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The Tiger Blade

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The Tiger Blade

When a highly volatile case confronts the police, a young cop with mystical powers is put on the case. He and his team-mate must hunt down and capture the brutal and deadly Five Bullet Bandit.

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Release : 2005
Rating : 4.4
Studio : Mono Film, 
Crew : Production Design,  Cinematography, 
Cast : Pongpat Wachirabunjong Chalad Na Songkhla Aanan Boonnak Ampha Phoosit Sueangsuda Lawanprasert
Genre : Fantasy Action Comedy Science Fiction

Cast List



Best movie of this year hands down!


In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.


There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.

Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one


Thinking of "Ong Bak" and "Born to fight",I expected "Tiger Blade to be the same! Well,it isn't! It could have been just like them because of the action! But the action scenes were not that special! The scenes had some beautiful effects,but the martial arts were below average! Surprisingly the plot was interesting enough with a lot of humor. This movie would have been better if the martial arts were as good as in "Ong Bak". Although it is obvious it is a low budget production,everything looks great! "Tiger Blade" has these small sequences which do spark your interest,but sadly there are not enough of them to give the movie an edge. Most memorable scene I have to mention is the scene where the main character returns home and finds seven women waiting for him. They start to make dinner and dance with the prospect of more,then the sister spoils the fun! It does show promise but for now I have to say that this title is not worth your time!


The Tiger Blade starts with a great kick off and manage to hold that throughout the entire movie. The story might not be that clear but actually it doesn't matter. You just go with the flow and accept the holes in the story which are filled in with great action scenes. It's Thai and of course you're thinking about Ong-bak but The Tiger Blade does use wire work and probably stunt men but it does't mean the action would be less. The direction is good and it shows that the greatest attention went to the action aspect. Would that bother? The story of Ong-bak isn't also that great. Just forget the story, tolerate the acting performances and you're settled for a good action ride. It deserves your attention when you loved Ong-bak and the Russian Night Watch because it's a perfect combination of those two.


OK maybe the special effects and the storyline are not that great, but as a cool action flick, the tiger blade rocks. The duration of the movie is 110 min and it contains almost 80 minutes of non-stop action. The movie has only begun or the action explodes on the screen. You have bullet-ballets, go-cart-chases, kick-ass-fighting and always with a funny undertone. I recently watched Born to Fight and Tom-Yum-Goong, and OK the action sequences are better made, but in total, both movies we're rather disappointing. Both these movies we're made with much bigger budgets, but The Tiger Blade is more enjoyable and a second viewing will not be a problem. I'd actually want to see it again.


Seua khaap daap (aka - The Tiger Blade) is a fast paced martial arts and gun fight action film set in modern day Bangkok. Yosthana ("Yos") is a smart young "Special Agent" who uses technology, a magic sword, guns and a healthy dose of martial arts skill to vanquish dozens of bad-guys, some of whom are protected by magic. Along with a team of sometimes comical special agents they chase and fight the henchmen of notorious rebel Commander "Kao Yod". Plot holes and twists are plentiful but the well scripted action scenes and high (for Thailand) production values make the film enjoyable. Don't expect as slick a film as a modern Hong Kong production and you won't be disappointed. Think more like along the lines of an early 90's Jackie Chan or Chow Yun-Fat action movie and you'll be thoroughly delighted.*Note - The version I saw contained some sort of fuzzy pixelization censorship of a) cigarettes when in someone's mouth but not in their hands, and b) guns when pointed directly at someone in the same frame. Bloody scenes of bullets striking heads and chests, a body exploding, and faces being punched were not!?!?! …go figure.Finally, this film contains no nudity but it is filled with violence, a bit of sex and a sexual assault. I don't have kids but I would think this warrants PG-13 treatment.

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