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The Sky Has Fallen

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The Sky Has Fallen

Within a couple of hours, a new disease wipes out almost all of mankind. Trying to avoid infection, people flee to remote locations, but they start seeing mysterious black figures, carrying away the dead and experimenting on them. Now, Lance and Rachel, two survivors determined to fight back, must kill the leader of these creatures before the rest of humanity disappears

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Release : 2009
Rating : 5.4
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Associate Producer, 
Cast :
Genre : Drama Horror Action

Cast List



I love this movie so much




Don't listen to the negative reviews


Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.

Mark Ritsen

I'll be honest. I didn't think this would be good *at all* especially after reading some reviews on here but boy was I wrong. The effects are amazing and the zombies are downright disturbing. I can see how the acting would annoy some but you always get a lot of flashbacks to keep it interesting and those black figures... creepy stuff.Looks like there are multiple versions out there, which must be why some people are trashing it. I saw the so-called "Ultimate Cut" and it was pretty gnarly. This one tall creature has a belt of human heads and you get to see him add more to his collection. That's awesome.Bottom line: if you like horror, you'll like this.

Anthony Robu

People need to realize what starter indie films are all about before jumping over the line and discrediting certain diamond in the rough gems. Watched the movie last night, it loaded and played just fine. Image quality wasn't bad either, little choppy in a couple spots. The storyline, dialogue, music score were all done very well for such low budget. The special FX were pretty good and well needed in this day and age of CGI overkill. I think it could have really benefited from a stunt coordinator for the sword fighting scenes, they seemed very repetitive especially with the cam cutaway with every slashing move. Again a low budget downfall. The main actor guy,(Carey MacLaren) was pretty terrible. His acting and the way he timed his lines kind of did a lot of hurt. Sometimes he ran his lines together too fast, and sometimes it was too drawn out. The emotion he tried to show didn't come through naturally and seemed very forced, making it look like just overall terrible acting. The supporting lady wasn't bad at all. She kinda carried the main guy along acting wise. I think with a better lead actor this movie would have had a much greater impact (not to mention someone that looked like it wasn't the first time they had ever picked up a sword, though they had "been practicing since they were a little kid") would have helped the overall flow and emotional feel to the entire story. All in all a good flick, by far not the worst low budget I've seen. Nice camera work, so glad to finally see an apocalypse with out the stupid shaky handy cam feel!!! Too much of that nowadays. The flash away during every sword and gun scene seemed to take away a little from the flow of the fight. I'm sure that had a lot to do with budget and not being able to show the direct slice or gun impact shot all in one screen frame. For what its worth I liked it, would love to see it re-done with a decent budget to get deeper into it! Best of luck in the dog-eat-dog film industry!!


This is not a great film, but it is very entertaining. It's a first effort from a new indie film maker and as such, is far from perfect. Having said that, I have to say that I was very impressed with the acting of the two principals. Both were very good at what must have been difficult roles for them, and neither are greatly experienced actors. I also liked that the story was not fully explained. A plague, zombies, horrible deaths, something weird happening and that's about all the explanation you get. You never really know what's going on or why these two, and a few others, were immune to whatever it is. A first film, or novel, or short story, is always more of a learning experience than a fully realized endeavor. I know that well from my own writing and my own music as well. This is an excellent first film, and I'm sure that the filmmakers will take what they learned from this, and both positive and negative reviews, and the next film will be even better. For what it is, I do recommend this film. It has heart and it does drag you into the action.


This is not a 6.3 This wouldn't even get a 3. Apart from the fact that i was bored to death within the first 10 minutes, the characters did not appeal one little bit.She was bland and he was so self absorbed in philosophical BS coupled with ridiculous "black creatures" i nearly wanted to vomit.Suffice to say this is not a movie i will be returning to watch anytime in the near future.Even if it was the last DVD on the planet, i would use it as a coffee coaster instead.The 6.3 and the two other reviews, i believe, have been made by people either directly involved in this film or people who have no taste in films.I can't believe i was fooled into thinking this might be an OK film.I now know why there isn't a trailer for this on IMDb.If there was people would be warned before viewing it.I'm so angry with myself now.Bugger it, i was going to give this a 3 but in a fit of anger i'm giving it a 1.

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