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Tin God

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Tin God

Ethan is a young man searching for meaning in life and he thinks he has found what he is looking for in the new girl, Sasha. But Sasha has a dark side that will be his undoing.

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Release : 2012
Rating : 7
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Screenplay, 
Cast :
Genre : Drama Thriller

Cast List





A lot of fun.

Hayden Kane

There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes

Verity Robins

Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.

Aussie Filmbuff

This film is an total cinematic abortion. A tawdry little grub of a film from a tawdry little grub of a director, full of gratuitous T and A to try and cover it's lack of any artistic talent or merit. The only joy to be had is reading the other reviews on this page and laughing at them after viewing this rubbish. 'doco style' is not a validation for lousy camera work or a slap happy edit. Blunderingly sub par acting, a soundtrack straight from mundane 1990 era television, badly shot, badly lit, badly cut, badly acted, badly directed. The one 'special effects' shot in the film is so laughable it had me on my floor in stitches, yet the 'filmmaker' , a term I use laughingly, couldn't be bothered to put in muzzle flashes. Other high/low points are the fight between the two brothers or whatever they were, which was so laughable and full of over the top sound effects you might think somebody had switched films on you half way through. You can see the film that this.....thing... is trying to be, but the director simply does not have the brains or talent to get it there. Shot on five grand? I'd believe it. It certainly looks like it. Grainy and cheap looking, In every aspect, from the look of the film to the cast, this is cheap, nasty cinema at it's cheapest and nastiest.There are a lot of good films coming out of QLD and a lot of talented film directors. This and Jake Reedy both are NOT among them. Uwe Boll has more ability than this clown. Ed Wood has more taste, class and style. If anything, pray that this dolt never makes another film again, and dies horribly and alone for inflicting this five thousand dollar bucket of offal onto the viewing world. Avoid at all costs.


I Loved this film.My personal belief is that Jake Reedy is the most interesting and stylish film auteur to emerge from the Queensland Independent scene in many a year. No one is pushing boundaries like he,and this film is a spot of stylized darkness in the heart of the sunshine state. He, along with Co writer Rachael McMeeking have created a wonderful lament to the self destructive nature of young love and obsession. Tin God is a world of nihilism, self loathing and broken people.Rather than a A to B story, This is an intensely brooding character study on Ethan, played to absolute perfection by master craftsman Tana Smith, a bubbling fountain of barely restrained psychosis, a similarly self obsessed, but much more rageful character to Sean Bateman from the amazing Rules of Attraction, of which Tin God shares much in the portrayal of it's broken, flawed dramatis personae. Orbiting the emotional black hole that is Ethan is his step brother Jesse, played with a sly wit by the amazing Benjamin James Doolan, whose performance fills Jesse with a likable loathsomeness, relishing the cheek of his character and playing it with a stark honesty to Ethan's self deluded nature. In the closing moments, this is the tragedy we are keenly aware of: That Jesse has been honest with Ethan the entire time, like the friend who tells you the truth you do not want to hear. Enabling Ethan is Joey Kingman as Cassie. Kingman's performance is so subtle and nuanced that it seems to not fit with the others, which i believe is it's strength. Through Cassie, Kingman shows us that she does not fit in with these dark, crumbling souls, and that her character is a path to redemption that is ultimately a casualty of the cycle of destruction Ethan locks himself in.Whitney Duff as the heat breaking Sasha is not the cause of all this, but the match that starts the inferno. Duff is electric as Sasha, The girl you know is bad, yet Duff fills her full of a melancholic sadness that is like the first drops of rain upon an empty beach. Amazing acting.One thing I adored worthy of note was the costume design. Avoiding the usual traps, There was obviously a lot of thought put into the characters wardrobe; Ethan seems to primarily be attired in black and white for most of the film, reflecting his characters world view, Sasha is the type of punk rock girl absent from Australian cinema, Jesse is in blues and blacks, reflecting the laid back nature of his character. Cassie is very warm and inviting. And the Halloween party was a visual feast of costume, particularly with Cassie and Jesse.The lighting! What an achievement Reedy has pulled together under such adverse circumstances. The lighting and camera work are the signs of true talent, to infuse such style on such a limited budget shows the true creativity of this director. This is true cinema veritae in action, to bring the elements of what could be akin to the style of 'found footage' films, marrying it with the neo noir stylings of Sin City and Mann's Miami Vice and blend it with the dreary undertones and high drama of films such as Best Laid Plans, Gossip or Body Shots.Over all, the true cold heart of Tin God is the uncompromising reality. The language, the nudity, all ring true. A great film from a director and cast who will go places. I have rented twice, And I will be buying this art-house gem and urge you to do the same!


I cannot believe that this movie, Tin God, for under 10 thousand dollars, I have read that it was between 3 to 5 thousand ,is as good as it is and made it all the way to Cannes and onto shelves across Australia. What an achievement! I live in Toowoomba and remember a few years ago when this was being filmed, I saw these guys shooting at Wyalla Plaza in the rain and wondered what was going on. Who knew a few years later I'd be watching it!I love seeing indie Australian movies and this is as good as any American indie film. It's dark, funny, shocking and real. There's a few boring bits at the start but that's okay, It really gets going and starts to pull you into to the ****ed up life these characters lead. The Acting is really good and the actor that plays Ethan is really amazing. He really goes full psycho in some scenes and you wonder if he's gonna lose it. And when he does, he really loses it. And the actress that plays Sasha was really good too, I had a crush on her by the end of the movie and the scene where she loses it at the end when Ethan walks away was really sad and raw. Another standout moment was where Jesse tells Sasha about the kid he nearly beat to death in high school. It was a really good acting scene from Jesse and really sucked me in and made me feel sorry for his character, cause up until then you think he's kind of a jerk.I think Tin God is great because it really inspired me to do my own movies. Jake Reedy was really smart the way he made this because he did some cool stuff with his camera work and got really good actors to make the film. Lots of times the acting in indie movies is pretty bad, but in Tin God it's really good. The writing was excellent too, the way the actors all spoke like real people. To make this for under 5 thousand dollars, He is a really smart and talented film director and really deserves his success. I really hope to see the actors in other movies soon, because they are really talented.I really hope more people watch this movie, especially Toowoomba people because this was made in our town and it really deserves to be seen. Greg


Here's the spoiler. Jake Reedy can't make a good movie. Tin God is full of nothing but characters you hate who are all sookey grunge stereotypes, gratuitous nudity and 'super cool' dialogue. The cast are good, but it's hard to do anything good with such lousy material. I've seen others say that this is some sort of ode to the emotional difficulty of being Twenty whatever, all it seems to me is that the director, if you could call him that, has taken out all his ex girlfriend issues and dumped them on film and expected us to care. The pointless nude scenes are not daring, they're just pointless excuses to get the actresses to flash some flesh for the directors benefit and little else. I hated the writing. Why are we watching an Australian movie where no one speaks Australian? These people all talk like some stupid American movie. What genre is this? it's not a drama, it's not action, it's not thriller. It's just the directors jouernal put on film. I've read stuff about this on it's facebook page and honestly, talk about thinking your film is better than it is. How this got DVD release i don't know. Save your money and go get a good Aussie action or horror instead. Crush this tin and throw it in the recycle bin.

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