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A violent martial artist is bent on avenging his older brother, who was killed by a cabal of four wicked businessmen and a cheating wife.

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Release : 1970
Rating : 7
Studio : Shaw Brothers, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : David Chiang Da-Wei Ti Lung Wang Ping Ku Feng Yang Chi-Ching
Genre : Drama Action

Cast List



If you don't like this, we can't be friends.


Good concept, poorly executed.


Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.


if compares SB's martial arts films with the Japanese samurai films, the SB's films and all the other similar genre films produced by other HK movies companies were nothing but child's play and big laugh. everything was shot indoor with artificial lighting, all the actors got so many shadows in 360 degrees on the ground. the screenplays usually were ridiculous, no specific time frame or historical supporting facts. actors wore funny costumes, modern hairdos, funny make-up. all the fighting scenes were played out like ballet, just looked so phony and at the same time, so childish. acting were non-exist since everybody was just acting. the ridiculous screenplays screwed up every possibility that could make a memorable film. there's no art value whatsoever in them, just laughable child this film, the brother who seek revenge for his brother was a willowy young actor, wearing oiled modern hairdo and most ridiculous of all, wore custom tailored white suit, while all the other goofballs wore some traditional clothes, all the bad guys never wore their shirts buttoned up. the performances of all the actors in this film were so poor and so unreal further ruined by horrible dialog. the fighting scenes were all looked so heavily staged.there was nothing worth recommendable in this film, just shameful and disgust feelings. horrible yet at the same time, very laughable.


I can understand younger brother's distress at the loss of older brother by way of murder, but it was almost impossible to keep track of all the bodies that piled up on the way towards killing the parties responsible.So many goons biting the dust, their only crime choosing the wrong guy for whom to be a goon. Is there a Goon's Widows & Orphans Society? I hope there is.This is not to say I disliked the movie, far from it. It is very dark, certainly not something to see on a down day. I had a pretty good idea how things would end, given that every David Chiang movie I've watched recently his characters croak, but they take a LOT of killing from a lot of bad guys before they actually die.Blood flows, spurts, seeps through clothing, furniture is broken, bad guys get zorched [& they don't always see it coming -- are they ever surprised!], guys crash through railings--it's all there.

Joseph P. Ulibas

Vengeance (1970) is a hardcore action film starring David Chiang and Lung Ti. Lung appears in the first act of the film. He's a Peking Opera performer who's sick and tired of all of the corruption going on in town. He confronts the local crime boss but get's nowhere. The boss goes out and has his goon murder Lung. Days later, his crazy brother (David Chiang) comes into town. All he wants to do is find out who killed his brother. Whenever he's unsatisfied with the answers the locals give him or if they question him back, he just breaks limbs or kills them on the spot. Feed up with the non-compliance with the gangsters, David decides to crush them with his superb fighting skills.Pimped out in a white suit, David storms the bosses hide out and slaughters his way until he meets the boss. Being a boss for so long, he shows David why and delivers some blood letting punishment. After giving him all he could handle, the boss gloats over David's propped up body. This gives ample time for David to give the dumb boss a first hand demonstration of his "quart of blood" technique. With his last bit of energy, David dies in dramatic fashion in front of a local girl who was falling him. Now his brother can rest....and so can he!!An awesome action film that was heavily copied in John Woo's THE KILLER. Man, he sure loved to copy a lot of great scenes from the Shaw Brothers movies he worked on. If you loved blood soaked action with loads of dead bodies and bone crunching action, then you don't want to miss Vengeance! Make sure you watch the restored Celestial Pictures version. Not only is it in the original language but it's in beautiful Shawscope!Highly recommended.

Brian Camp

VENGEANCE (aka KUNG FU VENGEANCE, 1970) was one of the earliest collaborative efforts of director Chang Cheh and his star team of David Chiang and Ti Lung. It is more of a traditional gangster film than a kung fu film and offers a dark, atmospheric feel closer to Hollywood film noir than to similarly themed Hong Kong crime films. The film is, in fact, a loose remake of John Boorman's crime thriller POINT BLANK (1967), itself an adaptation of Richard Stark's novel, 'The Hunter.'In 1920s-era Peking, Chinese Opera performer Ti Lung confronts his boss (Ku Feng) over the boss's attentions to his straying wife and takes on a room full of hatchet-wielding henchmen before dying a bloody death after a valiant fight. As Ti's brother, David Chiang, who shares no scenes with his frequent co-star (other than a brief flashback), comes to town seeking revenge and eventually fights it out with all the crime bosses and their minions, culminating in a big fight in which David helps one gang beat another only to have the winning gang turn on him. Although the film is generally slow-moving, it has a number of compelling scenes and expert use of cramped interiors in well-designed period settings.The film has little in the way of actual kung fu, with more of an emphasis on knife fighting, slashing and judo flips in its three major fight scenes than on hand-to-hand Chinese boxing, yet it is clearly a lead-in to subsequent gangster-style kung fu films by Chang Cheh such as DUEL OF THE IRON FIST, which also starred David Chiang and Ti Lung, and BOXER FROM SHANTUNG, which starred Chen Kuan Tai, who appears in a bit part in VENGEANCE.

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