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The Invisible Man's Love Life

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The Invisible Man's Love Life

Young doctor Garondet is summoned by renowned Professor Orloff. At Orloff's castle, Garondet discovers that the mad scientist has created an invisible yet murderous apeman.

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Release : 1970
Rating : 4.3
Studio : Célia Films,  Producciones Miguel Mezquíriz, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Howard Vernon Brigitte Carva Fernando Sancho Paco Valladares Eugène Berthier
Genre : Horror Science Fiction

Cast List

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The Age of Commercialism

Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

Lucia Ayala

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.


The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.

Claudio Carvalho

The newcomer Dr. Garondet (Francis Valladares) is summoned by professor Orloff (Howard Vernon) but people in his village is afraid to go to his castle. The insistent Dr. Garondet reaches the castle and the servants send him to talk to Cécile Orloff (Brigitte Carva), who is the daughter of the professor and is worried about the mental health of her father. Dr. Garondet meets professor Orloff and he tells what happened to Cécile sometime ago and his experiment with an invisible man, and he explains that his daughter is deranged due to the reported incident. Dr. Garondet has to spend the night in the castle and soon he learns who is the insane in the castle. "La vie amoureuse de l'homme invisible" is a lame and funny euro trash sexploitation by Pierre Chevalier, a wannabee of Jess Franco and Ed Wood. The silly story has poor acting, awful scenarios and gratuitous nudity. The rape of the servant by the invisible man and the bush of Brigitte Carva are scenes of so bad taste that become hilarious. My vote is four.Title (Brazil): "O Monstro do Dr. Orloff" ("The Monster of the Dr. Orloff")


This Gothic horror film was released by Eurociné who were purveyors of cheap French exploitation movies. While it has slightly higher production values than most of the others released by this distributer, it's still a pretty bargain basement effort. It's one of a series of Dr Orloff movies. The character was a Euro horror alternative to Dr Frankenstein and seems to have fulfilled a similar role. The story starts when a new village doctor is summoned to Orloff's castle on business unspecified. The local populace are aghast that he would consider going to such an evil place. On arrival, it seems it was the doctor's daughter who has requested him secretly in an attempt to turn her father around from his dangerous experiments that she fears are endangering her life and his sanity. It turns out that Orloff has created an invisible man…I think the chief problem with this one is that an invisible man makes for a very underwhelming villain. Aside from a few simple trick shots an invisible character involves very little effort to create. He is certainly a cheap alternative to a decent monster that's for sure. We are treated to floating drinks trays, pages of books turning by themselves, footprints in flour and…eh…invisible rape. The latter was clearly added to up the requisite sleaze factor that the early 70's Euro Gothic horrors were aiming for. There is quite a bit of nudity in general in the movie but it's never in danger of becoming erotic unfortunately. From the horror side of the fence, aside from the invisible man, there is a back story involving premature burial and grave robbery. Nothing of which is anything too memorable. Perhaps the single most original idea in the film is the fact that, for reasons never really explained, the invisible man appears to be a gorilla! The invisible ape…you couldn't make it up! Acting performances are generally dull but Howard Vernon (Dr Orloff) is always watchable.

