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Four friends set out on a motorcycle adventure weekend, clocking up miles in an attempt to outrun their age and urban lifestyles. After bartering with a local land owner for a place to set up camp, they spend the night reminiscing over their wasted youth. The following morning they spot an ominous looking caravan, and decide to investigate. Within minutes, an idiotic prank leads to a series of brutal events and a deadly race for survival. A modern plunge back into the worlds created by movies such as 'Deliverance' and 'Southern Comfort' but with a gritty British twang. Kidnap, murder and a hidden past are just some of the reasons these four adventurers should have stayed at home. An action thriller that will make you question who the villains really are. You cant outrun what's in your blood.

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Release : 2011
Rating : 4.3
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Charley Boorman
Genre : Thriller

Cast List



A brilliant film that helped define a genre

Jonah Abbott

There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.

Taha Avalos

The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.


what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.


Sorry, but this film is awful. I really did want to like it. After all, its British, has motorbikes in it and even Charley Boorman - with so much going for it, its a real pity that it was so dire....I gave it one point for Charley, one for the bikes and two for the surprise bit in the story -no, I didn't see it coming, so it does rate a couple of points for that. But overall the plot was non-existent, the acting was dreadful and neither Charley nor the bikes were in it after the first five minutes anyway. (Actually, I wonder why Charley Boorman was in it - what on earth was he thinking about? Maybe they should have hired him as one of the bikers?) The fighting scene was OK but not really my cup of tea.All things considered, I must say I agree with 'Silly Sausage' on this one.


having enquired how much this film cost to make, I am amazed it got onto the screen at all.If Kris McManus can make a film like this on his budget, what does the future hold?? Yep, it was a bit wobbly at the start, but the cameo appearance of Charlie Boorman can't have hurt, a gesture for which I admire him, there can't have been much money in it for him! Some of the scenes were so absorbing that you completely forgot what the quality lacked. Violent, yes, but not gratuitously so. I found the screenplay excellent, and rather more convincing than some of the high budget, convoluted stuff you can see. I thought the atmosphere of the film was brilliantly achieved. The threatening seediness of the bare knuckle boxing scene had me on the edge of my seat. The hairs stood up on my neck when the "Pikeys" appeared to do justice to the bikers who had defaced their caravan. Slow start perhaps, but it amply repays perseverance. The camera quality wasn't that great, but the cameraman had enough skill to compensate to a large degree.To my great surprise, I was really impressed.


Straight off the bat 'Travellers' is a cheap looking and sounding affair. If that isn't your bag then save your time watching. If you can't see this was shot on digital video from the off then you probably need glasses. Should that ruin your enjoyment? No... But the weaker parts of the script, inconsistent acting from some of the players and occasional plot hole may.However, stick with it. If these guys made this with nothing they certainly end it with something, something good.The second half of this movie had me glued to the seat. I'd got used to the shaky cam style and low quality audio and by the time the fight sequence kicks off (one of the best fight sequences I've seen in UK film for a long time) this film makes some impact.The fight itself is expertly handled, no silly Guy Ritchie over stylisation or edits so tight that lose the geography of the scene. This was straight, smacks to the face. The authenticity of the fight seemed spot on, and very real, to a point where I questioned if moments weren't?The Travellers are handled stereotypically at first but to good effect, as horror villains then their characters slowly pulled back, showing a much more complex sense of honour and brotherhood within their group. You will route for them before the end. This is guaranteed by the behaviour of city- boy nut case Andy Baxtor, played well by Tom Geoffrey.The lead, former gypsy turned city-boy Chris (Shane Sweeney) is a likable character despite his buried desire to hit people, and is also performed well and subtly despite the scripts sledge-hammer approach to story telling.It's the the brother and sister act of Traveller Martin (Dean Jagger) and his sister Lucy (Celia Muir) who steal the show. Considering the mixed bag of talent on screen its a small blessing they had these actors holding it together. The screen presence of Jagger is captivating.Director Kris McManus holds it all together and really gains control of his movie during act 3.I expect this lot are new to film-making, and it shows at times, but I hope they continue to do what there doing. just maybe spend a little more time and a lot more money!I'd give this a better rating if the production value had been just a little higher. Worth a watch.*****


For the first 15 or 20 minutes this looked every inch a no budget, student project. If you were watching it on DVD or TV you might even give up on it. Don't.The film improves dramatically as it goes on.It adds tension, better characterisation and a reasonable slice of horror too.There is a cracking bare knuckle fight scene, something that no film about travellers would seem to be without. The performances are mixed, but certainly most of the characters are believable, hinting at a depth beyond their on screen actions. On the balance a film worth watching. Give it a go, but stick with it!

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