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911 Mysteries Part 1: Demolitions

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911 Mysteries Part 1: Demolitions

911 Mysteries is a documentary that attempts to tell the people what really happened. It systematically deconstructs all of the propaganda you have heard about the twin towers, and replaces it with facts.

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Release : 2006
Rating : 7.9
Studio :
Crew : Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Documentary

Cast List



It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.


Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

Melanie Bouvet

The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

Frances Chung

Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable

Colleen Lenahan

I think this film was great! I'm looking forward to more like it. I hope it sparks dialog and confrontation so we can get to the truth about what is going on in our country. The people who don't like it and think it's "banal" are just asleep. (Or they are behind it.) When your mind is more awake watch it again. You can't sleep too much longer. We're in a new era, now. People are waking up. With the election of Obama, a fire has been lit. Films like this are a precursor to what is to come. People are becoming way too smart, especially visually. In this YouTube era we're too visually sophisticated to fall for a lot of what the media tries to pull over on us. The traditional news media are the dinosaurs that will soon be extinct.


Truly, truly awful. The questions were mind-numbingly dumb (as was the commentary), if anything it makes you realise why the Sept 11 campaigners still haven't been able to prove a single one of their allegations. This film must be a false-flag operation, it truly is that bad. Watch it only if you are a die-hard conspiracy buff, or you can suspend all disbelief at the banality of the film and it's utter lack of impact. I tried hard to understand why she really decided to make this film, and the only conclusion that I could come to was that it is an attempt to cash-in on peoples natural desire to think the unthinkable.Only watch this if you have already lost the will to live!

Rat Dog

This documentary is meant to be a wake up call for all who live in this world. Our lives are merely a small and anonymous part of the whole greater idea that 'terrorism is endangering our democracy'. In fact, the reality is that our 'protytype' of a democracy must secure his hunger for oil. 9/11 mysteries lets you decide whether the official story of the happenings on that shameful day are true or whether we are being puppeted like Hitler and co. brainwashed the Germans in WW2. If you take the time to watch this piece, you will ask yourself: 'How can we be lied to like this in the 21st century, using modern media and the experience of WW2'. Inform yourself!


This film is called Demolitions and is part 1 of 3 films called 9/11 Mysteries.The guy that made this film is a Registered Republican who watched the film "9/11:In Plane Sight" and was so angered by what he saw, he decided to make a video to counter it, however as he started investigating it, what he found was that the majority of the evidence in that film is ACTUALLY TRUE.So he decided to investigate further and what hes uncovered has made been put onto film.The film is split into various parts that go into the history of the WTC, how they were built, what materials were used, and speak to professionals within the engineering industry how the construction failed that day. Other parts include the events leading up to the attacks, the damage done by the planes hitting the towers as well as the collapse of the towers and also the aftermath of the collapse, as well as the clean up operation.The film shows you the official version of events according to NIST and FEMA and does an excellent job of highlight the inconsistencies of how the towers collapse.The films is a comprehensive guide to what happened to the WTC1, 2 & 7 and the makers have done an excellent job, they speak with engineers, demolition experts, physics experts who explain why how the towers could not have collapsed due to fires or the attacks.The bit about the demolition is very interesting for anyone who has ever doubted that WTC 1, 2 & (Especially) 7 fell, all back up with evidence and speaking with the people who have expertise in these areas. They back up what they says with news evidence where you can hear explosions before the towers collapse.I remember the time news networks on 9/11 were not sure if there were explosives were planted inside the towers. This films shows you clips where you can hear explosions before the collapse as well as conversations with survivors like William Rodriguez who was the last person that came out of WTC alive. As well as this there is additional footage and recordings of the firefighters who were there that day WTC 1 & 2 were White Elephants, very expensive offices with lots of empty space. Something which I didn't know about 7. I didn't know that WTC 7 had various offices that belong to the CIA, Secret Services as well as thousands of case files into corporate fraud of some of the biggest companies, all lost on that day.It shows you photos of WTC 5 & 6 which suffered lots more damage than WTC 7, yet they were still standing. The film does a great job with all the evidence and suggests that the only way these towers collapsed was by a mixture of Thermate (Not Thermite as some suggest and the reasons for the molten iron pool found weeks after the collapse under the rubble) and explosives. They even show you the thick steele beams which have obviously been cut with Demolition Charges put in a V shape (A standard practice in demolitions) I would highly recommend EVERY American watches this, anyone who says it's a load of rubbish can't have watched this film as the evidence and science is all backed up.

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