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The Uninvited

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The Uninvited

Impaired by amnesia, Jeong-won (Shin-yang Park) can't remember his youth -- until he meets Yeon (Ji-hyun Jun), a psychic who may be able to uncover his past. After witnessing the horrific deaths of children, both share dreamlike visions of ghostly forms. Together, they explore the depths of psychological terror in this chilling Korean thriller, artfully directed by Su-yeon Lee.

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Release : 2003
Rating : 5.7
Studio : Bom Film Productions, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Fight Choreographer, 
Cast : Park Shin-yang Jun Ji-hyun Yu Seon Lee Joo-sil Lee Seok-jun
Genre : Horror Thriller

Cast List



Very best movie i ever watch


The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.


The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.

Nayan Gough

A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.


I thought I would comment to address the disparity between the relatively favorable comments and the modest rating of 5.8 (as of April 2008) of "The Uninvited." First off, as others have noted, this movie isn't really a horror, at least not in the way most people think of modern Asian horror. It's much more of a psychological thriller. I don't know why it is marketed as a horror, perhaps to cash in on the sizable j-horror crowd. Though I don't personally care that it was not a j-horror (which all seem derivative to me anyway), conflicting expectations were probably one reason this movie got such poor ratings.The second reason is that the plot was ridiculously complicated and confusing. The main character is haunted by recent deaths of two girls on the subway. Yet the plot also concerns the murder trial of two(?) infants by a lady who may have played a role in the death of the subway girls. Meanwhile, the lady has the ability to help others recall traumatic events from their early childhoods. Consequently, the movie jumps all over in place and time. Is this another flashback? Where are we now? Wait, scenes x, y, z were all in one day? Is this for real or in his imagination? What does X have to do with Y?? Who is character abc anyway? This was one of the most difficult movies I have ever watched to keep track of connections between different characters and events.Now I can appreciate a movie with open-ended plots and countering interpretations, but there comes a point where a story is simply poorly told. And this is aggravated by the long run time, over two hours (despite the fact that the DVD box says 96 minutes). Very few movies, IMO, have any business going over two hours, and this was not one of them.Yes, the movie is nicely shot, with some interesting visuals and good atmosphere, but style can only bolster strong substance. Others have compared this movie to The Sixth Sense, but I would compare it more to Unbreakable.


Like other IMDb'ers who have commented on The Uninvited, I expected the film to be a supernatural tale along the lines of The Eye. Instead, the movie turns out to be a rather depressing (and somewhat overlong) study of fractured psyches, depression and dealing with death. This movie is more about people who are haunted by the ghosts of their pasts, rather than by real spooks.Whilst travelling home from work, Jeong-won, a man with no memory of his childhood, witnesses the death of two small children (poisoned by their mother and abandoned on a train). Soon after, he begins to see the dead kids in his apartment and leaves in a panic.He meets Yeon, a narcoleptic who is a witness in an infant murder case and who is also able to see the ghosts. Together they unravel the shocking secrets of his past.An extremely slow moving movie with a sometimes confusing plot, The Uninvited is certainly hard going. Replete with suicides, accidental deaths and murder, and with some genuinely shocking scenes that will sear themselves into your memory, this isn't exactly a feel-good movie. With absolutely no lighter moments to lift the mood, be prepared to feel 'down' after the credits have rolled.And if you think I'm exaggerating, see if you can watch the scene with the 'truck/child interface' without wincing!The look of the film is amazing and there are some lovely sweeping camera movements which are technically superb. The cast give excellent performances given the difficult subject matter. Unfortunately, the dreadful pacing of the film spoils what may have been a really great film. The tale meanders aimlessly in parts and really drags, making it almost as difficult for the viewer to stay awake as it was for poor old Yeon.Not exactly essential viewing then, but still worth having a look if this kind of thing floats your boat.


I got the DVD for the Uninvited not knowing what to expect, Asian Horror movies are usually very different one from another. There are movies that go heavy on the blood and others than go heavy on the Drama; The Uninvited falls in the latter, just like other movies like Dark Water or Two Sisters. The movie is about a man named Jung-won who is an Interior designer. One day he falls asleep in the subway and he must hurry out before the doors close, but outside he notices that the two kids are still on the train, and he does nothing. The next day he hears on the radio that the 2 children were dead and suddenly he starts seen the kids sitting at his dinner table. He ignores what is happening to him, probably thinking is the shock of watching the children dead in the train until the day he meets a woman named Yun who suffers from narcolepsy, so he takes her to his home when she loses conscious in his car, and just when she is leaving she tell him to put his kids in bed, so now Jung-won is not the only one seeing the dead kids. From there Yun helps Jung-won find the gruesome secrets buried in his past, but he is not the only one with a dark past. The movie has some very shocking scenes that play very well. Both lead actors, Shin-yang Park and Ji-hyun Jun (most known for her part in the romantic comedy (My Sassy Girl") did a fantastic job playing these troubled characters. The cinematography is superb, there were some scenes were I was very impressed. The US DVD from Panik House is great, from the cover to the extras. There are 2 Audio Commentaries, one in English, which is very informative about the Korean culture and Cinema and another one in Spanish. It has a Making Off, Interviews with the lead Actors, a story boards/scenes comparisons, and other need stuff like a condensed version of the movie. The DVD also comes with a sticker of the cover. I really recommend this movie to everyone, is not a simple horror movie but a complex drama with some very shocking moments.


Warning: Minor spoilersThis film is a bit like a good rough draft that, with more work, could've become something quite interesting. The basic premise is good, about suppressed memories and how they can affect us. It takes its time setting up the characters and scenarios, and the story slowly unravels before us.It's not horror, or thriller exactly, but a rather horrific tale of trauma and loss. The film is mostly very calm and distinctly un-gruesome, but there are some quite disturbing images that are likely to haunt you for quite a while. But this is a very different film from what you might think of at the term "Asian Horror". It's main failing is that it doesn't seem to really know what to do, or where to go. It begins with a rather "thriller" approach, with the mystery of two dead girls appearing before our main character, but this event is actually just used as a mood-setter and hook. But nobody let's us know about that, so the viewer is constantly wondering when we'll return to the two dead kids, and how they relate to the story. The movie then seems to head in the direction of a drama, as our main character becomes very interested in a rather disturbed, mysterious woman. You almost think the film is going to be a melancholic love story, but not so. It then becomes a mystery about this woman, what her past is, what her situation is, and trying to find out what's troubling her. But somewhat later the focus is brought back to the main character and his (unmentioned so far) childhood traumas. All in all, the film is a collection of good ideas, some excellent scenes, and quite clever plot elements, but it lacks real unity. Threads are started only to be dropped, others are picked up that were never really introduced, and the focus just keeps shifting from one theme to another without ever actually developing into much.Throughout, the main character behaves in completely unnatural ways. This could've been used as an effect, to illustrate how the character is crippled by his past traumas, and maybe this is the intention. But it just doesn't work that way. For more than half the film I was wondering what kind of idiot this guy is - only later is there given any hint of the fact that he has some past issues troubling him.Overall, the rather interesting themes are left almost completely undeveloped on any intellectual level, and the movie ends up as wasted potential. Other filmmakers should watch this film and cannibalize its better ideas.

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