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Project: Shadowchaser

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Project: Shadowchaser

Set in the future, a group of terrorists with an android leader storm a hospital when the President's daughter is inside, taking her hostage. To find a way of freeing her, the police decide to consult the architect who designed the building, but he's currently in jail for some crime, and the punishment of the future is to be frozen solid for one's sentence. The cops accidentally thaw out the wrong guy, a football player who decides to keep the mistake a secret and help the police in exchange for his freedom. Will he be able to defeat the terrorists and rescue the hostages, despite not knowing the first thing about architecture?

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Release : 1992
Rating : 4.5
Studio : EGM Film International,  North American Releasing, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Location Scout, 
Cast : Martin Kove Meg Foster Frank Zagarino Joss Ackland Paul Koslo
Genre : Action Thriller Science Fiction

Cast List



I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible


This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

Sameer Callahan

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

Mandeep Tyson

The acting in this movie is really good.


A rogue android called Romulus and his team of terrorists enter a hospital and gather hostages including the President's daughter. To combat this a man the FBI think is the architect of the hospital is taken out of a penal deep freeze and sent into the situation. By an error the man Desilva is not the architect but an ex-football player who had killed a man in self defence. Sent in with a team Desilva finds himself alone after the rest of the team are killed. Will our reluctant hero save the day? Well, yes of course. Although an amalgam of several films it moves along quickly and mainly entertains.The cast makes the film better than it really is. Martin Kove is likable as Desilva and Frank Zagarino suitably solid and stern as the android with the bleached hair. Even better are Meg Foster as the president's daughter Sarah and Joss Ackland as Kinderman the creator of the android. He livens up the movie when he finally appears. There are the usual shootings, explosions and fighting staged adequately so not a waste of time but not a classic. Other Shadowchaser films followed, This is the best of a mediocre bunch.


This movie is so much fun. A straight-to-video action movie that borrows plot elements from other films but adds charms all its own. You can criticize the script for not being terribly original but it's filled with memorable lines delivered with gusto by a good cast. The plot is brilliant so prepare yourself. A group of terrorists, headed by a Lundgrenesque android named Romulus, take over a hospital. Among the hostages is the daughter of the President (played by 44 year-old Meg Foster). The FBI is helpless to do anything so they decide to unfreeze the architect of the building. You see, the architect committed a crime and in this world criminals are cryogenically frozen. Well, somehow they goof up and unfreeze the wrong guy. Instead of the architect they get former pro-football player Martin Kove! He plays along so he doesn't have to be frozen again. Basically, the rest of the film is Kove "yippee-ki-yay"-ing his way through the hospital to rescue the hostages and inevitably fight the android. Look, I think we all know this isn't The English Patient. It's not even Die Hard. But for fans of popcorn action movies, this is a real treat. It's a movie full of quotable dialogue, fun clichés, and mindless action. It's a damn good time if you can relax and enjoy movies that aren't meant to be art.


In the near future, a top secret project named Shadowchaser is started to develop a robotic killing machine, named Romulus after the mythical founder of Rome. What the scientists forgot when they activate the robot was that it had no sense of loyalty and it killed them and escaped. A little later a terrorist group storms a city hospital and holds the upper floors hostage. One of these hostages includes the President's daughter. The FBI come in but realise that they need some help so they bring the architect, Dickson, out of deep freeze to help them storm the building. The only problem is that they defrost the wrong person, namely a football player name DeSilva.This movie is a good action packed movie in the same style as Die Hard. The difference is that Die Hard was full of huge explosions while this movie is just one huge machine gun fight through a hospital. Don't expect much character development in this movie, but I don't think there is anything wrong with running machine gun fights. This movie never made the cinemas in Australia (and it looks like it is a straight to video release in the states), but that doesn't mean that the movie is bad. I quite enjoyed this movie, though the acting is bad in parts and the actors are unknown (not that there is anything wrong with that). This movie is not even mentioned in the Microsoft Cinemania 97, but I think it is a little gem.The ideas in the movie are seen elsewhere but they seem to emphasise the point rather than to be a blatant cliché. The prison of the future being a deep freeze is seen in Demolition Man but the movie looks more at its merits rather than attacking it as Demolition Man does. The only comment that DeSilva makes is "when you are facing years in deep freeze and somebody releases you and asks you if you are such and such, what are you going to do, say 'sorry, you have the wrong guy, I'll just go back into deep freeze." He really does have a point there. He is looking out for number one, and honestly, I don't know anybody who would not do the same. He has been given a chance of redemption and he takes it.The human desire for power coming back at them is another idea that comes out. Like Aliens and Terminator II, and other movies, Project Shadowchaser has humanity creating a devastating weapon only to have it turn on them. When it does they are absolutely helpless. Romulus shows us what we are really like inside and can be seen as a caricature of humanity. He was created and turned on his creators. Same with us. God created us and we turned on him, and like Romulus, our Creator is not too happy about this. Romulus says that he wants freedom, and we claim the same thing, but what is freedom and does it really exist? Romulus is a logical robot who probably does not understand what freedom really is, and even if he escapes his creators, who would have provided for him, he is still a slave to his logic, just as well are slaves to our sin.Redemption also comes through this movie. DeSilva has committed a crime and is sentenced for this crime, but he sees a chance of redemption and seizes it. Not only does he seize his redemption, but he makes friends with the president's daughter and by saving her he is pardoned by the president. This is so much like God. He has given us an opportunity for redemption and he sacrificed his son for us, and we have the opportunity of befriending him as DeSilva befriends the President's daughter. Like her, Jesus will intercede on our behalf.I like this movie. It is full of action and all you action freaks will probably like it as well. The villain is tough and comes out as a mixture of Die Hard and Terminator and I think it comes out quite well.


If you watch Project: Shadowchaser, you have to keep in mind that it was shot on less than a million dollars. Remember that, and you could enjoy it. At times the script is unbelievably bad, although there are a couple of good lines. Although it was a complete rip-off of Die Hard with some tones of The Terminator built in, and a plot with more holes than a sponge, Project: Shadowchaser delivered some good, brainless entertainment.The music was great, the best in a movie with this small of a budget for quite awhile, and the direction was fast and peppy, but one action sequence (POSSIBLE SPOILER: Romulus chasing Sarah and DeSilva) was awful.+ (GOOD THINGS) 1.) The music 2.) The ability to make it look big-budget 3.) The direction 4.) The special effects 5.) Frank Zagarino's performance(BAD THINGS) 1.) The script 2.) The plot line (Have we seen this before?) 3.) The believability TOTAL: 5/10

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