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Sci-fi story about a man (Timothy Dwight) on the run from a Big Brother-like security force.

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Release : 1989
Rating : 5.5
Studio : Stalker Films, 
Crew : Set Designer,  Set Designer, 
Cast : Joan Bechtel Debra Gordon
Genre : Drama Science Fiction

Cast List



Absolutely brilliant


There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.

Roman Sampson

One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


This is the type of film that may need to be viewed several times to capture all of its beauty and intelligence { just like Curse of Frankenstein from 1957} . If you don't like odd, non-mainstream films, steer clear of this masterpiece. For me, the artwork alone in this film is worth the purchase price of the videocassete. The storyline is a bit fantastic but seems to becoming reality in our world today. For being produced in the 1980s, this film is proving to be a prophetic vision of whats to come with Big government and Big brother wanting to control and monitor us.There are many slow sections and the dialog can be quite hard to catch in many scenes { thats why I've watched it 6 times now} but if you can digest it all, it may prove to be well worth your time.The film is basically about a world where people have evolved into robotic machines that have lost their individualism . They are only concerned about accumulating and procreating. The hero of the film has not succumb to this sickness and has not been " tagged" and monitored by big brother. His mission is to release a secret drug into the water supply which will change the way the human robots think and allow individulaism to once again be a part of humanity.Yes, its very low budget, but for its time the computer effects and sound effects are very unique and the paintings are utterly fascinating. If you have an open mind, this film should impress and its prophetic visions are chilling.


I went to this film having no idea what to expect. I actually took a date to it in the theaters when it first came out. We both thoroughly enjoyed it and it helped to have someone to discuss it with after seeing it.I only recommend seeing this film if you appreciate non-mainstream movies. It's not as disjointed as Liquid Sky or as fanciful as Forbidden Zone. The original plot is very easy to follow. There's A LOT of subtle humor.Here's a quick summary of the plot if you are completely lost: A big-brother type government keeps tabs on everyone in society. Suddenly a new person appears and there's no data on him (he appears insane). He may or may not be the second-coming of Christ. The over-cautious government goes into a frenzy to find him and discover his true motives. The ruler is also obsessed with immortality.Some scenes are frantic while others are completely low-key. We follow the lead character as he encounters all different kinds of people in society.I didn't need my consciousness altered to enjoy the film, but I know that some of my friends felt that helped.Split was also filmed around Santa Cruz and San Francisco.


Split was one of the more original films I have ever seen, though I am not entirely sure if that is good. I do know that I thought at the time this movie would be come a midnight/cult movie due to its weirdness. The plot was out-there/semi-comprehensible, but the narrative (if you can call it that) unfolded in a very interesting manner. I have been unable to find this on video again, the original store I rented it at having long since folded. This unavailability I think has added to the fondness I have associated with this production. Who knows, perhaps it would be horrible upon modern viewing. I do remember the plot to be Matrix-like in a number of ways, as well as akin to the Philip Jose Farmer penned Dayworld novels.


When I first started watching this movie I thought it was a student film. It certainly has a raw quality to it in the camera work, the filmstock, and the acting/directing. But as I continued to watch I was intrigued by the story. Its basically The Matrix idea done on a students budget. But don't dismiss it! The computer work in the movie is particularly inventive. Keeping in mind that this movie was shot in 1988/89, the use of computers is intelligent yet trippy. The acting takes some getting used to. It's not slick and natural. It's more forced, but it ends up adding to the plot of the film. I have to say that the ideas used in this film are quite clever and would recommend a viewing to anyone intertested in 1984-esque themes.

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