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In the midst of a midlife crisis of faith, a man finds hope where he least expects it – his hometown. James Moore (Golden Globe nominee Corbin Bernsen) is a former pastor who returns home to discover a family new to the area has been killed in a mysterious fire, and his childhood friend is implicated in the murder. Convinced of his friend’s innocence, James sets out on a mission to find the truth… and in the process, rediscovers his own lost faith. An uplifting drama about faith, family, and the powerful ties that bind a community together.

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Release : 2010
Rating : 5.6
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Co-Producer, 
Cast : Corbin Bernsen Frank Gallacher
Genre : Drama

Cast List



You won't be disappointed!


Dreadfully Boring


As Good As It Gets


This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.


In a world of fake reality TV and impossible movie plots, this movie surprises with absolute reality. This must be the reason for its only slightly above mid score. While there is a place for unrealistic entertainment, you will not find it in this movie. What you will find is an absolutely astounding and realistic story. The acting is surprisingly good while not going overboard or being amateurish. After recently seeing "The Shack", I would rate this movie higher. I am truly surprised this movie didn't make more of an impact. It's not full of suspense, but there's enough to keep you watching. The last 15 minuets are outstanding. If you have teens, this is an ideal family movie. They may be a little bored with the movie, but the lessons learned at the end are well worth the wait.

Donna Theeck

What a wonderful movie. A real down to earth story. The actors added so much to the story. My dad was born on a farm, so it brought fond memories back to me. I love that the story was about faith in God without being all gussie.. People need to have more of it. I hope more people watch RUST. I didn't know Corbin could write too. Anyone of any faith should watch it. It will warm your heart. Thank you, Corbin and Amazon for making available.

James nunez

I must say this movie was a pleasant surprise and the film makers really cheated themselves by not releasing this to theatres. With all the recent success of faith based movies like Fireproof, Courageous, and The Grace Card, this movie has better acting than a lot of mainstream Christian movies today. Corbin Bernsen is the kind of actor who has relegated himself to doing low budget, straight to DVD movies, in fact the last major movie in a theatre he was in was Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang. In the movie, he plays a minister who has lost his faith and returns to his hometown. There is a mystery here involving a house fire and his once good friend who has now been committed to a psych ward. Lloyd Warner stands out as Travis, the once good friend of Bernsen's character. Throughout the film, I found myself wanting to know the back story behind the two characters and exactly why they both seem to have ended up on opposite sides of life. Everything is shown to us and it's done very well. There is no profanity in this movie, but there are some other themes which in my opinion should have up the movie's rating to a PG-13 based on the elements of suicide, depression, and violence. Either way I recommend this film to anyone and would allow my kids to watch it as well.


Corbin Bernsen plays James Moore, a minister struggling with a kind of faith-based mid-life crisis. Quitting his job, he returns to his hometown to find that its people have been through their own share of crises and misfortunes - including a tragic, deadly house-fire resulting in the arrest and detention in a psych hospital of Travis, his childhood friend. Can James pull it together enough to make sense of life's unfortunate turns? And how far should he go to help his friend? Corbin Bernsen wrote, directed and co-produced this refreshingly original story. His use of unknown actors gives the film a realistic edginess that some may find fault with, but I found part of the charm. In the end, themes of doubt, faith, friendship, loyalty and hope are what makes the film inspirational, family fare.

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