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The Enemies Within

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The Enemies Within

Trevor Loudon's terrifying documentary "Enemies Within" exposes the ties between elected officials in the highest reaches of the United States government and their radical, anti-American allies.

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Release : 2016
Rating : 5.1
Studio :
Crew : Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Documentary

Cast List



i must have seen a different film!!


Absolutely the worst movie.


The first must-see film of the year.


An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.


This documentary blew me away. I could not believe how much information is in this documentary, it's kind of overwhelming... and shocking.The connections are indisputable. The actions are indisputable. The interviews, facts, testimonies, eye witness accounts, and more are indisputable. There is a deliberate intentional goal of the Left to take down this country. And this documentary shows the ties of these people to Communism. Over 100 current representatives in our government who are Democrat have Communist ties. Can't recommend this documentary enough.


So I watch a lot of documentaries and tonight I was fulfilling my daily quota when I came across this gem. Now I will be straight forward the best documentaries give you many resources so if you would like to learn more you can. This one doesn't it just throws things at you in such an adhoc way that you will either turn your computer off or just soak it up with out question. When I started it immediately lead me to the conclusion that this was just another political attack ad much like the ones that surfaced a few years ago going after the occupy groups.So I started a little of my own research which wasn't hard on my part because when I hear these details I automatically get suspicious of the source material. Huge swaths of the narrative being spun are so outrageous it borderlines on slander if not down right defamation (I can smell it in courts already). Non of it holds stock its like saying Reagan worshipped Hitler in his bedroom you can't prove it didn't happen so it must be true. That is the logic at hand in this poorly conceived film.So I warn you all watch it if you must but please don't be brain dead to buy into it. I would give it a 1 star if not for the total audacity of it all.


This movie connects multiple senators and representatives to all kinds off organizations that are so bad that Satan himself would look like innocent child compared to them. It is kind of ironic that it also connects them to the communist party of USA which has no connection with Russia whatsoever. And it is hilarious to see connections to Putin when the current administration is pretty much just a west wing of Kremlin. Unfortunately a lot of folks out there believe in that. And that's their right and one of the many joys of the freedom of this country. To the movie quality. It is poorly put together bunch of interviews that sometimes contradict each other's conspiracy theories. Leaving one thought: the Democratic Party of USA is the enemy within. It accompanied by dramatic narration and midi music with bad cgi and poor lighting for the interviews. 1 out of 10. I regret the time spent on it.


I would recommend that every American see this film. If you want to know why it seems our country has seemed to take the wrong positions on the issues for the past 8 years, this will explain how and why. I never realized the our congressmen and woman do not need to go through any type of security clearance to be on the committees they serve. Which also explains why certain elected officials use their positions to undermine our national security. I found this to be well documented and researched. I think that most of the negative reviews about this film are done by trolls who refuse to acknowledge what the elected officials say in this film with their own mouths. I hope to see more from Trevor Loudon and Judd Saul. This is very entertaining and informative work.

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