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Supernatural forces collide when madness meets magic in "Divination." Jason is a young, successful artist married to the lovely Jessica. They're filled with joy at their first pregnancy and the uncanny return of their mysterious friend Dee. But Jason is tormented by Fear continually whispering nightmares and horrific visions into his mind. As he descends deeper into madness an intervention is made by the powerful angel Joshua, and his eager assistant Daniel.

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Release : 2012
Rating : 4.1
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Lisa Coronado J.P. Giuliotti
Genre : Fantasy Action Thriller

Cast List


Kattiera Nana

I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.


If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.

Portia Hilton

Blistering performances.

Allison Davies

The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.


This is a Christian Propaganda movie.In addition, its also a terrible movie.. really bad! It would be interesting to hear where money to this movie came from. And in addition, also, as the actors seem not to have any training, and no passion for acting whatsoever, what their regular occupation is.Perhaps they work for a Christian Propaganda Company? I guess, only God knows!


Clearly the message of this film was supposed to be how God, the angels and Jesus Christ fight and how the Devil and his minions do their best to keep people from Jesus Christ.However, that is all implied and would only be known by someone who was familiar with Christianity.And someone familiar with Christianity (and more than I wish I knew from personal experience with the devils or demons), I feel this movie failed deeply in giving a true message.First of all, the protagonist's father was a pastor, talked about "the Blood" and committed suicide because he LOST the battle. That would never happen without a whole different angle of the story showing how his father had "turned on" God. The power of the blood of Jesus by calling on His name can and will work to defeat the Enemy. This film made strong implications that God and Satan are equals and that neither can easily win the fight. The fact is, once a person takes on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:12-18 in King James Bible) there is NO CONTEST. Second, one of the "givens" in the storyline is that it is a good thing and a "spiritual talent" to be able to see the spirit world. In the film the late father and protagonist son had this "gift." I am not enough of an expert to say I know 100% -- but I am convinced that 99.999% of the time (at minimum) being able to see fallen angels, etc. in the spirit world is NOT a gift that is God-given. It is however something Satan gives some but not all of his slaves (humans). And personally I think that is rather a blessing that God spares us that except in very special instances seen in the Bible. Thirdly, while the movie shows people doing rituals in the black arts it never shows Christians praying, worshiping, loving and walking a Christian walk.All a person can really "learn" from this film is that divination is a dangerous practice that allows evil spirits a level of control over one's life (good), but so much is left out on how to take the opposite track that I find the film very disappointing. Even the "protecting angels" were very "off." I could see putting "angels" for the dark side in the relationships God's angels had here -- but the way they were shown as so frequently confused and ineffective, (the angels of God), that just wasn't true. Oh, and using a "bleeding tree" really grossed me out. Obviously a reference to Jesus shedding his blood on the tree (cross), Jesus does NOT hang on the cross in perpetuity so that we can all go there and mop up some healing blood. YUCK. No. He suffered, died and resurrected. He is currently at the right hand of the Father and is already named King of Kings. "Bleeding tree" my foot -- (although sad to say I think certain sects of religions that call themselves Christian perpetuate the idea of some kind of eternal crucifixion).Creative, but no. Just no. Although it was interesting to watch -- and I thought several of the actors were very good -- I will not want to watch it again, nor would I recommend it to anyone since it really makes a mess of how things really work on some very key points.I do hope to see more films with better clarity from this filmmaker, IF it will be based more on the biblical (and actual) truths.


This movie is a good reminder of how many people live at the mercy of fear and demonic attack, and it shows how simple it can be to come under protection through the blood covenant we have in Christ. He holds the keys! This is one of the most difficult subjects to portray, and it's done with respect and reverence. The acting and cast are great. I love the way the writer treats those who are sensitive to spiritual awareness. We have a gift, and it's something that can be tarnished and perverted, but it's definitely God- given and can do much in the service of the Most High.I'd be hesitant to show this to young children or anyone who might become enthralled with the desire to see angels and demons. We need to be more enthralled with the One who makes it all possible for us to live in joy and peace, love and prosperity. He has a name and He is still alive today. His power is what gives the authority to those we see at work here. But we can meet Him, too! No need to settle for the servants when we can enjoy the Lord of the house. However, this film also has a broad appeal.This film has a lot of intensity, parents choose wisely.


My wife and I didn't make it more than halfway through. Terrible lighting, one actress' face is a solid shadow while the other has a shiny glare on her forehead! Atrocious acting; telegraphing lines, stiff movement, awkward pauses, etc. Some of the CGI was sub par, but most was brilliant. The plot was thin, a worn out story told to death... I just can't find much to say about this film that's positive. Not even one of the characters made you feel any sort of empathy. It's tough to identify with a character who is wooden and unnatural. The first half of the movie seems bent on pushing the message that all couples must breed. I understand this is a faith based film, but come on! Why push this agenda in a film made for entertainment!In summary, Don't waste your time on this one!

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