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Tomie: Forbidden Fruit

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Tomie: Forbidden Fruit

When a lonely high school girl befriends a strange, mysterious and beautiful girl, it is soon becomes clear that the two girls' meeting was not purely accidental.

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Release : 2002
Rating : 5.6
Studio : Daiei Film, 
Crew : Makeup Effects,  Director, 
Cast : Nozomi Ando Aoi Miyazaki Jun Kunimura Tetsu Watanabe
Genre : Horror

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Sorry, this movie sucks


Overrated and overhyped


A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.

Nayan Gough

A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.


The TOMIE series shows no signs of abating with this, the fifth (fifth!) entry in the series in as many years. TOMIE: FORBIDDEN FRUIT throws a distinctly lesbian slant on the by now familiar storyline as it reveals Tomie infiltrating a single-parent family and becoming attached to the high-school loser daughter. What follows is as sedately paced and predictable as the other movies in this series, as it gradually becomes apparent that, try as you might, you just can't get rid of Tomie.Sadly I've found these films a real slog to sit through, purely because they're all so similar. They're marketed as horror movies but they're just plain weird and the scares, if and when they occur, are diluted. Usually, Tomie feels like a victim but in this film she's a malignant spirit determined to destroy a family from the inside. What results is an offbeat love triangle let down by rather disinterested direction and some poor performances from leading cast members, particularly Nozomi Ando whose ham acting makes her the worst Tomie yet. Saying that, at least the storyline is slightly different to previous entries in this series, so there's some interest garnered just from watching to find out what happens.


this is your typical teen movie...there's just nothing great about's not scary either. the hanging body in the beginning didn't scare me at all. it seemed rather pretentious... and very predictable.then nothing happens in a long time. the movie just lags..the nerdy girl isn't particularly interesting.tomie is kinda hot, but she doesn't show her tits in this flick... =D=D=D i guess i've seen worse, but i would skip this one... don't rent it....


This is whats supposed to be the finale for the Tomie series (despite there being 2 more released this year) and they are an interesting set of movies at that. The series is based around Tomie Kawakami, for whatever reason she is unable to die and is able to make men drop to their knees at will. Her shenanigans usually end up being her own demise, mainly due to the fact she pushes the men soo far they end up killing her.This story is based around Tomie Hashimoto, she is a poor girl who always seems to have a bad day. Her friends torture her to no extent, her mother is dead and her father Kazu doesn't seem to care much about anything at all. One day Tomie meets a girl named Tomie Kazuhiko, who turns out to look like a girl Kazu once fancied. Well of course it's the same Tomie and she has came back to claim her first love. Then the fireworks begin, well sort of.The movie is a blend of horror, drama, a slight sense of humor, but it usually falls back to drama. Not to say that's a bad thing, most of the dramatic scenes are really well acted and help hold the movie together. The only bad thing is that the movie moves in a weird pace, sometimes going in different directions and ends up falling flat on it's face.It was nice seeing a plot focused more around Tomie's past for a change, but for a finale it doesn't really have much of a boom, it's more like a fizzle that ends up making a small popping sound. Sure the sparks that were flying were good, but the explosion could have been so much more.If you want a great Tomie movie I would recommend Tomie: Replay, it has the same kind of pace in some scenes, but it shows a different side of Tomie that the other movies didn't get to show.

Mahatma Fabrizi

Different horrific forms swim before the mind's eye: The Xenomorph of galactic space and the Selenite, the hopping lichocamphs of Canton and Manchuria, and further terrors of Mainland China, not the least of which frightening is the abhorrent big headed infant, with it's flesh of neutral hues -- from the triffid plants, whose purpose it would seem was to make a tomb of Earth, to spectral horrors worldwide, which include the multi-headed cyborg mutant reptiles, born out of some Asian Hell, the flesh-eaters (Italy) and the awful hybrid walrus represented in Harrihausen's SINDBAD AND THE EYE OF THE TIGER (N. America), their dismal legions, that rummage freely through the unsightly stomach of human folly like so many maggots at brunch....Tomie, step forth and take thy place amongst these others. Sadako! Disturbed witch! You are but a ghost seeking retribution like so many before you, but Tomie -- foul monster! You metamorphize into some of the most freakish creatures i have ever seen.---------------------------------------------------------------Our story begins when a licentatious, though not unenticing, girl in a sailor girl uniform is killed by her classmates and teacher, who cut her body into over forty pieces and dispose of her. She comes back, however, to take them to hell. Tomie is a demon, taking on many various forms of guise that she might deride and ensnare her victims, like a Venus flytrap - yet she has her part with the Vegitable Kingdom, and yet seems more Mammalian or having attributes of the higher crustacean strains (were that particular branch of thoropoids lacking in exo-skeletons). She, in fact, would be representative of the over half of the US population that believes in astrology and nearly half that believes in creationism.Watching her films (there are at least twelve) brings to mind a more subtle, though no less interesting, phenomenon; The political dialog of any given World Power being dominated as it is by the successful party's mastery of the cinematic narrative. We just cannot help ourselves; we like to be shown that the world is so.But once you start those machinations going, you inherit ALL the baggage of the cinematic narrative, Jud Nelson comes along uninvited with your John Wayne. This has nothing at all to do with conservative values; it is just a result of adopting the movie world as the basis for your beliefs.I can understand this thread of influence and consequence when it applies to nuclear energy: the US makes and deploys a bomb: many, many movies are made showing the evil side. And we end up with a public that has an unnatural fear of all things radioactive.But this thread is more interesting and profound and has stifled stem cell research in the US.

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