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The Secret of the Telegian

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The Secret of the Telegian

Men are being murdered by a psycho called "The Telegian," who uses a matter-transmitting device to locate his victims.

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Release : 1960
Rating : 6.1
Studio : TOHO, 
Crew : Production Design,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Koji Tsuruta Yumi Shirakawa Seizaburō Kawazu Yoshio Tsuchiya Tadao Nakamaru
Genre : Horror Science Fiction Mystery

Cast List



This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place




It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.


After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.


Nicely atmospheric Japanese Sci-fi Horror by Toho productions which sees a supposedly dead soldier getting revenge by killing off those crooks who left him for dead, by using a teleporting machine to locate and then finally dispose of them on by one. However a police detective and reporter are on the case in trying to stop this indestructible killer. "Secret of the Telegian" has a clever gimmick, striking special effects (mainly involving the life matter transmitter) and an interestingly complex little tale engulfed with mystery and darkness, however while there are some eerie visuals and a creepy villain (just listen to that cackle) who lives in the shadows. It's just not as fun as it could have been. Too bad as it starts off strange, but there are some really slow passages and its script is dry as can be. Even when it came to the action, it's rather streamlined with plenty of foot chases despite the distorted villain being able to teleport, but the best moments occur when it's leading up to the stylistic deaths. There's something ominous about its tension through those scenes and the music beautifully complements it with its haunting cues. The photography is smoothly projected and the art direction (with some obvious back-lot sets) is rich in details. I see some people mention about a black & white version, but try to get your hands on the colour film. Looks great! Yoshio Tsuchiya, Akihiko Hirata and Yumi Shirakawa give solid performances and the direction is tersely layered.


One of Jun Fukuda's first films, this effects-laden affair with special effects sequences done by Eiji Tsuburaya and Teruyoshi Nakano has two versions, a severely chopped up and mangled B&W version and a beautiful Tohoscope version that is rare to find, but I have it. This is quite a suspenseful flick even today. It is about a serial killer who teleports himself to his victims and stabs them to death. One of the better films from director Jun Fukuda, this film combines elements of horror and police drama to create a thriller. The music from Sei Ikeno is enjoyable to listen to- having quite a rustic and unique feel. The overall film feels very dark and creepy, perfect for a non-gory Halloween flick. The effects are very well done, especially the optical effects such as the electricity that envelops Sudo as he hunts down his victims and strikes them.Recommended!


Probably one of the creepiest and scariest sci-fi from Toho. A former, vengeful soldier uses a matter-transmitting device to transport himself to his enemies so he could do away with them. A reporter and the detectives get mixed into the plot and they aim to stop this "Teleport Madman" before he continues his killing spree. This is one of the more dull and dark stories from writer Shinichi Sekizawa, who was known for his more light-hearted and positive screenplays. Jun Fukuda, known for his crime dramas, did well directing. Sei Ikeno's music score was eerie and added suspense to this thriller. With some heart-pounding terror, this movie is not short on believable special effects. Featuring veteran Toho actors Akihiko Hirata, Yoshio Tsuchiya, and Yumi Shirakawa, this movie is a good one to scare away the kids.Grade B

Horror Fan

A creepy film. A soldier teleports himself around with a teleportation device and kills his enemies where ever they try to hide then steals some gold. This realy scared me the first time I saw it when I was 8. I would really like to find a color version of this.

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