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Colossus and the Headhunters

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Colossus and the Headhunters

Maciste and his people flee their volcano-ravaged island. They end up caught in between two warring tribes.

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Release : 1963
Rating : 2.2
Studio : American International Pictures,  Alta Vista,  RCM Produzione Cinematografica, 
Crew : Production Design,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Kirk Morris Demeter Bitenc Luigi Esposito Nello Pazzafini
Genre : Adventure Action Romance

Cast List



You won't be disappointed!


Wow! Such a good movie.


Memorable, crazy movie

Yvonne Jodi

Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.

Rainey Dawn

Maciste and his people flee their volcano-ravaged island by sea to a new land. The volcano has ruined their island. They end up on another island and find themselves in between two warrior tribes fighting their own battles. Maciste and his people helps them and is offered a place among the one of the tribes.Well I find this one not really any different than most of the Maciste films - it's just different people the character helps and becomes a hero for them.The film is just as bad as most all of the other Maciste / Colossus / Hercules (etc) movies. Only a small handful of them stand out to me and are decent enough for me to enjoy to a degree - this film isn't one of them.1/10


This Maciste installment is consciously goofy, occasionally macabre, and has beautiful landscapes and lowbrow quirkiness. This movie's cheerful goofiness was usual in the Italian Z genre cinema. It boosted not only such Z Peplums, but also westerns, horrors, etc., and if in some movies it's wry, in others it's simply unnerving and shameless. Here, it could of been used for comedy instead of laughable phoniness.The degree of popularity the Maciste series had once pertains to the sociology of taste. It's a fact to be accounted for in sociological terms. Being at once so shamelessly silly and lively ingratiated it to certain audiences, and there are people for whom this suffices, is enough; similarly, some '60s westerns were no revisionist enterprises, but displays of lowbrow goofiness, disheartening to some but cheered by a naturally forgetful crowd, so that they have been sentenced to oblivion or disrepute by the very nature of their ephemeral breakthrough, the kind of grateful audience they had is always absolutely forgetful, yet movies are made for them too.The direction has ease, perhaps by the very shamelessness of the job, which led to dis-inhibition, the script is better than the players, who are appalling. There could of been occasions for chilling weirdness and sensational appeal, like the village of the headhunters and then the ruined castle with the imprisoned king. It seems that terrorism isn't enough, and the headhunters' chief still needs political recognition from the old prisoner.The cast seems cheerful and insouciant. The characters are islanders, the girls wear swimsuits, there are totems and painted fighters whose leader craves for political recognition, and the princess' tent has bright ornaments; the fights look wimpy, despite the few graphic quirks and macabre effects like the impaled heads in the warriors' village and the mummies in the ruined castle, that could of been rescued from the joyful silliness, but have been merely added, piled in '30s fashion. The insouciant goofiness may be epitomized in the ritual dance belonging to the wedding celebration.The landscapes, yet, are beautiful, and worthy of a smarter movie.The acting, if it can be termed that, is crassly bad, though the princess is awesomely cute and even has a sword-fight scene; she has a carefree behavior and an occasional consenting air which are delightful; but the whole cast seems merrily indifferent to the requirements of the script, and this can seem amusing, or disheartening, if one finds self-complacent, placid silliness, offensive.


A hilariously cheesy and shoddy peplum epic, hampered by a low budget which actually makes the cheaply-produced events and perils all the more funny. It starts off brilliantly with an incredible volcano explosion which sees a number of extras crushed by polystyrene masonry. Sure enough our Italian hero Maciste (dressed in a mere loincloth for the entire movie) arrives just in the nick of time on his raft to save the lives of the remaining passengers, a bunch of shifty-looking Italian nobodies who of course are eternally grateful.Soon, the raft people land on another island which looks nice on the outside. You just know it'll hold lurking dangers, don't you? Sure enough, while looking for food, Maciste is shot and left for dead by a pair of hunters. Strangely enough the wound moves from his chest to his shoulder when he revives - I wish I had that ability. Maciste befriends Queen Amoa and a relationship predictably blossoms between the pair. Before long, however, the majority of the Queen's tribe are slaughtered and the Queen herself is kidnapped by those hilariously ineffective headhunters, who jump around and have a town decorated with heads on sticks! It's around this point that a sequence worthy of an Italian Gothic appears, probably the best-made part of the film. Maciste and his friends explore the ruins of an ancient castle, wandering through forgotten stone passageways by torchlight and finding various skeletons and mummies mouldering about. Sure, the scene only lasts for about five minutes, but its good stuff nonetheless, and atmospheric too. Why is it that most pepla must have at least one horror-inspired scene in them?After rescuing an old duffer who has apparently been lurking in the dungeons for decades (strangely his legs still work though), Maciste must battle dozens of vicious headhunters in a well-choreographed fight scene which gets the adrenaline going. Shortly afterwards he amusingly cuts a rope bridge over which the headhunters are crossing, sending them to their doom. Meanwhile the headhunters are beheading their captives left, right, and centre, whilst the traitorous leader gears up to marry Amoa. Luckily, the worst screen dancer in history pops up to prolong things just long enough for Maciste and his friends to attack, in a ferocious battle scene which contains lots of arrow impalements. It's actually rather good. The traitor kidnaps the Queen and briefly flees to the much-fabled Golden City before being attacked and murdered by Maciste, who sails away with the Queen into the sunset.Well, with a plot like that, how could this film fail to entertain? Sure, it's cheesy, but that's the way we like it. Kirk Morris once again essays the role of the famous Italian strongman, flexing his muscles all over and remaining one of my favourite peplum actors. The supporting cast are instantly forgettable, but who notices them when Maciste's around? Forget those who would rather laugh and jeer at this movie than try to understand it, COLOSSUS VS THE HEADHUNTERS (incidentally a ludicrous retitling, seeing as the hero is referred to as Maciste throughout) has some great battle scenes and is a pacey, exciting and fun peplum adventure, one for the fans.


Colossus and the Headhunters finds Maciste leading a bunch of people off an island that's about to do a Krakatoa in the ancient world. Possibly this was the lost Atlantis although the film never says so. They sail huddled together on one really big raft that should never have proved seaworthy that long for so many people, about 25 of them. Kirk Morris manages to get them miles away to a new island.Where they find two feuding tribes, the bad people who are headhunters and the good people who aren't. A good people traitor has allied himself with the headhunters in the hopes of taking over everything. Maciste tries an isolationist policy, but when that doesn't work, you know who he's going to help.That's the movie in a nutshell and other than admiring Kirk Morris's physique there just ain't anything more to it.

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