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In the wake of his daughter's disappearance, a father wallowing in grief feeds his desire to find her with unusual methods.

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Release : 2005
Rating : 7.4
Studio : Clap Filmes, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Director, 
Cast : Nuno Lopes Beatriz Batarda Miguel Guilherme Ana Bustorff Laura Soveral
Genre : Drama Romance

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Simply Perfect


a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.


The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

Mathilde the Guild

Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

Pedrovski Cosatovski

After several suggestions, I decided to see a contemporary Portuguese movie. My first! How can I resume the movie? A guy films the route he made in the day he's daughter was kidnapped and collects the tapes, to see them. Between this, he's with his wife, two friends and in the theater (he's an actor). I'm wrong, this isn't a resume. This IS the movie.The highest moment is the following dialog, between the guy and his wife. Keep in mind that the dramatic intensity is the SAME from the beginning to the end:. "Wife (W): How do they make these potatoes all the same? Guy (G): Huh? Sorry. W: The potatoes. How do they make them all the same? G: I do not know. With a machine? W: OK, with a machine. But where are the smaller parts? G: I do not know ... I do not know ... W: Today, Alice is four years. Did you know? ...(few seconds of silence)... W: I wish I had a house full of people... ...(a few more seconds of silence)... W: They are all the same... They use a machine, do not you think? "And this is the last film I'll see contemporary Portuguese in my life.

Ron Chow

First of all the version of 'Alice' that I watched was a DVD copy shown on a big screen, in a local film festival. The color was pale and breached. The film may as well be in B/W as far as I was concerned. I suspect the original 35mm version carries much better visual quality and would have enhanced my liking for film quite a bit.I have not seen many Portuguese films in the past and regard this to be one of the well-directed and well-acted films from Europe. As a parent, I can relate to the agony and motivation of the parents portrayed in 'Alice'. My still-single friend, on the other hand, also watched the film but did not find the story engaging. But I do.The ending was well done, although I wish it was done with a more positive note. But, as in real life, not all endeavors result in a happy ending so I really don't have a problem with that.Overall, I find it to be a solid film for serious film-goers. Parental experience would heighten the viewing experience, I believe.


Following the comments that have been posted up until now I also think this movie could be a little bit shorter or faster paced. Besides that... Everything suits and fits the style that was intended. I'm not familiarized with the work of Manoel de Oliveira but I sure loved the consistency and emotional tension delivered by this fair example of good Portuguese movie production. Loved the cinematography and casting as well as the soundtrack which is nothing less than minimalist and straight to the point.A sad story told in a "sad" way. The absence of dialog in some scenes is almost scary due to the tension involved around the baseline of the plot. The two main actors are capable of making us believe they are truly feeling broken inside, lost in their own senses, confused by an harsh reality, truly great work by everyone involved.I'm not gonna write about the plot itself because if you're reading this you probably are already familiarized with it but I can say I was very depressed at the end and that's good in a drama.By the end credits you feel ready to cry under your sheets. What you've just watched and felt is too catastrophic and heartbreaking to belong to reality and the scary thing is that you realized exactly that. There's little fiction about the whole thing...7/10

Jorge TC

I'm not a big fan of Portuguese movies but this was a step in the right direction for Portuguese cinema. It was shot with great detail and mastery, showing an image with a quality comparable to any Hollywood movie. However the photography was above the average of any typical Hollywood movie for it showed such special care which resulted in an involving touching experience. The soundtrack was very good too and very adequate. It was simple and effective helping to create an environment of deep sadness and anxiety. The plot is very simple and you can figure it out in the first 5 minutes, however this movie isn't about the story, it's about feelings and it is in that sense that I think it deserves, at least, 7 out of 10. The feelings of sadness, anxiety, hope and love are the main theme of this movie, and they are passed on to the viewer in such a sublime way that at the end of the movie you feel you ... (you'll just have to see it) What I tell you is that it's impossible to feel indifferent with this movie.Only reason I didn't give it a better rate is very personal, I just don't like depressing movies...and this movies does push the same button a little too much.

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