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The Judas Project

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The Judas Project

How would you react if Christ had re-appeared on earth today? Would man kind repeat their mistakes or accept? This movie is about a modernized 2nd coming of Christ. Instead of facing Romans there are different obstacles in this modern times that he'd have to face.

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Release : 1993
Rating : 3.6
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Producer, 
Cast : Ramy Zada Richard Herd Gerald Gordon Jeff Corey Nancy Duerr
Genre : Drama Action

Cast List



This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.


Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??

Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

Quiet Muffin

This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.


If you forget about the acting, the direction and the low budget the story of Jesus is well toughed in this modern movie and can serve to teach values and the gospel to our youth who desperately need guidance. In my province which is Quebec the rate of suicide of 14-25 year old kids is astronomical.As a born again Christian I was intrigued when I saw the video cassette in my video store and instead of judging before seeing I rented it and listened to it. I thought that the actor who played Richard Cuningham was good as well as the one who played Jackson. The other actors simply played their roles and nothing more. Mr. Obanion was not totally convincing but the message did go through and I was touched. The hardest scene for me to see was the crucification and it reminded me of what Jesus had to go through for my sins.I simply hope that parents will have there kids listen to the message and values of the movie and that there will be less kids by their own in our streets lost and searching in the wrong places (alchool, drugs, unprotected sex and so on).Pete


So I was flipping channels and stumbled across TBN today. I saw a teaser for this movie and thought the stated premise actually sounded fairly intriguing. What if Jesus hadn't come to Earth to be born as a human being until, oh, say, 1990? Let's ignore for the moment the unifying influence the Christian Church had on Western culture, as well as the probability that without the Church (and its detractors), the United States probably wouldn't exist at all. (Hello, Puritans, anyone?) We don't do a lot of history-delving in this movie, nor should it be required. I grabbed some potato chips and sat back, careful to keep my spirits high and my expectations low.Am I glad I did. I had a hard time for the first fifteen minutes or so telling Jesse (Jesus) from Jude (Judas). Seriously. I was also getting a really weird (and very unintentional) Brokeback Mountain vibe off of these two. Especially when the cheesy 1980s love songs to Jesse started. Yes, yes, I know they were supposed to be allegorical to gospel music. The whole "I love you, Jesse, I miss you so" theme to the funeral number still made me go "Hmmmm".The story was actually fairly interesting right up to the climactic scene. When Jesse dies, so does the movie. With a resounding splat. It limps along for another fifteen, twenty minutes or so, falls to its knees (like Pete in Jesse's funeral procession), and then finally gasps its last, sides heaving, and goes face-down in the dirt.Watch if you're bored, or for a giggle.


well where should one begin with this pile of crap? oh how about the fact that is sucks. OK Christian's people aren't making fun of your religion when we make fun of movies like this and those god awful cloud ten movies we are making fun of how crappy the movies are. so the judas project first the best thing about the movie is the cover. i picked this beast up for 5.50 at wal mart and the reason i bought was because of this Jesus look alike wearing jeans and 4 apache attack helicopters ready to kill him. i thought awesome a Jesus action movie but it wasn't i didn't bother to read the back.when i did realize that it was a modern version of the Jesus story i was still glad that i bought it. first i swear jesse and his followers never help anyone 90% of the time they are the screen they are either at the beach or camping. jesse does like one major miracle and then a lot of lesser ones like the cheese, pretty cute. there are enough people bashing the same stuff in this movie so here are some my favorite parts. i love how jesse always says "you" really loud and forceful. he does this about a million times too many. the other funny part is the 30 pieces of silver song that song went on for about 20 minutes too long. my favorite thing in the movie is the acting ability of peter. it is kinda of a good thing he was only in one movie cause i don't think people or the world could handle him. should you see it, heck yeah but not for a Christian message go read the bible or see better movies about Jesus than crap. if Jesus where an action star one of his sequels would be hunting down the b***ards that did this movie, amen!


Although most of the story was a bit judgmental in some aspects. the special effects were superb plus the crusifixion scene was intense and very dramatic. although i didn't particularly liked the badge that one of the bad guys was wearing.

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