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Watch Samouraïs For Free


An ageless Demon Warrior is magically impregnated into the womb of a Parisian Kung-Fu Master's girlfriend. But what is the Demon's relationship with a new-release blockbuster fighting game?

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Release : 2002
Rating : 3.4
Studio : CP Medien, 
Crew : Production Design,  Set Decoration, 
Cast : Cyril Mourali Maï Anh Le Yasuaki Kurata Saïd Serrari Santi Sudaros
Genre : Action Science Fiction

Cast List



Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

Nayan Gough

A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

Lidia Draper

Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.


It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,


The film is certainly not the best movie out there, yet I'm still giving it a 10/10 merely because it brings my love of both Japanese and french culture together, quite successfully in my opinion. The plot is a bit jumpy, with quite a deus ex machina being used to resolve the plot rather hastily, while at the same time tying up any loose ends. The film has a slightness of originality about it, as it takes Japanese bushido culture, everyday french city life, a good deal of martial arts in the form of thai kick boxing and presumably karate and a computer game and blends it into a good triumphing over evil plot. The fight scenes are well choreographed mixing different elements of fighting styles, including kitana and shuriken. An interesting note is that the film makes use of both Japanese and french for dialogue, creating a an adept change of pace and mood. Given the chance I would watch the movie again, however i am unlikely to find the movie again, unless it is repeated on TV.


Having just finished watching this movie, I must say it was nowhere near as bad as most of the reviews would have had me believe. I suppose the most misleading thing about this movie is the title – it really has very little to do with Samurais at all. Basically, Samouraïs is mix of martial arts, supernatural action, cop story and techno thriller. I'll be the first to admit, the story is far from perfect, being very simplistic, and outrageously silly in a few places. Nevertheless, I did enjoy it. Anyway, let me break it down into pros and cons: Pros – great fight scenes (for the most part); some truly fantastic visual effects and CGI; great "video game" sequences; and some clever (if bizarre) story elements.Cons – the Nadir character is a truly stupid and annoying "bumbling sidekick", on a par with Jar Jar Binks; the fight scenes and violence were strangely sanitized in many ways, much more so than I would expect given the genre and subject matter; every attempt at humor and/or comic relief fails miserably (extremely unfunny and insultingly stupid); and as had been pointed out, the plot is very simplistic, and very implausible in many areas.All in all, Samouraïs is worth a watch if you are a fan of martial arts action and/or supernatural action movies, but please don't see it with expectations of epic cinema or brilliant acting. Also, if you are looking for a "Samurai" genre movie, this certainly is not it. All that aside, an entertaining and easy to watch B-grader.


My video store has been getting in an increasing amount of these types of movies in. What I mean by "these types" of movies: Movies that you just can't resist picking up of the shelf as you laugh to yourself about how stupid you KNOW it would be, and then you put it back on the shelf never to ever rent it. BUT, last night we rented one of these movies, and it happened to be Samouraïs. This movie had every bit of stupid plot, lame characters, and cheesy action you could ask for. However, I will say this, the fight choreography was actually decent, and some of the f/x were ok too. But as a whole, this movie bites bigtime. So, if you are like me, and you sometimes just have to rent a lamer like this to get a laugh, rent Samouraïs. 3/10


In a nut shell, this movie is bad.I wish I could say something good about the movie because Yasuaki Kurata is in it, but I cannot. He plays the role of a Tokyo Police Captain who is also a Samuri. I actually felt sorry for him that he needed the money so bad that he played a role in this movie. I had to force myself to watch it since I paid the $3.50 to rent it.I should probably go over the points that I feel as bad, but I would make myself relive this debacle called Samouraïs. Its hard enough just writing this! Just skip this and use your 90 minutes to tell your parents you love them.

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