Paul Andrews

La Vie Amoureuse de L'Homme Invisible, or titles like Dr. Orloff's Invisible Monster, Orloff Against the Invisible Man as it's known amongst English speaking audiences & even The Invisible Dead as it's known over here in the UK, starts late one night in a small European village where Dr. Garondet (Paco Valladares) receives a message to go to Dr. Orloff's (Howard Vernon) castle. Being the local doctor he feels obliged, after getting there he meets Dr. Orloff's daughter Cecile (Brigitte Carva) who says something strange is going on in the castle & she is scared, Garondet agrees to look into it & speaks with her father Dr. Orloff who admits he has created a invisible super human creature who he intends to create an entire race of to take over the world! But will Orloff's diabolical plans succeed?This French Spanish co-production was co-written & directed by Pierre Chevalier & is quite simply one of the most boring Euro horror flicks I've ever seen, in fact it's so boring it could have been a Jesus 'I have no talent' Franco film! The script by Chevalier & Juan Fortuny is as slow as they come, I'm sorry but I don't sit down to watch a film & expect or want to be bored out of my skull. The script is also full of plot holes & makes no sense, for instance Dr. Orloff says he has operated & created an invisible man. Well alright but lets think about that statement for a moment, I mean how can Dr. Orloff operate on an invisible man? How can Dr. Orloff see what he's operating on? Then there's the puzzling flashback padding sequence, despite serving no real purpose for the main story other than to pad it out Dr. Orloff says his daughter Cecile dies & they put her in a coffin & stick her in a tomb. Is it ever explained why she suddenly comes back to life because if it is I missed it, wouldn't Dr. Gardonet have at least questioned Cecile's miraculous resurrection from the dead? Also, why does Dr. Orloff make such a point of claiming his daughter Cecile is insane? It has no relevance to the plot as Dr. Gardonet at this point knows about his experiments & at no time in the film does Cecile act like she's insane so that makes it even more of an odd plot point to emphasise so much. So in short there's far too many silly plot holes, things that make no sense, a dull very slow pace & there's barely any exploitation either besides a few naked women. So is there anything good about this film? No, not really I'm afraid or at least I couldn't see anything good while watching it.Director Chevalier does alright actually, despite looking cheap the castle locations, sets & period clothing are quite impressive & atmospheric. In terms of gore there isn't any, seriously some fat guy has a small cut on his forehead otherwise there isn't a single drop of blood in the entire thing. There's a few scenes of full frontal nudity if that's your sort of thing & a woman is raped by an invisible man is a scene of pure comedy as she tries to simulate being raped by herself! Speaking of the so-called invisible man when he's finally revealed at the end he looks like some ape creature rather than a normal guy so why does Dr. Orloff keep referring to it as a 'man' when clearly it isn't? Special effects wise it's a man in a bad ape suit. The climax also features one of the most pathetic burning castles ever, all the filmmakers do is pump smoke out of the castle on locations window!Technically the film is OK, the photography is alright & the production values are pretty decent. The sound on my copy was awful, the soundtrack is full of hisses, pops & crackles especially noticeable when there's no music. The film is obviously dubbed, it's not as bad as some Euro horror films but the dialogue is just strange & doesn't make much sense.La Vie Amoureuse de L'Homme Invisible is a really dull & boring Euro horror flick & I usually love these things. I was disappointed, no blood, no gore, virtually no sleaze & a stupid storyline that makes zero sense, I wasn't impressed. For die hard Euro horror flick junkies only, as far as everyone else is concerned there are much, much better films out there.


Anyone encountering this film on VHS in the UK as the Invisible Dead, tag line; " god help us if they rise again" will find themselves utterly baffled or just ripped off by the content of the actual film. Not only have they been lead to believe that it's a zombie flick by the sleeve art but the film itself has been sliced and diced, presumably by the distributors following the 1982 video act,so that sleazy content of any kind is absent, and what we are left with is essentially 80 odd minutes of people wandering through corridors very....slowly.....indeed. As others have doubtless pointed out, none of the dialogue bears much relation to the action on screen, some of the soundtrack has been left blatantly undubbed, and that goddamn music clangs away throughout for all the world like a troop of drunken boy scouts assaulting each other with biscuit tins. Listing the inconsistencies and "what the heck?.." moments would take too damn long, but suffice to say that it's one of those eurosleaze offerings that manage to conjure up a surreal, dream-like atmosphere chiefly through being incoherent and flat out badly made.And judging by the speed of the opening doors and "magically" appearing footprints, the invisible ape-man doesn't really pose much of a threat to anyone who can move faster than a relaxed stroll.It's crap. I quite enjoyed it

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