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The Glamorous Life of Sachiko Hanai

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The Glamorous Life of Sachiko Hanai

Sachiko Hanai is a call girl. One day she is caught up in a gunfight and is shot in the forehead. Instead of killing her, the bullet in her head gives her psychic powers. She also accidentally comes into possession of a cylinder containing George W. Bush's finger, whose fingerprint is designed to launch a nuclear missile, and international spies are soon chasing her.

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Release : 2003
Rating : 5.8
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Yukijiro Hotaru Takeshi Itō Kyoko Hayami
Genre : Fantasy Drama Comedy

Cast List



Simply Perfect


Fresh and Exciting


Beautiful, moving film.

Portia Hilton

Blistering performances.


I found this movie to be surprisingly enjoyable. Its a pinku film due to the nudity and sex scenes but even with her clothes on the actress was quite good. The movie seems to be a farcical lark on those thriller "there is a WMD on the loose" scenarios. The humour (intended or not, Im not sure) was pretty good. Some of the sequences makes no sense but again I don't think this movie is meant to be taken seriously. I think when watching the movie you have to understand that it is essentially a B movie and not compare to it big budget thrillers (or even low budget art-house movies). With that in mind you will actually find the movie quite enjoyable.


Exploring other genres is fun. I have never heard of Japanese "Pink" before. Of course, I never heard of nunsploitation either, but I am having fun exploring that.The premise of this film is just too weird. A prostitute gets shot in the head and, instead of dying, becomes a genius. She's also carrying George Bush's finger. How strange can a movie get? Now, you just have to imagine soft-core porn while discussing Nietzsche and Kirkegaard, et. al. Of course, it is the discussion of the neocons that make it interesting, the the "Bush Technique" that will have you in stitches.Netflixers will certainly want to explore this film. How often does your porn come with philosophical or political messages? The only thing that spoils this otherwise Tromaesque offering is the gratuitous rape scene.


...and I have seen a lot of crazy stuff! First of all excuse my English please.Since I'm from Germany it might sound a little bit strange to you :DThere were several points in the movie where I thought: MAN! That was way over the top..Just TOO crazy(so that it gets annoying for a very short time).But thats what you get in other movies as well, I just realized that while watching "Monty Pythons: Life Of Brian" yesterday. Which I love though! And no(!), I'm not trying to compare this movie with the Pythons :) Whatever, I laughed so hard watching this movie.Its just a silly,crazy,weird kind of humor and i loved it.I guess most of the people won't but my friends and I laughed until our stomachs hurt. Especially at the end, the "story" is getting so crazy,that you have to laugh about the fact that the writers of this masterpiece must have obviously been on LSD or something like that. AND, believe it or not, even watching Japanese people having sex is SO extremely funny in this movie... Overall a great comedy which i had to give 9/10 for the parts which where TOO crazy,and for that,kind of annoying...I think its pretty underrated in here, which might be, because not so many people have seen this movie.For those of you who are at least a little bit open minded, have fun watching this movie!


When I walked out of the theatre, someone commented to his friend if there was any deeper meaning to the film which he might have failed to realize. Sorry, I think it's safe to say that Glamorous Life is pure soft porn, disguised as an art house movie. There are plenty of movies like these (think Immortel), which somehow managed to come through unscathed by the censors and given the R21 rating for its release during SIFF here.C'mon, I mean (and I'm not complaining - I enjoy the occasional sexy-sexy shows OK?) right from the beginning you're teased by Sachiko's butt and boobs. She's a call girl for hire, playing to her client's fantasies, like role playing a school teacher. One fine day, she got caught up in a restaurant shootout, and escaped alive with a bullet lodged in the head. She undergoes an unexplainable transformation, in terms of intelligence, gaining an insatiable desire for knowledge, as well as having a supercharged sex drive.Bunking in with the family of a professor she seeked, more sex is assured with the professor and his introverted son. But the weirdness factor got upped through the introduction of George Bush's cloned finger (comes with the Stars-and-Stripes painted on the nail), which has telepathy, and a life of its own. Since it's a finger, there's no prizes guessing correctly what a finger gotta do. The movie becomes a cheap satire on Bush and his pro-war policies, and I'm not too sure if it's for pure cheesiness or a low production budget which led to wire-work not being cleaned up, and cheapo GI-Joe toy figurines substituting the real Joes, and a really tacky looking Bush who creatively uses his fingers over the airwaves.As another subplot, the North Korean gunman who's looking for the finger, and was responsible for the bullet in Sachiko's head, ended up trying to hunt Sachiko down, through tracing her contact via her mobile phone, staking out inside her home (cleaning the home, keeping her red panties, and fantasizing), and through an incredible stroke of luck, got to the home of the professor to get to Sachiko. He provided much of the laughs (though I don't think most was intentional), as the gunfights he had (some which made not much sense) turned out to be rather comical instead.I think I can count up till about at least seven sex scenes, and another equivalent number of masturbation scenes, for the reason that Sachiko doesn't feel a thing why having sex, and only feels the (pleasurable) effects some time after. Sexploitation? You tell me. Works out to be about one sex scene every 7 minutes.It's one of those movies which almost every male character has sex with the female lead, and the female characters having the urge to remove (or forcefully so) their clothing. It's campy, it doesn't make much sense, and most of what you see on screen, is probably just for the sake of being there. You know not to take this movie seriously when the American national anthem accompanies the end credits, sung badly in Japanese, with an after-the-end-credits scene that simply just implodes.If you're feeling horny, then this movie might just be your cup of tea.

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