probably his best." Excuse me but.. HAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHA. HAHA. HA. HA. Phew.. *wipes tears from eyes*. Deranged? Don't get me started.. 1/10

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