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00 Schneider - Im Wendekreis der Eidechse

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00 Schneider - Im Wendekreis der Eidechse

A dangerous gangster called the Lizard escaped from prison. He steals chickens and spits on old ladies. There's only one man who can catch him: the commissioner Roy Schneider!

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Release : 2013
Rating : 5.7
Studio : Senator Film, 
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Helge Schneider Rocko Schamoni Sergej Gleithmann
Genre : Comedy

Cast List



Such a frustrating disappointment


Don't listen to the negative reviews


I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.

Raymond Sierra

The film may be flawed, but its message is not.


As a first hour Schneider viewer for some now blurred reason, i must say, this movie simply says two things: Rocko Schamoni is only good for burning down filthy clubs and creating absurd shaming-nonsense and Helge just doesn't seem care anymore. Thats what even his facial expression tells me. Except for some very few grains of salt that just don't make a supper out of the warm water, the movie is fragmented beyond repair and rather resembles a weak attempt to drop never to be heard again names than even trying to be a real movie. Yes i noticed the alleged criticism that poured out of the script - but it lacked execution. It felt like, okay the people expect jokes, throw them some. And again. And again. Not funny at all. Just plain boring. The main actor clearly is a dog, sympathy-wise. The rest is fore-mentioned very rare grains of salt in lukewarm water with some rancid storytelling-fat and all the time you should have your hands free, so you could facepalm yourself in case Till Schweiger should show up. Which he luckily doesn't, but it wouldn't have surprised me, at all. The absence of Till Schweiger really is the only thing that still separates this movie from the usual German comedy garbage. And i see, nice old cars, you have there, but you perhaps shouldn't blindly hand the direction to your infant kids - no matter how proud you are of them. Maybe, with Mr. Schlingensief the last bits of real class in experimental Filmmaking died and all is now just some tasteless circus of effortlessness. One for the Money. I was searching for some final description, but i was so sick and tired of the movie, please just pick one of the translation results for me, will you please: despondent, discouraged, dejected, fainthearted, spiritless. What a pity, Helge. I am really disappointed.

Can Wanny

I tried my best to find that movie amusing.Went to the movies with my friends (which are serious fans).Even bought snacks and refreshments.Had fun with them before the movie.But had to leave in the middle, it was just a serious struggle - whether to leave a movie theater the first time in my life or get tortured till the end.I never quit a movie with friends and never left the cinema early, I am even watching the Credits.But the only good thing in that movie was a girl beat-boxing.


Of course one cannot be surprised to find out that this latest Helge Schneider flick is trash, that is what Helge does and did brilliantly in the past.I was a fan of him in the early 1990s already when Helge was pretty much a nobody to the German public. Truth is you either like Helge or you hate him, same with his films. I admit that I loved the first 00-Schneider in 1994 and also his "Texas" movie. Although both basically only consist of outtakes and bloopers, both films were actually very funny and quotable.But apparently Helge is not the same Helge anymore - or he does not want to be. "Im Wendekreis" is Helge's latest attempt, scenes once more don't make any sense, offer weird characters and no plot to speak of. But this time it is just not funny. It is a walkout. Sorry Helge, this one is a fail. Stick to CDs or try harder next time. Additional star for the slo-mo fight at the end.

Horst in Translation ([email protected])

Helge Schneider is as popular as ever, at least here in Germany, and he gives his double-zero agent Roy Schneider a sequel after 20 years. The film is packed with his very own perception of comedy and for the most, it's really something you'll either totally love or not see any humor in it at all to the point that you may wonder if the lead actor or his character may even be retarded. It's packed with situation comedy, but not the likes you know from Seinfeld etc. It's all much more surreal. It's a common statement that it's hard to put it into words and you just have to experience it, but it fully applies to this film. The Lizard. Aunt Tyree, my favorite besides Schneider. The little dog Zorro. The musician in the café. The gender roles with women being almost exclusively played by men in drag, or on one occasion even by a man not in drag. And 00 Schneider asks the husband if it's his brother, but he replies it's his wife.I watched Schneider's comedy program two years ago and he's truly among the best out there. Beyond his skills as an entertainer, it also needs to be noted how great of a musician he is. All in all, his approach is still pretty unique after all those years and while his style may easily look stupid if not executed accurately, he's been among the most lauded comedians for a long time. About the film again, I really can't imagine that many scenes where I genuinely laughed, except maybe the ones where he goes undercover as a prostitute and everybody else is men in women's clothing there as well, but it's really the total picture which makes it so outstanding. It's up to you to decide if in a good or bad way. If you're in the mood for a somewhat different comedy, this one is definitely worth checking out. However, I imagine that translating the dialogs accurately into subtitles without losing the humor will be an especially difficult task here.

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