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The Daniel Project

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The Daniel Project

The Daniel Project puts ancient predictions under a journalistic microscope and examinates of Biblical prophecies attempts to determine how accurately they've predicted modern events such as terrorism, climate change and armed conflict in the Middle East. If false, the Bible is discredited. If true, there are rough times ahead.

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Release : 2012
Rating : 5
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Genre : Documentary

Cast List



Simply Perfect


Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.


Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.


True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.


Background... As a watcher almost exclusively of films and documentaries, I was intrigued by the write up of this ninety minute expose of biblical prophecy. Although not normally the sort of thing I would watch with much attention (I usually have a book at the ready just in case), I found it engaging enough to watch until the end, take the time to background check some of the featured 'experts' and now to write this review. While I certainly would not fall into the camp of the enthusiastic '10* believers' (As one writer stated, "...I'm biased!"), I equally distance myself from the unhelpful cheap-shot 1* antagonists (who might find watching/reviewing films akin to Zoolander and Hangover to be more in their comfort zone). Leaning toward the agnostic spectrum of the believer / atheist divide, I keep a heavily-guarded open mind when anything challenges my precepts. For the most part, I have left rhetoric and superlatives out of my review and it is hoped readers will find my approach not too dry but a contrast to others.Overview... A list of prophetic claims are put to a self-confessed atheist / presenter to comment on after he is shown a dossier & pre-recorded 'expert' interviews and other filmed evidence to support the claims presented by the documentary makers. Roughly half the claimed prophecies are sited as fulfilled (or currently in the process) with the second half as unfulfilled, included with evidence to support the claim that their fulfilment looks imminent or at least possible in the near future.Review... Generally, this documentary is well made technically and artistically, which is more than I can say for a lot of TV films and docs made these days. I know this may be a moot point if the content has little substance but it does help the viewer subconsciously focus on the content rather than distracting flaws.FOR: The programme is entertainingly presented in bite-sized, coherent segments making it easy to follow. There is even a recap at the end of the prophecy claims covered. Location filming and interviews throughout Israel / Jerusalem help to engage the viewer and support some of the claims. Featured experts have panned out during my cursory background check. At least they are who they say they are, adding weight to their words. I could not find any connections between the experts and the prophetic claims so, it would appear, their recorded testimonies are not directly related to the claims, offering only fact and viewpoint specific to their area of expertise. Whether they are or are not sympathetic to the programmes purpose is not evident. One particular interviewee, Dr Siam Bhayro – validator of ancient document authenticity, came up in searches as particularly interesting with very impressive credentials and experience. And I just don't normally get impressed by qualifications. The evidence presented at the beginning of the programme regarding the dispersal of the Jews, their vehemently opposed reclamation of Israel against seemingly insurmountable odds and re-institution of language and currency is well documented and generally accepted as fact. As far as I am aware, for a displaced people, its unique culture and language to have survived over this period of time and then reclaim its nationhood is itself unique and remarkable, if not miraculous. AGAINST: The 'arguments against' viewpoint is not present. This may be the most important omission of the programme. Many may feel, as I did, disappointed that the 'atheist' presenter, Jeremy, didn't demonstrate the expected resistance to the claims but, at times, seemed too agreeable to the presented evidence. One might see this as a ploy by the producers to safeguard the claims from real attack by using their own sympathetic presenters. However, there is another, more likely explanation. If this 'voice-over man' turned presenter was inexperienced in this role, he may not have had the confidence or the knowledge to challenge logical and / or authoritative sounding evidence on the spot. We are told he is "not given too much information" so not likely allowed to go home and sleep on it.Some of the presented evidence is too circumstantial in that it requires an additional understanding or disposition to make the intended connection (such as the 'mark of the beast' and the RFID chip). Although the chip was presented as only a possible fulfilment, the viewers' imagination is relied on to achieve the result. Some of the prophecies which dealt with 'increases' such as man-made & natural disasters, wars and the breakdown of society would have benefited from statistics voiced by further 'experts' as their omission is noticeable. CONCLUSION: I enjoyed watching this documentary because it attempted to give explanation and meaning to what we are experiencing in the world TODAY with an unfolding mystery about what might lay in store for us in the near future. The doc does a very admirable job in introducing and explaining a relatively complex subject using a number of examples in a unique and effective manner. Any viewer should keep in mind it takes a lot of cash to create a quality programme now-a-days which explains why the vast majority of film, documentary and television fare is much less than it could be. Time is another challenge to programmes like this and I conservatively estimate that in order to present the 'against-side' another 40 minutes would need to be added to its length. The Daniel Project is an introduction to this subject and makes it crystal clear, in its content, that if you want to see how the claims stack up against scrutiny you must do your OWN investigation. I see this 'one off' more as a pilot for subsequent episodes where claims are tested out or the basis of a gritty thriller / mini-series.


My sister recommended this film to me, and I can truly say it's the best recommendation for a film I have ever received. I can't stop watching the DVD .. It just makes so much sense .. I'm now looking at historic events and can really draw a parallel with current events or 'Modern Studies' with 'Fresh Eyes' and it astonishingly liberating! After a fair amount of research I am now viewing 'The Meaning of Life' from completely different perspective! I ask myself 'Why was I in darkness for so long?' I can understand why many would consider this film controversial, but as they say .. Just because it's controversial does not mean it's not true! Do the research like I did .. you might be amazed at what you will find out.

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Having an interest in History of Antiquity, I found this film really astonishing. I've done a little research on the Dead Sea Scrolls, but this film has boosted my enthusiasm to dig much deeper and wider. I was really captured by the expert in early Jewish Studies in the fact that he reads languages such as the Proto-Sinaitic Scripts Hebrew, Arabic & Ugaritic along with logo-syllabic scripts Sumerian & Akkadian not forgetting the alphabetic Greek! Surely this knowledge is invaluable in deciphering these documents: which in turn led me to a conclusion of authenticity & credence regarding these ancient texts from antiquity. So if you understand how these prophecies were written and then compare them to our present day knowledge of the world that surrounds us, then surely something inside must go 'Chi Ching! You know that really makes sense to me' ... Then you realise that the old and new testament are NOT mythical fairy tales but authentic history books containing a warning to all mankind! Therefore if you are wise enough to understand the semantics it will lead you to the truth! I found the strap-line 'Only The Wise Will Understand and Live' very powerful in encapsulating the importance of the message the Ancient Text's are Proclaiming!


Glad this came onto IMDb. I guess loads of us were waiting to write our reviews at the same time it came on Netflix. Well made and very interesting - but I'm biased! Some really thought provoking interviews with world experts. Loved the head of the Temple Mount guy and the No to ID expert. I can't disagree with what they discussed but more than anything I loved that the Bible expert said we should not just believe it but check it all for ourselves. I liked how the presenter kept saying 'spooky' - because it really was strange. Two or three of these things could be made to happen but most of them needed the previous prediction to happen first. That blew my mind. It is all in order. One thing can't happen without the previous - there's no way mankind could either make it up thousands of years ago - or make it happen. Great fun! By the way, I'm not sure about the weird review from somebody who obviously hasn't watched it though. That's pretty rotten - what's his agenda? I read it cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to make and has been on TV around the world. It certainly had lots of world experts being interviewed...

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