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Dark Rising

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Dark Rising

A weekend camping trip turns into a frantic fight against the supernatural when an ancient demon and a fearsome female warrior bring their eternal battle into the present day. Jason Parks is trying to win back his ex-fiancee, Jasmine, by arranging a camping trip with the lost love in question, his best friend, Ricky, and their witchcraft-obsessed friend, Renee. Little does Jack realize that Jasmine has switched teams--these days she's more interested in seducing Renee than marrying the man she once loved. But lately Renee's been having horrible dreams about Summer Vale, a little girl who vanished without a trace 20 years ago. When Renee attempts to contact Summer's spirit, she inadvertently opens an interdimensional portal and unleashes a vicious demon. Fortunately for the frightened campers, a grown-up, sword-wielding Summer manages to get through the portal as well, and sets out to slay the malevolent hell-spawn.

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Release : 2009
Rating : 4.4
Studio : Black walk Productions, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Costume Design, 
Cast : Landy Cannon Brigitte Kingsley Haley Shannon Peter Nelson William Jason Reso
Genre : Adventure Fantasy Horror Action Comedy

Cast List



One of my all time favorites.


I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.


it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.

Verity Robins

Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.


As a girl, Summer Vale witnesses her father attacked by dark forces. She is taken by those dark forces into a brutal S&M existence. Jason Parks is organizing a trip with brutish friend Ricky. Marlene brings along his ex Jasmine as her lesbian partner. Renee uses her natural skills, a magic book, and a special place to call upon Summer Vale.This is straight up B-movie territory. It's better than most but it's still bad. The dialogue is clunky and cheesy. It's not quite bad enough to be funny. Jason's jokey tones do not work. The lead is a bad actor. Why would Summer's childhood home still exist in pristine condition after 20 years? The demon design is a mess. The acting is mostly B-level. It is curiously watchable but lacks any goodness.


Don't believe the main review here. Obviously that person has only ever seen two movies in their life, and this was the better one.This movie has:Bad Acting (what would you expect from a wrestler?) Bad script Bad production values Poor story Poor musicEverything that can make a movie bad, this movie has. If you see this movie in the bargain bin at your local big box store, I recommend you scream like a little girl and run away to a different store.If you are contemplating committing suicide then go ahead and watch this movie first. It will push you over the edge.


so last night a friend is over and we're at the point where we decide to watch a movie. we are perusing through Showtime On Demand and we stop at this charming little production because she recognizes her favorite wrestler of all time is in it. i had never heard of it. before the movie even started, based on the incredibly cheap looking title sequence, i thought i knew what we were in for. a movie you KNOW is going to be cheesy but maybe so bad its at least a little entertaining, so you give it a try.oh boy, was i wrong.the first and only time i laughed was when the little girl interrupts her bedtime story with "daddy, the female characters are coming off a little superficial". after that, i thought we would be getting ridiculous one liners and lots of red karo syrup but that never happened - or maybe it did, we had enough and shut it off about halfway in. i am really amazed we made it that far.everything takes forever in this movie and most of the first half is all montages. people driving and enjoying a sunroof = five minute montage. mean-spirited clichéd lesbians making out = = ten minute montage (side note - every time they used their tongues it seemed the camera cut away... but they both get topless later, and of course the scene takes forever). the demon attacked us & wants to finish us off = 15 minutes of slow paced decision making. virtually every scene could have been cut in half and the point would still have gotten across. and the soundtrack is as bad as they come.once the "demon" (pretty shoddily-made robotic thing) shows up with the now scantily clad, sword-wielding, demon slaying heroine, she kills it then leaves only to be later found doing some moonlit bathing in a creek. but it was too late for me to leads to a confusing jumbled mess with characters you do not care about. the acting is terrible and even though they were trying to make a campy typical horror-comedy, you will not be scared and you will not laugh, you will only end up getting really annoyed.


If you are looking to watch an action packed blockbuster movie, stop reading and move along. If you are looking for a good old fashioned solid 'B' movie, this is it. It's not on the same level as say Sam Raimi's classic "Army Of Darkness, show casing the chiseled chin and the witty quips of Bruce Campbell.Yet this movie is the best recent attempt to bring back the campiness that 'B' movies used to offer to the world. Unlike lack luster blockbuster movies this movie is not eye candy, it's brain candy, which Roger Corman has proved time and time again that a movie trying to be serious can be seriously funny if it's made the right way.There is no real story in this movie, no real explanation of what happened, where it happened, and why it happened. What there is a great gaggle of eclectic characters. Some typical flashing of skin, and splashing of blood. That is all that matters to this kind of movie.Plus the appearance of Canadian wrestler "Christian Cage" in a role that would make Bruce Campbell throw up a little in his mouth with pride, was a refreshing surprise, along with the double threat talent of brains and beauty in co-star and producer the stunning, and we need to see more of, Brigitte Kingsley.If you want to feed your brain some mush, this is a movie for you.

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