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R.O.D - Read or Die

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R.O.D - Read or Die

A young female agent with a powerful psionic power over paper must stop a plot for world destruction.

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Release : 2001
Rating : 7.4
Studio : Studio Deen, 
Crew : Director, 
Cast : Rieko Miura Michiko Neya Masami Iwasaki Hozumi Goda Hiroki Takahashi
Genre : Adventure Fantasy Animation

Cast List



Touches You


Fresh and Exciting


Admirable film.


I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.

Lawrence Griffin

Unlike the rather paltry and ridiculous series which shares its name, this OVA is actually quite worth your time, anime fan or not. A lot of the usual anime clichés are abundant, but the difference here is that they are wrapped up tightly inside a packaging that is fairly original, and extremely entertaining, too. I mean, a bookish, busty young Japanese lady fighting with paper against big guys with guns and swords? Hey, it might not be all that weird for anime standards, but I find it pretty fun.The story is pretty simple, yet involving and intriguing at the same time, skipping along at a gallant pace and always keeping the viewer on the edge of his seat. Read or Die is silly at times, and it does not vary all that much from what the viewer would expect from an anime, but it is damned good, and fans of the style should check it out.


Like many of the best anime, Read or Dies plot looks absolutely ridiculous on papers. Superpowered librarians and resurrected minor historical figures fight ridiculous, lightning-paced battles for a lost Beethoven score of, at least initially, uncertain significance. The premise, and many of the superpowers hurled around with vicious abandon, are absolutely absurd, yet the show maintains its own bizarre internal logic which catches you up in the shows world without requiring you to ask too many questions, especially if watched in one sitting. Indeed, the show never tries to explain any of its more bizarre elements, and a good thing as well. Something like ROD could easily get bogged down in technobabble fan-service, but instead it rips along at a great pace. Whilst not a classic by any means, ROD is a great bit of fun, with colourful, eccentric characters, top-notch animation and good, crisp modern anime artwork thankfully free of blatant CGI abuse. When did anime ever have to make sense anyway?

Christopher Aaby Sørensen (christopher_aaby)

In my humble opinion, this is nothing short of a masterpiece. Often, I feel that animation (western and Asian alike) tends to forget its roots - the fantastic, the stuff of dreams and imagination. Instead, a lot of animation tries to mimic reality, which many do well. This anime however, tells a playful, dreamlike story, taking you through literary eras without the need to actually jump in time, and as effortlessly as turning the page of a book.In short, this anime has a strong theme of storytelling, classic fantastic literature, and "history" rather than "legend". The setting is in victorian-like castles, huge libraries and secret corridors, with sudden leaps into the modern big city life, musty basement-bookstores, a desert town, a high tech military base, and more, all blending seamlessly, magically. The characters seem too fantastic to be real, but at the same time they are rooted in historical characters.I can't even comment on the animation or the sound. It's simply impeccable. But the true strength of this anime, and the final push towards a full 10/10 is the story, and the way it's told. A less-than-great attempt at such a diverse setting and cast would most likely fail, but incredibly Read or Die pulls it off. How the creators managed to do this, I cannot comprehend, but it works! You're seduced and taken for a ride through worlds, eras and genres, from fantasy adventures to street-level action, unexpected character dramas to huge scale crime fighting. It's no wonder that this anime won best OVA at Anime Expo 2002 - I can only say that it's well deserved.


I saw this one about a year ago out of curiosity (the name alone sounds interesting) and I thoroughly enjoyed what I saw.The story revolves around Yomiko Readman, a.k.a. The Paper, a substitute teacher/secret agent for the Royal British Library, and also quite a book collector with the unique ability to control paper (it's cooler than it sounds, trust me). She reports to a man called Joker when called into action. But she can't do it alone. She needs the help of her fellow agents: Nancy Makuhari, a.k.a. Miss Deep, who can pass through solid objects as if they were air; and Drake Anderson, who has no special talent, although he is able to see the bad side of nearly every situation. Together, they must stop a group of famous people from the past, who were brought back to life through genetic reconstruction, from destroying the world.With superb animation quality and a story that will keep you guessing right up until the end, this OVA is up in the top of my list of favorites. I'd recommend this to anyone, whether you're an anime fan or not.

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